Public blogs
View a list of all publicly accessible blogs on
Blog name or URL | Blog description |
---|---| | | | | | | | | | | | A blog supporting the public seminar series and postgraduate course on cross disciplinary perspectives on data and AI in society | | ???? Natalie Foster ???? |
Wang Yaxuan's blog | |
#gurumedia | film, image, art, sound, and beyond |
175 Years of MHSES: Looking forward, looking back | While we celebrate Moray House’s 175th anniversary, we asked our staff what their hopes and expectations were for the future in their field. |
200 Days - One Thesis | notching my journey to the finishline of a thesis and perhaps a pandemic (update: pandemic ended, panic begins, but here goes..) |
???? | Ke's Blog on Education Futures |
??????? ????? / ?????? ?? ???????????? ??? (2022-2023)[???1] | |
??????? ????? / ???????? (????-????)[????] | |
??????? ????? / ???????????? ??? & ???? ???????? (????-????)[????] | |
??????? ????? / ???????????? ??? + ???????????? (????? ??) (????-????)[????] | |
??Xiaowei's Blog | It‘s a sketchbook and my learning diary |
A foray into Delia's world | The ramblings of a bilingual foodie lost in the Learning Technology world |
A Life in the Airwaves | Thoughts about days spent in a digital world. |
A New Page? | Libraries, Austerity and the Shifting Boundaries of Civil Society |
A Viking in the Sun | Harald Hardrada, the Mediterranean, and the Nordic World, between the late Viking Age and the Eve of the Crusades |
About me | Outline of my role |
Abuse in Religious Contexts | A research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council |
Academic Blogging | |
Adam Losekoot / Research Methods and Transferable Skills (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Advanced Autonomy through Human-AI Collaboration | Developing a new design methodology for AI systems based on learning new skills from human instructors at run-time |
Aidie Chumbe / Knowledge Integration and Project Planning: Narrative Futures: Art, Data and Society (2023-24) | |
Alanna McCrum / Drawn From the City (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Alexis Cartwright-Taylor | |
Aliah Iman Khairul Azhar / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
AMBER : Antidepressant Medications: Biology, Exposure & Response | This blog will act as a repository of insights and experiences by the AMBER researchers and our Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP), as we navigate the AMBER project. |
Ambrose Brown, Data, Inequality and Society (2023-24) | Decoding Inequality in the Age of Information |
Amer Maithalouni | AI for Good: Ethics, Insights, Action and Governance |
Amy Lau / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
An Indonesian Nurse\'s Story | This blog is a platform for me to reflect on my nursing career and leadership skills journey as an Indonesian nurse. As a nurse of color, I aim to share my experiences, including the highs and lows that I have encountered along the way, in the hope of inspiring other nurses in Indonesia and beyond. |
Andrew Curtis | |
Andrew's Blog | Andrew's Blog |
Andy Sims Group | Personal blog of the Andy Sims group |
Andy's Blog: The "Edinburgh Model" Course | |
Anil Yesilkaya's Personal Blog | Light Fidelity (LiFi) |
Animation Research Network Scotland | Animation Research Network Scotland has been established to bring together researchers and practitioners working in education and the creative industries. Its purpose is to increase awareness and visibility of the breadth of work in animation and the many related creative industries in Scotland and beyond. |
Anna's blog | BA Fine Art |
Annabel Treshansky's Blog | which I don't go up mountains |
Anthroposphere | Reset . Reverese . Rehabilitate |
Anton Ziolkowski Homepage | Professional Career Information |
Architectural Conservation Masterclasses | |
Art & Learning | School of Art Research Group & Open Courseware |
Art in Translation | |
Artificial Intelligence & Public Service Media | Exploring the challenges AI poses for Public Service Media (PSM) & building a research agenda |
ASTROMOVES: Studying Astrophysicists' Careers and other Cultural Astronomy Topics | ASTROMOVES is funded by the European Union in the form of an Marie Sk?odowska Curie Action Individual Fellowship. This blog shares research findings and discussions about ASTROMOVES, but also captures the other Cultural Astronomy research and activities of PI Jarita Holbrook. The reader may find here information about Astrophysics Culture, African Indigenous Astronomy, and Indigenous Astronomy in general. |
Austin Tate’s Blog | |
Ava Amrolia's Blog | Film and TV 1C: Introduction to a Film Set (2023-2024)[SEM2] |
Basma Ikram / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Beck Dawson / Art Practice 3 | take a peek into my brain, don’t dig too deep or you’ll get muddy |
Beichen Huang / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
Bella Mercer / Interior Design 2B - Change of Use (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Ben Harte | |
Benjamin Cox, Statistics PhD Student | |
Beth Tianxin Xia, Narrative Futures | Narrative Futures: Art, Data and Society: KIPP & Futures Project (2024-25) |
Between the Lines | A blog by a research student making sense of unarticulated wor(l)ds |
Beyond the Brain Conference | Academic Conference at the University of Edinburgh on Reconceptualizing Mental Disorders |
Bingo, Women and Community: Exploring the Lived and Living Experience of Women who play Bingo | Follow my research journey as a PhD candidate exploring the lived and living experience of women playing bingo. |
Blockchain Technology Lab Blog | The latest conversations, stories and opinions of the Blockchain Technology Lab |
Blockchain Technology Lab Blog | The latest conversations, stories and opinions of the Blockchain Technology Lab |
Books & Bots | Imagining education futures where AI is just a feature, not a bug. |
Borui Zhang / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Borui Zhang / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Borui Zhang / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Brandon Lenoir / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2023-2024)[SEM1] | |
Brandon Zietsman / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Bryne Ngwenya - Microbial Geochemistry@ed | Microbial geochemistry research at Edinburgh |
Buddhism Teaching Resources | Teach about Buddhism with a little help from Edinburgh Buddhist Studies |
Building a Case | piecemeal investigations on the built environment |
burning the midnight data | |
Caliphal Finances - The Finances of the Caliphate: Abbasid Fiscal Practice in Islamic Late Antiquity | |
Callan Anderson / Interior Design 2A: Medium spaces project | |
Callan Anderson / Interior Design 2B - Change of Use | |
Calum Hoad | SENSE CDT PhD Student |
Carbon and Climate Change Economics writings | The voices of the students of the Carbon Economics and Climate Change Economics courses, and occasional guests. |
CDT Data Science Blog | Blog by students on the EPSRC funded CDT in Data Science at the University of Edinburgh. |
Ce Luo / Computer-Aided Design (2024-2025)[SEM1] | |
Ce Luo / Interior Design 2A: Medium spaces project (2024-2025)[SEM1] | |
Ce Luo / Interior Design 2B - Change of Use (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
CEID Community @Moray House | Studying and Living at the University of Edinburgh |
Celtic & Scottish Studies Blog | Traditional arts, languages and culture in Scotland |
Centre for Sustainable Forests and Landscapes Blog | |
Chaplaincy Blogs | |
Charalambia Constantinou Futures Project | From deep roots to future visions - Exploring heritage in an ever-evolving world |
Charlie Fraser / Geoscience Outreach Blogs | |
Charlotte Bosseaux / An Edinburgh Model for Online Teaching | |
Charlotte Walshaw | SENSE CDT PhD Student in Remote Sensing of Antarctic Vegetation |
Chasing Sustainability: Tales from South Asia | a collection of films and lesson plans on the multi-faceted impacts and narratives of climate change in South Asia |
Chemistry Director of Teaching Blog | Teaching news and views from School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh |
Chengchen Ma / Education Futures: KIPP & Futures Project (2024-25) | |
Chengyi Xu / Drawn From the City (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Chenyan Wang / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Chenyan Wang / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Child audiology in Scotland | A blog about the NHS Lothian scandal and what happens next |
Childhood and Youth Studies | Contributing to realising children and young people’s human rights through research, teaching, policy and practice in childhood and youth studies |
Christina Samson / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Christina Yang / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2023-2024)[SEM1] | |
Christopher Hall | |
Chukwuebuka Nwobi | My research |
Chuyue Xu / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
