The Postgraduate Research (PGR) Committee act as liaisons between PhD students and the School of Mathematics, raising issues and feedback that you would like the school to address and represent PhD issues on school committees. We also organise academic and social events throughout the year so keep your eyes peeled for those! The team is currently made of 5 graduate students, with 3 first-year representatives.

Our Committee (Academic Year 23/24)

‘All Year’ PG Representatives

Chris Oldnall Nina Fischer Xell Brunet Guasch
PhD in Mathematical Modelling,
Analysis and Computation
PhD in Statistics PhD in Mathematical Modelling,
Analysis and Computation

Colloqium Organiser

Colloqium Organiser / Webmaster

Joe Malbon Johnny MyungWon Lee
PhD in Geometry and Topology PhD in Statistics

1st Year PG Representatives

Sergio Gomez Anaya Heidi Wolles Ljósheim Julia Bierent
PhD in Statistics PhD in Applied and Computational Mathematics
