Blogs.ed Upgrade 29th July 10:00am – 12:00pm
We are upgrading blogs.ed on Thursday the 9th of July. The service will be unavailable from 10.00am-12.00pm (and at risk until 5pm that day).
The upgrade predominately ensures that the core application, plugins and themes stay up-to-date and secure but we are also adding a few new features:
- Update to WordPress version 5.7.2
- Update of the following Plugins
- Plugins
Beehive Pro
Broken Link Checker
Classic Editor
CommentPress Core
Cryout Serious Slider
Disable Comments
Email Subscribers
Flickr Album Gallery
Google XML Sitemaps
PDF & Print
Reading Time
Ultimate Category Excluder
User Role Editor
WordPress Importer
WP Accessibility
WP Control
WP Google Maps
WP Twitter
- Plugins
If you have any issues or feature requests for blogs.ed, please let us know by emailing the IS Helpline.
For more information please visit the Service Alerts page
Thanks for using our blogging service!
The blogs.ed team
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