CIM22 'Participation' | Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology, 8-10 June 2022 |
Cindy Zhan / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Circuit Diaries | Blend engineering concepts with a creative and fun approach, explaining intricate subjects for universal comprehension. |
Cities and Young People | |
Claudia Colesie | Hi! I am Claudia Colesie, an plant physiologist studying lichens and mosses in Polar Regions. |
Claudia Elijas Parra | Volcanologist | PhD Student at The University of Edinburgh |
Cleo Miki | Reality Hunger: Image and Appetite in Contemporary Fiction | |
Climate Change Adaptation and Cultural Heritage | A space for sharing stories, ideas and updates from research and learning on climate change adaptation |
Closet for the Curious: Old College's Uneven Evolutions | Weile Zou · Guided Research Placement 23-24 |
Collective Reflective Learning for Social Justice in Nepal’s Community-Based Natural Resource Management | |
College of Science and Engineering | News and stories from the College of Science & Engineering |
Colouring books blog | The 'we have great stuff' colouring books are openly licensed resources created by University of Edinburgh students and staff for everyone to enjoy. |
Computational Linguistics and Language Philosophy | Thinking Deeply About Language |
Constellation | The ECA / MA CAT's Spring Curatorial Programme |
Contemporary Art + Anthropology 2024 (ARTX11042) | MA Contemporary Art Theory, School of Art, ECA |
Cop26 at New College | |
COVID-19 Perspectives | Research on COVID-19 from across the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Edinburgh |
Creating Sustainable Internet of Things Futures | |
CREATIVE PULSE | Pheona thinking out load |
Critical Digital Literacies | How to navigate through surveillance for assessment |
Cryptogamiacs | |
D-RES Project | Provision of distributed grid resilience using EVs during extreme weather events |
Dahlia Hellerstein / Film and TV 1C: Introduction to a Film Set (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Dan Sharing Fun Ideas | Digital Times |
Dana’s Blogs | Knowledge Integration and Project Planning: Data and Artificial Intelligence Ethics (2023-24) |
Daria Frunzulica / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2023-2024)[SEM1] | |
Daria Frunzulica / Lighting Design for Spaces (2023-2024)[SEM1] | |
Dark matters | Crime, technology and society by Angus Bancroft |
Data Science & Football | |
Data, Design and the City | |
Data-driven Innovation in MEdicine | Research group based in the Medical School at the University of Edinburgh that focuses on engineering data-driven solutions to improve medicine! |
Dave Reay | Dave Reay, University of Edinburgh |
David McComb on the Physics of Turbulence | Anecdotes, Observations and Provocations |
Deaf Education in the UK | |
Decarbonising the University of Edinburgh | A blog dedicated to making the University of Edinburgh's estates a model campus for the climate transition |
Decolonised Transformations | Confronting the University's Legacies of Slavery and Colonialism |
Deemah Alsadhan / Future Infrastructure, Climate Change and Sustainability: KIPP & Futures Project (2024-25) | |
Delia's CMALT | |
Dennis Nyenze / Data, Inequality and Society: KIPP & Futures Project (2024-25) | |
Depression Detectives | A blog for the radical citizen science project Depression Detectives |
Dermot Rooney / Lighting Design for Spaces (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Devenir une runneuse (encore) | Redécouvrir mon histoire d’amour avec la course à pied .... et essayer d’en parler dans Français |
DiagnosisView | Immediate info on 1,000+ diagnoses |
Dian Wang / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Diana Saab / Art and Design (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Diary of an Educational Sciences Researcher | |
Digital Global Development | The Digital Global Development Cluster will bring together a range of researchers across the University of Edinburgh in 2022/23 to offer answers to the following question: How is digitalization transforming international development in theory and practice? Each researcher will offer their own unique perspective, grounded in their particular work and the ways in which digital technology has been affecting and transforming the field they are working in. Please get in touch with the Cluster director, Andreas Hackl, If you would like to write a post. To find out more about the cluster, please visit: |
DIGITAL ISLAM ACROSS EUROPE | Understanding Muslims’ Participation in Online Islamic Environments |
Digital Learning Applications and Media | All the edtech shenanigans that's fit to print |
Digital Professionalism in Nursing Education | |
Digital Safety, Wellbeing and Citizenship | |
Digital Volunteering Hub | To connect volunteers with virtual opportunities while enabling them to track their involvement effectively. It would also categorize their volunteer experiences, reflecting on the skills they’ve gained and the impact of their contributions. |
Digital Wellbeing Project | |
Ding's blog | Enjoy science, enjoy life |
Disabled Staff Network Teaching, Training and Research | |
Discovering Liveability: Co-producing alternatives to suicide prevention | A blog for the Discovering Liveability research project |
Diverse Collections | A blog showcasing stories of equality and diversity within the University of Edinburgh's Centre for Research Collections |
DNA Nanotech In Action | Katherine Dunn's Research Group at the University of Edinburgh |
docomomoiscul | |
Documenting Jazz Conference 2021 | The Website of the 2021 Documenting Jazz Conference |
Double spaced | Research and the craft of creative writing |
Dr Andrew Bell | Volcanologist and seismologist at the School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh |
Dr Florian Fusseis | Reader in Structural Geology, University of Edinburgh, UK |
Dr Lorna Street | My research |
Dr Matjaz Vidmar | Lecturer in Engineering Management | Developing Open Engineering | Researching Innovation Process, Strategic Management, Systems Design and Futures Literacy |
Dr Stuart Gilfillan | Reader in Geochemistry, University of Edinburgh, UK |
Dr Wei Li\'s Research Group | Materials and processes for green planet and sustainable future |
Dr. Amalia Skilton - Chancellor's Fellow | |
Dr. Mikaël Attal | Professor of Geomorphology @ the School of GeoSciences |
Drawn From the City: Ilakkiya Mohanraj | Semester 1 |
Earlier medieval history | A public site for research on earlier medieval history |
Earth Observation for Development Blog | This is the blog for Gary Watmough and the Geospatial Livelihoods research team at the University of Edinburgh |
ECA Illustration | ECA Illustration website |
ECO LAW Blog | The Blog of the Environmental, Climate and Oceans Law (ECO Law) research group of the School of Law, University of Edinburgh. |
Eco-translation Network | A network of scholars working on translation, ecology and environment |
Economic Sociology at the University of Edinburgh | |
ECRED | Welcome to the ECRED blog! The Edinburgh Centre for Research on the Experience of Dementia (ECRED) aims to create international social research and impact that prioritises the experience of dementia and strengthens global understanding of living with dementia. |
ECRF - Sustainable Wellness | Promoting healthy living and sustainability |
Edinburgh 1841: A Local Musical History | This blog gathers material on the musical histories of Edinburgh in and around the year 1841. It builds on research conducted by first-year undergraduate students at the Reid School of Music as part of their course "Thinking About Music". |
Edinburgh Architecture Research | |
Edinburgh Cancer Informatics | Unofficial webpages for the the Edinburgh Cancer Informatics Programme |
Edinburgh Cast Collection | |
Edinburgh Centre for Global History | News and events updates for the Edinburgh Centre for Global History |
Edinburgh Critical Care Online | |
Edinburgh Decameron: Lockdown Sociology at Work | Recording and commenting in stories, accounts and moments about the pandemic unfolding |
Edinburgh Fashion Design Books | since 2010. |
Edinburgh Forum on Korea | |
Edinburgh Gifford Lectures Blog | Edinburgh Gifford Lectures Blog |
Edinburgh Health Economics | |
Edinburgh Imaging Project | The Edinburgh Imaging Project (EIP) develops novel methods for imaging and monitoring of the Earth's subsurface, using methods from inverse theory, migration, tomography and data science |
Edinburgh Medicine Timeline | Stories and events from Edinburgh Medicine |
Edinburgh Network for Studies in Secrecy | ENSiS at the University of Edinburgh |
Edinburgh Open Research | Publishing regular news and updates on Open Research work from across the University |
Edinburgh Private Law Blog | |
Edinburgh Pro Bono and Clinical Legal Education Blog | |
Edinburgh Race Equality Network | |
Edinburgh Seven | Celebrating the 150th anniversary of seven Edinburgh women who helped change education forever. |
