Sampling injected CO2 at Cranfield CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery Field, Mississippi
Sampling injected CO2 at Cranfield CO2-Enhanced Oil Recovery Field, Mississippi

My research is focused on developing geochemical tracing tools for GeoEnergy applications. My early research established the noble gas and stable isotope fingerprints of natural CO2 reservoirs and springs and the lessons that could be learned from these for engineered geological CO2 storage. I then focused on determining the potential for noble gases and stable isotopes to be used as tracers for CO2 monitoring within CO2 storage sites and as early warning tracers of unplanned CO2 migration. More recently, I have been applying these tools to the environmental monitoring of CO2 mineralisation and geothermal energy provision, whilst maintaining an interest in the geochemical evolution of the Earth’s mantle.

Contact Details

Room 306
School of GeoSciences
Grant Institute
James Hutton Road
The King’s Buildings

Phone: +44 (0) 131 651 3462
Skype: stugilfillan
Twitter: @stugilfillan
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