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Rachel Wood

Personal research page

Professor of Carbonate Geoscience

School of GeoSciences,
Grant Institute,
University of Edinburgh,
Kings Buildings,
James Hutton Road,
Edinburgh EH9 3FE.

Phone: +44 (0)131 650 6014
Fax: +44 (0)131 668 3184

Research Group website: The Carbonate Crew

Awards and Medals:

      • 2022. Fellow, Royal Society
      • 2022. Member of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Goettingen
      • 2020. Lyell Medal, Geological Society of London
      • 2018. Enhance Award, Association Women Geoscientists
      • 2018. Honorary Consul for the Republic of Namibia to Scotland
      • 2018. Johannes Walther Medal. International Association of Sedimentologists

Current Grants:

      • 2024-2027. NERC Pushing the Frontiers Grant. Determining the nature and drivers of Earth’s first metazoan radiation and subsequent extinction: the Cambrian ‘Explosion’ and Sinsk Event (SINSK), PI, Co-Is, Graham Shields, Simon Poulton, and Ben Mills.
      • 2020-2024. NERC Discovery Grant. Resolving the enigmatic Precambrian-Cambrian boundary event (BACE), PI, Co-Is, Tim Lenton, Simon Poulton, and Dan Condon. PP, Simone Kasemann

External Activities:

      • 2017- Associate Editor, Science Advances
      • 2017-2021 Associate Editor, Open Science Royal Society
      • 2010-2015 IMF NERC Steering Committee Member
      • 2011-2014 Panel Member, Royal Society International Exchanges Scheme
      • 2009-2011 Panel Member, Royal Society International Grants
      • 2008-2010 Editorial Board Member: Encyclopaedia of Coral Reefs: structure, form and function
      • 2006-2016 Associate Editor, Petroleum Geoscience
      • 2005-2010 Editorial Board Member, PalaeoWorld
      • 2010-2014 Council Member, Edinburgh Geological Society
      • 2006-2009 Council Member, Geological Society of London
      • 2009 Co-Convener: Darwin the Geologist: his legacy, Geological Society of London, Burlington House, London.
      • 2001-2005 Panel Member, Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship
      • 2003 Co-Convenor: Geological Prior Information, Royal Astronomical Society

Education and Appointments:

      • 2024-: Head, Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Edinburgh
      • 2012-: Professor of Carbonate Geoscience, University of Edinburgh
      • 2011-2013: Head of Geology
      • 2011-2013: Degree Programe Convenor, BSc Hons Geology; M Earth Sci Geology
      • 2010-2020: Co-Director, ICCR
      • 2009-2012: Reader in Carbonate Geoscience, University of Edinburgh
      • 2006-2009: Lecturer in Carbonate Geoscience, University of Edinburgh
      • 2001-2006: Principal Research Scientist, Schlumberger Cambridge Research
      • 1994-2001: Royal Society University Research Fellow, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
      • 1990-1994: Research Fellow, Gonville and Caius College, University of Cambridge
      • 1988-1990: NERC Research Fellow, Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
      • 1987-88: Royal Society Exchange Research Fellow, Insitut fur Palaontologie, Freie Universitat, Berlin
      • 1983-87: Ph. D, Open University
      • 1980-83: B. Sc. Hons., Geology/Zoology, University of Bristol

Current PhD students:

      • Ruaridh Alexander [Sept 2022- ]Integrating the Ediacaran-Cambrian of Siberia and Namibia.
      • Bontle Mataboge [University of Cape Town; March 2022- ] Ediacaran Skeletal Fauna and redox dynamics of the Nama Group, South Africa.
      • Musaab Al Sarmi [September 2020-] Permo-Triassic post-extinction dynamics in carbonates.
      • Mariana Yilales [March 2020-] Biomineralisation and the Ediacaran-Cambrian carbon cycle.


Publications – Statistics


      • WOOD, R.A. 1999. Reef Evolution. Oxford University Press. 414pp.

Edited volumes:

      • SALLER, A., WOOD, R.A., and WRIGHT, V.P. (eds.) 2023. Carbonate diagenesis: A celebration of the work of John Anthony Dawson (Tony) Dickson.The Depositional Record (Special Issue) 9(3), 403-758.
      • JACKSON, P.N.W., PARKES, M.A., WOOD, R.A. (eds.). 2000. Studies in Palaeozoic palaeontology and biostratigraphy in
        honour of Charles Hepworth Holland. Special Papers in Palaeontology 67, 260 pp.
      • CURTIS, A. and WOOD, R. 2003. Geological Prior Information: Informing Science and Engineering. Geological
        Society Special Publication
        239, 229 pp.

Refereed papers (in journals or books):


      • Curtis, A., Bloem, H., Wood, R., Bowyer, F., Shields,G.A., Zhou, Y., Yilales, M. & Tetzlaff, D. 2025. Natural sampling and aliasing of marine geochemical signals. Scientific Reports.