Editorial and publications | A collection of publications, articles and editorial content by Brian Campbell. |
EdMAC - Edinburgh Music Analysis Conference | The SMA annual Music Analysis Conference hosted at the University of Edinburgh, 1-3 July 2024 |
Educational Design and Engagement | Enriching the student learning experience & supporting development of on campus and online courses. |
EEHN | The Edinburgh Environmental Humanities Network presents researchers within the humanities with a forum in which to engage with each other’s work, to share insights, and develop collaborative partnerships. |
EFI Student Exhibitions | Showcasing Creative Work by Students at the Edinburgh Futures Institute |
EFI Utopia Lab | creating space to dream a future (present) |
Eilidh Anderson / Film and TV 1C: Introduction to a Film Set (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Electronic Legal Deposit | Shaping the library collections of the future |
Elif Yildiz | MScR student in the Center for Language Evolution |
Ella Burns / Knowledge Integration and Project Planning: Narrative Futures: Art, Data and Society (2023-24) | Blogging about my ideas and the development about my Futures Project |
Ellen Catterall / Health, bodies and embodiment (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Ellena Dallas / Edinburgh College of Art (2023-2024) | |
Ellie Priest / Fine Art | online sketchbook |
Ellie Wood | Ecologist and environmental social scientist |
Elton Li / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
Emigration blog | Just another Academic Blogging Service site |
Emiko Sugimura-Komabayashi | High-pressure experimental mineralogist |
Emiley's blog | |
Emilia Porter / An Edinburgh Model for Online Teaching | |
Emily Carrell / Drawn From the City (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Emily Geary / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
Emina Kubat / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Emma Sands | PhD Student, School of Geosciences |
Empower.Ed | Engineering an alternative future by Dr Encarni Medina-Lopez |
Engagement & Impact | |
Enhancing International PG Student Experience at History, Classics & Archaeology | |
Enqi Cao / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2023-2024)[SEM1] | |
ENRE Online Scientific Event Series | Website to support the INFORMS/ENRE Online Scientific Event Series |
Enslaved childhoods in the Roman world | |
Enterprise Architecture | Discussion and news from the Enterprise Architecture (EA) service |
Equity for Pigs | Creating a circular economy that enriches the lives of farm animals |
ESALA Projects | Supporting real world consultancy by collaborating staff and students |
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence | Online Course | Summer 2020 |
Eva Cheng's blog | |
Exploring Romance in Marseille | Investigating the politics of movement in Claude McKay's Romance in Marseille |
Exploring the relationship between lived experience and treatment decisions for adults living with fecal incontinence | |
Fany Yuan / Curating (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Festival of Cultural Heritage Research 2024 | organised by the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Edinburgh |
FILL+ Framework for Interactive Learning in Lectures | A tool for characterising classroom practices |
Fiona Buckland | Thoughts and reflections on some stuff learning technology related and other random things that cross my path. |
Fixing The Future: The Right to Repair and Equal-IoT | UKRI EPSRC funded project |
Florence White / Drawn From the City (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
follow the dot | adventures in higher education & music |
Food Waste in Fruit and Vegetable Supply Chains | How do fruit and vegetable supply chains collaborate to mitigate food waste? |
For Times Like These | The University of Edinburgh Chaplaincy Blog |
Fran Drawns / Drawn From the City (2021-2022)[SEM2] | |
Future Infrastructure, Climate Change and Sustainability | KIPP & Futures Project (2024-25) by Marcella Winata |
Future student online experiences | Sharing the work of the Prospective Student Web Team |
Gabriele Clarissa Hegerl | |
Gaelic Algorithmic Research Group | Rannsachadh digiteach air a' Ghàidhlig ~ Goireasan digiteach airson nan Gàidheal |
Gary Watmough's Personal Website | Research and teaching in geospatial livelihoods and sustainability in the School of Geosciences. |
Gearóid Brennan | Musings of a nurse and early-career academic |
Generation Scotland | Generation Scotland is a volunteer led study. It aims to create more effective treatments, based on gene knowledge for the medical, social and economic benefit of Scotland and its people. |
Geoff Bromiley | Extreme conditions: making planets in the lab |
Geoffrey Boulton OBE FRS FRSE | Regius Professor of Geology Emeritus |
Geological Hydrogen Generation Network | Geological Hydrogen Generation Network |
George Kinnear's Blog | Technology Enhanced Mathematics Education |
Global Compassion Initiative • BLOG | Articles, reviews and news |
Global Health Academy • BLOG | Articles, reviews and news |
Gong Xue Blog | |
Grace Joyram / Stitch: Embroidering our Heritage into Contemporary Practice (2019-2020)[SEM2] | |
Grégoire Canchon | I am a first-year PhD student looking at the implications of Arctic heatwaves on vegetation and the carbon budget. |
Groundswell | Transforming our cities from the ground up |
GSO 2020 | Edinburgh, 8 - 10 June, 2020 |
Guided Research Placement | |
Guided Research Placement 2021/22 | #FindYourSurreal with The National Galleries of Scotland |
Hanyun Xue / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
Harry Davis | Glacial Geophysics PhD Researcher, University of Edinburgh |
Harry Mayston / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
hca | Blogs from the School of History, Classics and Archaeology |
Health IT innovation | Social dimensions of change |
Hebe Ide | Drawn from the City |
High Pressure Chemical Physics | Webpage for the High Pressure Chemical Physics research group within the Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions (CSEC) and the School of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh. |
Higher Education Research Group | Covering all aspects of Higher Education, this blog features contributions from members of the Higher Education Research Group |
History of Art | at the University of Edinburgh |
Holly McIntyre / Interior Design 4B: Design Studio (2024-2025)[YR] | |
Holyrood Campus Learning Technology | for staff at Edinburgh University's Holyrood campus |
Holyrood Campus Learning Technology | A blog about the work of Learning Technologists in the Holyrood campus |
How to meet | Tips for setting up and running twinned conferences & hybrid seminars at any budget |
Huawei-Edinburgh Joint Lab | |
Huayue! | |
Hugh Sinclair | Mountains, rivers, sediment and floods |
Hugh\'s Geophysical Blog | Occasional musings on meteorology and other bits of Earth science |
Humour in the Arts | Dr Emma Sullivan |
Hybrid Pioneers | A cross-institute initiative developed at MHSES and COL to explore perspectives, practice, and innovations in hybrid learning and teaching |
Hybrid Propositions | |
Hybrid Working Programme Blog | Surfacing the front-line experiences of staff as we evolve our best hybrid working practices, sharing our successes and failures, and learning from each other. |
HyStorPor | |
iad4phd | |
IAD4RESEARCHERS | Researcher Development at The University of Edinburgh |
Ian Graham\'s blog. | This is a blog of things loosely related to Ian Graham's teaching and research. |
Ian Main\'s personal web page | |
Ideas, research and musings | Oliver Reed: Exploring an art practice |
IEEE ICE Conference 2023 | Shaping the future | Edinburgh, 19 - 22 June 2023 |
Images of Care | Welcome to the online platform for Images of Care, a University of Edinburgh research project. Images of Care uses creative and engaging methods to explore what care means in later life. |
Imagine HE | Writing about creative survival in higher education |
Improving Justice in Child Contact | Children's participation in child contact decision-making for families affected by domestic violence |
Influence Government | Research into the practices and impacts of government use of online targeted advertising for behavioural change |
Inform.ed | The Careers Service Blog |
Informatics Learning Technology Service | for staff in the School of Informatics, at the University of Edinburgh |
Informatics Student Tips | School of Informatics students give their tips on studying Computer Science and living in Edinburgh |
Information Services Applications Directorate Blog | Services for excellence. Your partner for change. |
Information Services Group: Student Employee Blog | Hear from students about their experience working in the University's Information Services Group |
Insect Robotics Group | Building robots to understand insect behaviour |
Institute for Regeneration and Repair | Stories of science and people from across the Institute for Regeneration and Repair |
Institute of Genetics and Cancer | A blog for our community to write about their interests and to share their stories. |
INTEGRATE | Integrating seasoNal Thermal storagE with multiple enerGy souRces to decArbonise Thermal Energy |
Intercultural Approaches to Student Education | CIF funded pilot project bringing together Moray House School of Education and Sport and School of Medicine, for academic year 2022-2023 |
Intermediality: Literature, Film and the Arts in Dialogue | MSc / PhD Programmes and Research Strand at the University of Edinburgh |
International Women\'s Day | International Women's Day is an important day to celebrate women's social, economic, cultural & political achievements + call for gender equality. |
Irin Lathif / Research Design for Public and Global Health (2022-2023)[FLEX] | |
Iris Luo‘s Blog | welcome?? |
Isabella Inskip / MA FINE ART 4 STUDIO AND RESEARCH (2020-2021)[YR] | |
ISG Playful Engagement | |
It's My Turn | An interactive play performed at the Edinburgh International Science Festival 2019 |
Itamar Kastner | University of Edinburgh | ????? ????? | |
Itandehui - Film Practice | |
ITIL Tattle | Blog posts on ITIL and ITSM news and best practice from the ISG ITIL Team |
Itske Hooftman / Art and Design (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Ivan Pavlosiuk / Films on Film (2024-2025) | |
J.E. Van Clief | Future Governance: KIPP Project (2024-25) |
Jack-Andrew Smith | Seismologist | PhD student, University of Edinburgh |
Jal Manthan | Understanding the world through water. |
James Scott Robinson | Comparing objectives and realities of community forest management in south-eastern Tanzania |
James Slack Test Blog 08/12 | |
Jamie Pearce | |
Jantz Andersson / Knowledge Integration and Project Planning: Future Governance (2023-24) | |
Japanese Studies Gakuen-sai | |
Japanese Studies Gakuen-sai 2024 | |
Jasmine Forbes / Art Practice 4 (2020-2021)[YR] | JASMINES BLOG |
Jason Sumner / Future Governance: KIPP & Futures Project (2024-25) | |
Jennifer Scott | MScR Student in Oceanography and Past Climates |
Jess Gramp | |
Jia Ding / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Jia Ding / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Jia Ding / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Jiahui Li / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Jiahui Li / Contemporary Art + Anthropology (Level 11) (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Jiahui Li / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Jiahui Li / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Jianan Lu / Curating (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Jianhao Lai / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Jiawei Yu / Issues and Concepts in Digital Society (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Jiayen Lai | Forest, People, Justice |
Jiechen Li / Design Studio (Illustration) (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Jill Harvey / Art in Practice 1 (2023-2024)[YR] | |
Jing-Ting Huang / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Jing-Ting Huang / Contemporary Art + Anthropology (Level 11) (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Jing-Ting Huang / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Jing-Ting Huang / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Jingyi Zhong / Curating (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Jiyun Zhang / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
Joel McEwen / Drawn From the City (2020-2021) | Expression is shown through art |
John L. Godlee | |
Jon Jack / Jon Jack - Learn Playground | |
Josie Lancaster / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2024-2025)[SEM1] | |
Josie Lancaster / Interior Design 2B - Change of Use (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Josie Lancaster / Lighting Design for Spaces (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
JUDY's BLOG? | ?WELCOME•???? ? |
Juliet Saunders / Computer-Aided Design (2023-2024)[SEM1] | |
Juliet Saunders / Interior Design 2B - Change of Use (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
July 2022 Blog update test | |
Junya Sun / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Kate Hudson / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Kate Hudson / Contemporary Art + Anthropology (Level 11) (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Kate Hudson / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Kate Hudson / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Katherine Chen / Drawn From the City (2021-2022)[SEM2] | |
Katie Allison / Interior Design 4A: Design Research and Practice (2022-2023)[YR] | |
Katie Allison / Interior Design 4B: Design Studio (2022-2023)[YR] | |
Katriona Edlmann | Professor in Sustainable Energy |
Katy Knapp / Drawn From the City | |
Katy Knapp / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures | 2023 |
Katy Knapp / Space, place and sensory perception | |
Keiko Nomura | |
Kelly\'s 23 Things | Journey through 23 things for digital knowledge among other Learning Technology posts |
Kevin Jeffers / Sustainable Lands and Cities: KIPP & Futures Project (2024-25) | |
Key Words in Digital Sociology | |
Keyi Fan / Drawn From the City (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Klaudia Liu / TPG Studio (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) | Edinburgh College of Art & Citizen's Advice Scotland |
L&F Lab | |
L&F Lab | The Land use and Food systems Lab at the University of Edinburgh |
Laam Kwok / Design Studio (Illustration) (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Landscape & Wellbeing Links | This is a site for relevant or interesting links related to the Landscape & Wellbeing Programme |
LANDteam | The socio-ecology of land use intensification. |
Language Lunch @ Edinburgh | An inter-disciplinary forum for language researchers at the University of Edinburgh |
Laurence Bell / Digital Education: Strategy and Policy | (2021/2022)[SEM1] |
Layiba Ahmed / Lighting Design for Spaces (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
LCFG Network Component Project | Progress reports on the LCFG network component project |
LCFG Project | Recent Activity for the LCFG project |
LCFG Ubuntu Project | Progress reports on the LCFG Ubuntu Project |
Le Li / Relationality, Creative Practice and Education (2022-2023) | |
Leah Wood | |
Leam Howe | SENSE Earth Observation CDT |
Learn Ultra | Blogging our journey to Learn Ultra |
Learning and Teaching Conference 2021 | Curriculum as a site for transformation | 15 - 17 June |
Learning and Teaching Conference 2022 | SHAPING OUR FUTURES | 14 – 16 JUNE |
Learning and Teaching Conference 2023 | Resources from the Learning and Teaching Conference 2023 |
Learning Design in the School of Mathematics | A record of work of the first Learning Designer in the School of Mathematics |
Learning Design Team | Promoting a better student experience through design and technology |
Lejia Su / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Leo Peskett\'s personal website | Research on climate change, water and land use |
Leopold Ramutsamaya\'s Blog | Leopold Ramutsamaya's Blog for personal use |
Liam McLaughlin | Politics, Philosophy and Economics student at the University of Edinburgh |
Library Matters: news from ECA Library | |
Lichen Walk | |
Life at IMES (Islamic | Latest News, Events, Announcements from IMES Staff, Students & Alumni |
Lighting Design for Spaces | Jorriane Lu |
Lighting Design for Spaces | Bethan Evans, s2163573 |
Lily Sharp Sharp / Film and TV 1C: Introduction to a Film Set (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Lin Zhang / Lighting Design for Spaces (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Lines | Design(ing) Stories |
Lingyi Gong / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Linux & Scientific Computing - Physics & Astronomy | Updates and news about Scientific Computing and Linux computational facilities in the School of Physics & Astronomy |
Lisirui Wang / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Lisirui Wang / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Lisirui Wang / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Literacy Lab | Collaborative research, to improve literacy experiences and outcomes across the lifespan |
Literatures and Cultures in the Face of War Conference | October 5, 2023. Co-hosted by the University of Edinburgh and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. |
Lived-in Heritage: Perspectives on European Cultural Landscapes from Architecture Schools | A collaborative project funded by the European Council for the European Heritage Days 2022 between the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Polytechnic University Timi?oara, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, and Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies, The University of Edinburgh |
Living Through Covid | The City Turned Upside Down: An exhibition exploring relationships, regulations and the inversion of social ‘norms’ in the homelessness sector during the Covid19 pandemic |
Lorena Benitez | I'm an ecologist interested in how vegetation, animals, and humans interact across landscapes in southern and eastern Africa. |
Lorna's Demo Blog | Demo blog for Academic Blogging workshop. |
Louise Holway / Lighting Design for Spaces (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Love to Read | Co-designing a programme, with children and teachers, to inspire and sustain a love of reading |
MA Contemporary Art Theory | School of Art, The University of Edinburgh |
Maddie Hargreaves / Film and TV 1C: Introduction to a Film Set (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Magnus Hagdorn | Research Software Engineer |
Mairead Lesley Bermingham, PhD, FHEA | A genetic epidemiologist with a passion for science communication |
Making Scotland an ACE informed nation | Continuing the conversation at the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships |
MAKING SENSE | An exploration of the senses by Bethan Jones |
Man Yuan | |
Manifesto for Teaching Online | from Digital Education at the University of Edinburgh |
Mark Lunt | Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of GeoSciences |
Mark Naylor’s Blog | I want to know how the Earth works... |
Marketing for Usher PGT degrees | A test space for marketing activities |
Martin Sweatman\'s research | Statistical mechanics in chemical engineering |
Mary Indelicato / Product Design | |
Masood Ur Rehman | |
Maternal and Child Health and Wellbeing Network (MoTHer) | |
Mathew Williams | My research and teaching |
Media Hopper | Articles and ramblings on Media Hopper Create & Media Hopper Replay, as well as DIY Film School and Apple Podcasts |
Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference 2020 | The website of the Edinburgh Medieval and Renaissance Music conference. |
Meiko Matsuo / Knowledge Integration and Project Planning: Education Futures (2023-24) | |
Meiko Matsuo / Relationality, Creative Practice and Education (2023-24) | |
Meiko Matsuo / Work Futures (2023-24) | |
Melissa Highton | Assistant Principal and Director of Learning, Teaching and Web |
Melissa Highton | |
Mengyi Hu / Guided Research Placement (2023-2024)[YR] | |
MERRILL | Mineral Micromagnetics for the Earth Science Community |
mfindlay playground 6 | |
Michael Gallagher / Jon Jack - Learn Playground | |
Michael Renfrew | SENSE CDT PhD Student |
Miguel Espinosa | PhD Student | SENSE CDT |
Miombo matters | Notes and queries about land system science, with a bias towards the southern African woodlands. This is the blog for Casey Ryan and the LANDteam research group at the University of Edinburgh |
Mirella Blum | |
Mirium Alzeera | Global Health Challenges | |
Misty Li / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Misty Li / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Mixed heritage and Suicide in Scotland | Emily Yue PhD Suicide Research |
Mobility, Mood & Place | |
Modelling the physics and biology of Antarctic polynyas | Do plankton blooms respond to melting ice shelves? How will sea ice cover around West Antarctica change in the future? Can primary productivity around Antarctica be included as a feedback in climate models? |
Monica Oliver-Diaz / Health, bodies and embodiment (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Morag Fotheringham Phd student | Cryosphere & Earth Observation, Department of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh |
Morello / Edinburgh | Digital Security by Design Technology Platform Prototype |
Mouna Ben Salem / Research Design for Public and Global Health (2021-2022)[FLEX] | |
MSc in Digital Education Programme Blog | Test |
Murray Collins | |
Museum of Digital Teaching Practices | Museum of Digital Teaching Practices |
Music & Emotional Wellbeing Study | |
Musical Pathways | A student-led careers initiative funded by IAD Student Partnership Agreement small project grant |
My Emerging Leaders Leadership Scholarship blog | Thanks to the Florence Nightingale Foundation for this wonderful opportunity! |
My Experience, My Voice | Understanding the effect of conducting participatory trauma-focused research, with care-experienced young people and the adults working with them |
My Experience, My Voice | This website is developed to provide more information about the 'My Experience, My Voice' project. It provides participant information along with the ways to contact the research team. |
My Values, My Mental Health! | |
mylesthoughts | A journey through my working life and related thoughts |
Mysteries of the Deep Earth: Expedition to Australia’s Underwater Volcanoes | Expedition on Australia’s research vessel, the R/V Investigator, to study two parallel chains of extinct underwater volcanoes in the Coral and Tasman Seas |
Nadia Nur Amalina / Future Governance: KIPP & Futures Project (2024-25) | |
Nadia Saboba / Film and TV 1C: Introduction to a Film Set (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Nafisa Bushra / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2021-2022)[SEM1] | The Impact of Mental Health Conditions in Ethiopia: An Interlinkage Between Food Insecurity and Women’s Mental Distress |
Natasha Kawalek / Drawn From the City (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Nationalist 'Cyborgs' in China | Reflecting on Internet-Mediated Chinese National Identity |
NDS Embroidered Archives@Edinburgh | The beautiful embroidered archives held in The University of Edinburgh collections underpin all research activities. Lead researcher Lindy Richardson utilises these historic archives in community outreach work to widen access to the collections. |
neilturn | Nephrology, medical education, whatever |
NESSIE - NIHR Evidence Synthesis Scotland InitiativE | Producing high quality evidence syntheses relevant to health care, public health and social care. |
New Architectures: World Heritage | |
New College Magazine | The New College Magazine full of news to keep you up-to-date. Catch up on alumni, staff and students' achievements. Enjoy interviews and articles |
New to New College | A Modern Apprentice's Journey |
neweducation | New Education |
newscience | science |
Newton Fund Research Links Workshop | |
Nick Daniels // blog | |
Nick Homer | SENSE CDT PhD Student |
Nicola Crowe | A Research Blog |
NILA - Native Indigenous Languages of the Americas | A Linguistics and English Language Reading Group at School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences |
Nilotic@Edinburgh | The West Nilotic language laboratory at the University of Edinburgh |
Ningyue Zhang / Curating (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Nishel Turpin / Critical Issues in Digital Education (2024/2025)[SEM2] | |
NLP Apprentice | I believe that Natural Language is the core to human intelligence. I want to explore this field, and here my journey begins! |
North British Probability Seminar | |
Nozomi Nishiura / Curating (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Nuanxin Zhang / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Nuanxin Zhang / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Numbuko | An early learning technology app committed to developing young children's love of (and confidence in) maths. |
Nursing Blog | Stories about Nursing at Edinburgh straight from our staff and students |
Olivia Smith / Art Practice 4 (2021-2022)[YR] | |
Olubukola Dosumu / Critical Issues in Digital Education (2023/2024)[SEM2] | |
One Health | Updates on research, policy and teaching activities exploring the complex relationships between human, animal and planetary health. |
One Health and Conservation Medicine | A blog about staff and student work connected with the MSc One Health and MVetSci Conservation Medicine programmes at the University of Edinburgh |
Online Courses | |
Online Energy Modelling Seminars | |
Online Learning | The now and next of global digital education |
Onyebuchi Enechukwu / Knowledge Integration and Project Planning: Data, Inequality and Society (2023-24) | |
Open e-Textbooks for Access to Music Education | This is the blog of the Open e-Textbooks for Access to Music Education project. This project is a collaboration between the Reid School of Music and Education, Design and Engagement, and is generously funded by a Student Experience Grant. |
Open Research in the Classroom | |
Opening Hours - FOR IT SUPPORT: PLEASE CONTACT 0131 6515151 OR EMAIL: | qdigital-opening-hours |
Optical communications | |
Outcomes measurement in cancer | Methods for the measurement of outcomes in cancer patients |
Outdoor Environmental Education Research Blog | A compilation of research from students and staff in Outdoor Environmental Education at Moray House School of Education and Sport. |
Pamela Docherty's blog | |
Paper Trail | Uh-Oh, Better Get Reflecting! |
Parachute study | |
Parenting After Divorce or Separation Study | Research to understand family life and children’s experiences of shared parenting |
Parthav Easwar / Sustainable Lands and Cities: KIPP & Futures Project (2024-25) | |
Peiru Peng / Relationality, Creative Practice and Education (2022-2023) | |
Peiying Gu / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Personal webpage | Yair Augusto Gutiérrez Fosado |
Peter's Brass Blog | Official blog for my Ph.D. research on the historical archaeology and sociology of brass instruments in Europe and the MENA from the medieval to present day, featuring progress reports on the project and discussions of related topics in brass and other historical instruments |
PGCon: Edinburgh Postgraduate Conference | A Free Training and Networking Event for Early Career Academics and Researchers |
PhD Marathon | Sharing tips on increased productivity and navigating the early days of a PhD |
Philipp Barthelme | PhD Student in School of Geosciences |
Phillip Bruner, UW Professor of Practice in Sustainable Finance | Case studies and practical learning to accelerate sustainable solutions to climate change |
Physics Education: A Female Gaze | Women's underrepresentation in physics and what education has to do with it |
Piccolo3 spectral systems | Mac Arthur A.(1,2), Hagdorn, M.(1), Taylor R.(3), and Robinson I. (4). (1) GeoSciences, U. of Edinburgh, (2) LEO/IPL U. of Valencia, (3) Physics, U. of Edinburgh, (4) Rutherford Appleton Laboratories |
Pilot Digitisation of Austrian Parish Books | Information on School of Economics project digitising historical church records |
PlayFair Steps | |
Playground - Mark Findlay | |
Policing the Lockdown | A blog of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research |
POLYisotopologues of GReenhouse gases: Analysis and Modelling | |
Postdigital Learning Spaces: Towards convivial, equitable and sustainable spaces for learning | Book project site |
Postgraduate Life | News and views from the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine's postgraduate community |
PREdiCCting IBD Outcomes | Updates on my PhD research: predicting disease flare and disease progression in Crohn's disease & ulcerative colitis using data from the PREdiCCt study. |
Probability and Stochastic Analysis Group | University of Edinburgh |
Professor Robert Bingham | Personal Chair of Glaciology & Geophysics |
Psycholinguistics Coffee | Informal Meeting to Discuss Psycholinguistic Research |
Psycholinguistics Coffee | Informal Meeting to Discuss Psycholinguistic Research |
QDigital Help Kiosk | A test area for the future of QDigital User help |
Race and Inclusivity in Global Education Network (RIGEN) Blog | The RIGEN blogs are intended to raise issues relating to promoting race equality, inclusivity, and anti-racism within education. |
Rachel Howarth | |
Rachel Utley | PhD Researcher in Carbon Capture and Storage |
Rachel Wood - Research | Personal research page |
RAD Lab | |
Re-thinking Cultural Heritage and Climate Change Adaptation | A free course exploring cultural heritage as a lens to critically question conventional approaches on adaptation |
Recycling a Hospital | remembering the past as we approach the future |
Regan Leonard / Film and TV 1C: Introduction to a Film Set | Regan Leonard's digital journal recording her experiences and work on a film set in semester 2! |
Reimagining Platforms | October 31, 2022 | University of Edinburgh |
Reimagining Waste Landscapes | |
Remediating Stevenson: | Decolonising Robert Louis Stevenson's Pacific Fiction through Graphic Adaptation, Arts Education and Community Engagement |
Renaissance Goo | A historian of the body and a soft matter scientist experiment with Renaissance personal care recipes |
Repair and Repurposing for Pandemic Resilience | |
Replication: Crisis or Opportunity? | A BA/Leverhulme project |
Research at EdChem Blog | This student written blog covers the cutting edge research conducted within the Joseph Black and Christina Miller Buildings that house the School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh. The blog posts are written with the general public in mind so everyone can learn about what we do! |
Research Bow | |
Research Cafe | Research Café offers an informal space to share research, innovative ideas, methods and concepts for the enhancement of knowledge and enrichment of the academy and the society in which it serves. |
Research Notes on EdTech for Educational Equity | This blog is a visible thinking instrument to share my reflections. |
Research on Childhood Trauma and Psychotic Experiences | |
Research Outreach Project Practice | Understanding the effect of conducting participatory trauma-focused research, with care-experienced young people and adults working with them |
Researching 'mixedness and suicide/ality' | Resources for researching suicide by ethnicity |
Resilience of Traditional Structures in Madagascar to Cyclones in a Changing Climate (RC3) | |
RespiRisk: The UK Respiratory Risk Prediction Community | RespiRisk is a hub for updates and collaboration requests from the UK Respiratory Risk Prediction Community. The page is managed by Edinburgh's Dr. Holly Tibble. |
Rethinking Enlightenment: the Reception of John Locke in Germany | This is the website for the research project 'Rethinking Enlightenment', which is funded jointly by the AHRC and the DFG. It will include information about events, participants, and outcomes related to the project. |
Reuben's Blog | |
Reviving the Trinity | This collaborative, interdisciplinary project looks again at the Trinity Altarpiece by Hugo van der Goes, Trinity Collegiate Church, and Trinity Hospital as emblems of Scotland’s inventive and ambitious cultural milieu, and its active, outward looking engagement with Europe and beyond. The network will re-examine the Trinity, and establish its cultural relevance today. Taking innovative approaches to materialities, geographies, and the wider artistic, intellectual, and cultural networks that connect them during the reigns of James II, III and IV, and the regency of Queen Mary of Guelders, it seeks to identify contemporary networks and reassess the significance of knowledge exchange. |
Rina\'s Research Library | A collection of works and scholarship relating to Children's Literature, Animal Studies, Ecocriticsm, and Folklore |
Ring-Theoretic Aspects of Lie Theory | University of Edinburgh, 14th - 15th July 2025 |
Robust Artificial Intelligence for Neurorobotics | Bayes Centre and School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh (26 - 28 August 2019) |
Robust Artificial Intelligence for Neurorobotics | Bayes Centre (5th floor) and School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh (26 – 28 August 2019) |
Rona Bisset / Art and Design (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Rosie Shackell / Art and Design (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Roy Thompson | |
Rui Shu / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Rui Shu / Contemporary Art + Anthropology (Level 11) (2021-2022)[SEM2] | |
Rui Shu / Curating (2021-2022)[SEM2] | |
Ruiyi Zhan / Design Studio (Illustration) (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Rules for disordered systems | Cip Pruteanu's Group Activities & Interests |
Run Wang / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction | |
Ruth Doherty | |
Sally Dolphin's Blog | |
Sam Harrison | PDRA in spatial analyses of the carbon cycle in the dry tropics |
Sandbox for CAT 2021 | Sandbox |
Saqib Safdar / Digital Education: Strategy and Policy (2021/2022)[SEM1] | Tweet @ssafdar314 |
Sarah Percival / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
School of Divinity: Equality and Diversity | News and events supporting and promoting equality, diversity and respect at the School of Divinity, New College, University of Edinburgh |
School of Engineering Blog | A blog for students, staff, alumni and friends of the School of Engineering. |
School of GeoSciences IT - Remote Desktop | |
School of GeoSciences Student Blog | |
School of Health in Social Science | Join us on Wednesday the 29th of May for the SHiSS PGR research festival |
School of Informatics People and Culture | Information about People and Culture activities and resources in the School of Informatics |
School of Mathematics | Blog for the School of Mathematics community |
SCOPE | Stories and views from the College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine |
ScotSMART | The Scottish Student Mental Health Research Network |
Scottish Centre for Conservation Studies | |
SCPHRP | Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research & Policy |
SECO: Resolving the current and future carbon dynamics of the dry tropics | |
Second World War Network (Scotland) | Funded by The Royal Society of Edinburgh 2021-2023 |
Seeking Transparency in AI | From Black Boxes to Radical Possibilities |
Semantics and Pragmatics | A reading group at Linguistics and English Language - PPLS - University of Edinburgh |
SENSE Earth Observation CDT | Satellite Data in Environmental Science – Centre for Doctoral Training |
Sex, gender identity and academic freedom | |
Shane Ahearne - Education Futures | KIPP & Futures Project (2024-25) |
SHANHAI | Group 8 |
Shared Learning Spaces | Moray House School of Education and Sport - University of Edinburgh |
Sharka Ondrouchova | Geoscience Outreach and Engagement (2021-22) |
Shasha Mao / Lighting Design for Spaces (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Shi Qian Pan / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2021-2022)[SEM1] 2 | |
Simeng Huang Huang / Curating (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Simon Tett | |
Slma Omar Bahuwayrith Bahuwayrith / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2023-2024)[SEM1] | |
SmartSense | Torø Graven's blog on and for the senses |
Social Responsibility and Sustainability | The Seed |
Social Responsibility and Sustainability at Easter Bush | A blog sharing reflections and stories from Easter Bush about our Social Responsibility and Sustainability efforts on campus |
Social work at The University of Edinburgh | Updates & reflections from Social work |
Solomon White | PhD Student in School of Engineering |
Sonic Conditions of Detention | Further information on the impact of sound and music in places of detention, and on the use of music and sound in torture and ill-treatment, from the research and knowledge exchange project Environmental Conditions of Detention |
Sophie Butcher | PhD Researcher in Volcanic Seismology |
South College Street Past Present Future | |
Space, Place, Sound and Memory | Discussion and description of the ongoing research carried out by the Space, Place, Sound and Memory team |
Space: weather or not | Concerning the quest to predict space weather more accurately |
Sport Matters | ___ACADEMY OF SPORT BLOG___ |
SPS Web, Systems and Learning Technology Blog | |
Staff Pride Network | The Staff Pride Network is an inclusive network that serves as a resource for the rich diversity of LGBT+ employees across the institution, including PhD students who prefer to attend staff events. We strive to take an intersectional approach to providing a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for all people who self identify as part of LGBT+ communities, whether or not they are 'out' in the wider world, and to make LGBT+ issues more visible within the University environment. Different organisations use different acronyms to refer to specific groups, and terminology is always evolving. Our definition of LGBT+ includes, among others, those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, gender fluid, intersex, non-binary, asexual, pansexual and polyamorous. It also includes all those individuals and communities whose sexuality or gender identity is a matter of shared personal, political and/or social experience, as well as those who are LGBT+ allies. |
STAY-SAFE | Exploring risk and SafeTy with leArning disabilitY clients in forensic Services: an evAluation oF Talking Mats a visual, Electronic, communications tool |
STEAM Gardens Research Project | A Regional Skills-funded Pilot Project exploring the impact of learning about food growing in school gardens |
STEPforGGR | STEPforGGR is a novel large-scale greenhouse gas removal project using solar up-draft tower with photocatalysis. |
Stories from Vet School | Find out what our undergraduate veterinary medicine students have to say about living and studying in Edinburgh. |
Student Stories | Blogs and vlogs from students of the University of Edinburgh |
Students at SPS | SPS student voices and experiences |
Study Hub Blog | The Study Hub Blog is the home for study skills resources and support with student life for all taught students at the University of Edinburgh, from first year Undergraduates to taught Postgraduates. |
Suicide Cultures: Reimagining Suicide Research | A blog about the Suicide Cultures research project |
Supporting course and programme design | |
Surgical and Interventional Robotics Group | |
Susanna-Struzziero | |
Suzannah Finlayson / Computer-Aided Design (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Suzy Shepherd / Narrative Futures | Project planning, course reflections, and thought development while studying Narrative Futures: Art, Data & Society at the University of Edinburgh, 2023-25. |
Tatiana Najia / Interior Design 2B - Change of Use (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
Teacher Education: professional learning and leadership | |
Teacherbot | A Twitterbot Pilot Service (2016-17) |
Teaching and Research Interests | |
Teaching Matters | Promoting, discussing and celebrating teaching at The University of Edinburgh |
Tell us about your parenthood experience and win an iPad mini! | My Baby and I Research Project |
Tender Is The Day, The Demons Go Away (I work in Procurement) | Procurement through the retina and iris of a free spirited Procurement Professional.... |
Terms and Conditions | |
Test Again | |
Testing and Trust in Scotland\'s COVID-19 Response | |
Testing creation1 | muy blog creation test1 |
The British Empire, Scotland, and Indian Famines: Writings on Food Crisis in Colonial India | A Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Network |
The CO-HEART Study | The CO-Produced Hypertension Adult Intervention Study |
The Critical Turkey | Essay Writing Hacks for the Social Sciences |
The Design Den | |
The discourse and practices of quality in higher education | Comparative analyses of day-to-day quality enhancement practices in higher education. |
The Edinburgh Legal History Blog | |
The Enlightened Blog | Sharing voices and opinions from University of Edinburgh alumni |
The Film Dispatch | A magazine dedicated to cinema, television and the moving image |
The future of our university | an interdisciplinary experiment in cooperative learning |
The future of universities without EdTech? | |
The Global Contemporary Research Group | |
The Gradara Model Gaming Project | Creating a playable diorama of the fortified town of Gradara for 28mm-wargaming, role-playing gaming, or any other kind of gaming |
The impact of big Tobacco on people's health and premature deaths in Indonesia | Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2022-2023)[SEM1] |
The Irish Astrobiologist | Stewart Gault |
The Lady with the Balloon Hat | Vagaries and Fancies around "Opening Romanticism: Reimagining Romantic Drama for New Audiences" (Grant agreement ID: 892230) |
The Language Education Research Blog | Exchanging and sharing ideas |
The Last English Catholic Church in the World | England v Europe in the 1580s |
The LGBTQ+ Youth Mental Health Network | |
The Lothian Diary Project | Stories from the COVID-19 Lockdowns |
The Mason Institute Blog | |
The Pandemic, Dementia and the Arts Project | |
The Platform Social | PhD-run research network exploring the social and sociotechnical dimensions of platform economies. |
The Play Cafe Project | Early childhood, Play and Public life |
The Rain Within The Rainbow | Improving understandings of LGBTQ+ suicide and suicide prevention in the UK. |
The Windowless Room | Welcome to my PhD blog. My name is Alexander Triccas, I am a second year PhD student studying Chemistry at the University of Edinburgh. I study mechanisms of biologically controlled crystallization in a species of marine algae called coccolithophores. |
The witterings and musings of a learning technologist | By Karen Howie (Head of Digital Learning Applications and Media in Information Services) |
Their Finest Hour | |
Thermal ENergy Demand in the URban Environment (T-ENDURE) Project and Research Network | T-ENDURE |
Thinking Biology | simply discovery the biology beyond humans |
Thinking the Future of Money in the Humanities | |
Third Culture Kids Research | This blog documents Third Culture Kids Research |
This is a Blogs Setup Example | |
This is a Test Blog | |
Thoughts on machine | |
Tianai Zhang / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Tianai Zhang / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Tianai Zhang / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Tianxing Peng / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Tianxing Peng / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Tianyi Chen / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
Tim Arnold | Reader |
Tim Colles | Yada Yada Yada |
Timescales of Life and Mind Conference | Interdisciplinary Conference on Timescales as a Methodological Approach to Predictive Processing and the Free Energy Principle |
Tom Webster / Education Futures Project Blog | |
Tom Webster / Work Futures (2023-24) | |
Tom Zheng / Art and Design (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Tongbo Dong | Artist Tongbo Dong's space |
Toolkit for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching | |
Towards Large-scale Cultural Analytics in the Arts and Humanities | An AHRC funded project, exploring how to make use of large-scale cultural events data for research |
TRAIN@Ed fellows | |
transaction | Transaction |
Transitioning Into The ANthropocene (TITAN) | Learning about the climate system from data of the 19th and early 20th century. |
Translating informed consent in Scottish maternity services | An RSE-funded project |
Transnational Sowa Rigpa between Europe and South Asia | PhD Research Project in Social Anthropology, 2021-2025 |
Trinity Gulland / Computing in the Classroom (2023-2024)[YR] | |
UK Cancer Costs Questionnaire | Information site for the UK Cancer Costs Questionnaire |
UK-SK network workshop | Materials for the UK-SK network workshop |
UKABS Conference 2021 | hosted by Edinburgh Buddhist Studies |
UKCCIIS IOC Research Centre Conference | Join the UK Collaborating Centre on Injury and Illness Prevention in Sport (UKCCIIS) for our first International Conference on 8th and 9th July 2024 in Edinburgh. |
UKPE Cross-border Learning and Innovation Collaborative | Making space for interdisciplinary research, dialogue, and collaboration in Physical Education and Health and Wellbeing |
Una Europa TRT3: Social Capital, Mutuality and Volunteering | Platform for Una Europa's Transnational Research Team 3 in Cultural Heritage |
unano Webinars | Talking about bionanotechnology |
Undergraduate Film & TV | Film and TV at ECA |
Understanding Dementia Diagnosis During COVID | Welcome to the online platform for the ESRC-funded research project that aims to understand experiences of giving and receiving a dementia diagnosis during COVID-19. |
University of Edinburgh Academics for Academic Freedom | |
University of Edinburgh Analysis Group | |
University of Edinburgh Christmas Charity Craft Fair | Wellcome to the virtual portfolio of student, staff and alumni creations - perfect gifts for some seasonal cheer in support of good causes. |
University of Edinburgh Residence Life | The Official Residence Life Blog |
University of Edinburgh School of Mathematics PhD students | Information for PhD Students at the School of Mathematics |
University Property Test | |
UoE Digital Safety and Citizenship Blog | Managed by the University of Edinburgh Digital Safety Support Officer, this blog offers insights into online safety, digital citizenship and e-professionalism. |
Use/Less | A virtual pinboard of use[ful/less] information |
Useful information for studying Japanese language | Information on Japanese language self-study resources as well as summer programmes (fee-paying) in Japan |
V. Chumbe Design Studio | Interior Design 4B: Design Studio - 2023-2024 |
Values and Mental Health! | |
Violette Chumbe | Lighting Design for Spaces (2022-2023) |
Virtual Philosophy Psychology and Informatics Group | The Perplexities of Thinking | VPPIG Summer 2020 |
Virtual Reality based Mindfulness application to improve pain management (VRinMind) | |
Wajd Beshara / Issues and Concepts in Digital Society (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Weaving the Miscarriage Web of Care | Together for Change: Towards e-Health Tool for Supporting Miscarriage |
Website and Communications Blog | |
Welcome to the 3rd International Summer School - Underground Hydrogen Storage | The 3rd International Summer School on UHS will be held in Edinburgh between the 8th and 12th July 2024. The summer school will be hybrid and will cover many aspects of the UHS. |
Wellbeing, Smartphones and Interactions Research Project | |
Wellcome Trust 4 Year PhD in Translational Neuroscience Blog | |
Westie Lung Disease Project | The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh |
Who Taught Her That: Advice to Women Through the Past and Into the Digital Age | An exhibition and conversation space, hosted by Edinburgh MScR Students, on advice to women through the ages. Presented in collaboration with the National Library of Scotland. |
Who Taught Her That? NLS Project Blog | This blog tracks my progress and challenges through my work on the National Library of Scotland's project 'Behind Glass? Digital Literature, Artefact and the Language of Display' in conjunction with the Edinburgh College of Art's Masters by Research in Collections and Curating Practices programme at the University of Edinburgh. |
Wikidata | A resource to introduce people to Wikidata, how to edit and where to start. |
Wikipedia | A resource to introduce people to Wikipedia, how to edit and where to start. |
Winnie Sowter / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2023-2024)[SEM1] | |
Winter Tales Book Festival | A festival of literature, religion and the imagination |
Witchfinder General - Data Visualisation Internship | This blog will be used as a platform to document by summer internship with the University of Edinburgh and Wikidata as I work with the Scottish Witchcraft Dataset. |
Women in Red Edinburgh | Celebrating notable women of Edinburgh |
Women in red editathon guide | how to become an information activist |
Women's Music in the Herring Industry | Learn more about Meg Hyland's research into the role of music and dance in the lives of herring gutters and packers in the British and Irish fishing industries. |
Work in Progress Seminar | WiP | Seminar for Philosophy PhD Students at University of Edinburgh |
Working & Learning at the University of Edinburgh - Student Ambassador, Geologist, Red Lichtie | The blog covers my life at the University of Edinburgh as a geology student, Student Ambassador and as a resident presiding in the Athens of the North. If you want to learn about the amazing geology of Scotland or explore the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde nature of the city, this is the space to chart! I cover poetry, geology seminars, field trips, university life, tourism in Edinburgh and everything Scottish. |
Working in a Technology Enhanced Learning Environment | Supporting teaching and technology within physical and virtual spaces. |
worldscience | world science |
Writing Prizes | The University of Edinburgh's three creative writing prizes - open for 2025 submissions, closing on 21 March 2025 |
Xiaotong Wu / Contemporary Art & Open Learning (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Xiaotong Wu / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Xin Li / TPG Studio (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Xinran Dai / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Xinyi Ding's Blog | welcome to my channel |
Xinyi Zhu / Issues and Concepts in Digital Society (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Xuanjing Wang / Drawn From the City (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Yan Li / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Yangheran Piao Homepage | Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust PhD Student |
YARNS Transitions Research Project Blog | Developing a nurse-led intervention to support young adults impacted by brain injury |
Yichen Jiang / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2024-2025)[SEM1] | |
Yijue Zhong / Interior Design 4B: Design Studio (2023-2024)[YR] | |
Yilin Cong / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
Yinan Lu / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Yinan Lu / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Yiran Gu / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
Yiting Wang / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Yixuan Zhang / Design Studio (Illustration) (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Young People and AI | This is the blog for the BRAID-funded project 'Towards Embedding Responsible AI in the School System' |
Yue Zhu / Interior Design 4A: Design Research and Practice (2022-2023)[YR] | |
Yue Zhu / Interior Design 4B: Design Studio (2022-2023)[YR] | |
Yue Zhu / Lighting Design for Spaces (2021-2022)[SEM2] | |
Yuliia Antonenko: Introduction to a Film Set | |
Yumeng Dong / Circular Economy: KIPP and Futures Project | |
Yuna Yang / Environmental Design: Materials, Ecologies, Futures (2023-2024)[SEM1] | |
Yunjie Ma / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Yuqian Li / Lighting Design for Spaces (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Yutong Wang / Issues and Concepts in Digital Society (2021-2022)[SEM1] | |
Yutong Zhang / Interior Design 4B: Design Studio (2024-2025)[YR] | |
Yuwei Wu / Lighting Design for Spaces (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
Zack Situ's Personal Blog | |
Zainab Abbas / Knowledge Integration and Project Planning: Education Futures (2023-24) | |
Zekun Yang / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Zekun Yang / Themes in Contemporary Art (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Zequn Wang / Design Studio (Illustration) (2022-2023)[SEM2] | |
Zhouyuan Wu / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
Zihan Fu / Curating (2024-2025)[SEM2] | |
Zijin Zhang / Global Health Challenges: An Introduction (2022-2023)[SEM1] | |
Ziyi Chen / Curating (2023-2024)[SEM2] | |
[placeholder] | Denny's thoughts |
| TOTALLY-ILL | | Blog of MA Illustration Edinburgh College of Art |
Šimon's Ecosystem Restoration Board Game Project |
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