      • Osés, G.L., Afonso, J.W.L., Wood, R., Freitas, B.T., Romero, G.R., Paula-Santos, G.M., Filho, S.C, Pacheco, M.L.A.F., Rodrigues, C.L., da Silva, T.F., and Amorim, K.B. 2025. Clastic sedimentary record impacted by carbonate bioclasts in the Late Ediacaran. Geological Magazine.

      • Alexander, R.D., Zhuravlev, A.Yu., Bowyer, F.Y., Pichevin, L., Poulton, S.W., Kouchinsky, A., Wood, R.A. 2025. Low oxygen but dynamic marine redox conditions permitted the Cambrian Radiation. Science Advances

      • Al-Sarmi, M., Wood, R. Possible glendonite mineral pseudomorphs in the aftermath of the end-Permian extinction. 2025. Scientific Reports , 15, 974.


      • Stockey, R. et al. 2024. Sustained increases in atmospheric oxygen and marine productivity in the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic eras. Nature Geoscience.

      • Bowyer, F.T., Wood, R.A., Yilales, M. 2024. Sea-level controls on Ediacaran-Cambrian animal radiations. Science Advances.


      • Wood, R., Bowyer, F.T., Alexander, R., Yilales, M., Uahengo, C.-I., Kaputuaza, K., Ndeunyema, J., and Curtis, A. 2023. New Ediacaran biota from the oldest Nama Group, Namibia (Tsaus Mountains), and re-definition of the Nama Assemblage. Geological Magazine.
      • Bowyer, F., Uahengo, C-I., Kaputuaza, K., Ndeunyema, J., Yilales, M., Alexander, R., Curtis, A., and Wood, R.A. 2023. Constraining the onset and environmental setting of metazoan biomineralization: The Ediacaran Nama Group of the Tsaus Mountains, Namibia. EPSL.
      • Bowyer, F., Yilales, M., Wood, R., and Poulton, S.W. 2023. Insights into the terminal Ediacaran marine carbonate record from shale-hosted carbonate carbon isotopes. American Journal of Science.
      • Zhuravlev, A.Yu., Wood, R., and Bowyer, F. 2023. Cambrian radiation speciation events driven by sea level and redoxcline changes on the Siberian Craton. Science Advances.
      • Bowyer, F.T., Zhuravlev, A. Yu., Wood, R., Zhao, F., Sukhov, S.S., Alexander, R.D., Poulton, S.W., and Zhu, M. 2023. Implications of an integrated late Ediacaran to early Cambrian stratigraphy of the Siberian Platform, Russia. GSA Bulletin.


      • Clarkson, M.O., Sweere, T.C., Chiu, C.F., Hennekam, R., Bowyer, F., and Wood, R.A. 2022. Environmental controls on very high d238U values in reducing sediments: implications for Neoproterozoic seawater records. Earth Science Reviews, 104306. 104306.

      • Zhuravlev, A.Yu., Mitchell, E.G., Bowyer, F., Wood, R., & Penny, A. 2022. Increases in reef size, habitat, and metacommunity complexity associated with Cambrian Radiation oxygenation pulses. Nature Communications. 13 (1), 1-11.

      • Xiong, Y., Wood, R., and Pichevin, L. 2022. The record of seawater chemistry evolution during the Ediacaran-Cambrian from early marine cements. The Depositional Record.

      • Bowyer, F.T., Zhuravlev, A.Yu, Wood, R., Zhao, F., Sukhov, S.S., Alexander, R.D., Poulton, S.P, and Zhu, M. in press. Implications of an integrated late Ediacaran to early Cambrian stratigraphy of the Siberian Platform, Russia. GSA Bulletin.

      • Osés, G. Wood, R. Romero, G.R., Prado, G.M.M., Bidola, P., Herzen, J., Pfeiffer, F., Nascimento, S., and Forancelli Pacheco, M.L.A. 2022. Ediacaran Corumbella has a cataphract calcareous skeleton with controlled biomineralization. iScience. 105676.

      • Bowyer, F.T.., Zhuravlev, A.Yu., Wood, R.A., Shields, G.A., Zhou, Y., Curtis, A., Poulton, S.W., Condon, D.J., Yang, C., and Zhu, M. 2022. Calibrating the temporal and spatial dynamics of the Ediacaran – Cambrian radiation of animals. Earth-Science Reviews. 225, 103913.

      • Rochelle-Bates,N., Wood,R., Schröder, S., and Roberts, N.M.W. 2022. In situ U–Pb geochronology of Pre-Salt carbonates reveals links between diagenesis and regional tectonics. Terra Nova. DOI: 10.1111/ter.12586.


      • Kouchinsky, A., …..Wood, R., et al. 2021. Lower–Middle Cambrian faunas and stratigraphy from northern Siberia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 67, 341-464.

      • Shore, A.J., Wood, R.A., Butler, I.B., Zhuravlev, A.Yu., McMahon, S., Curtis, A. and Bowyer, F.T. 2021. Ediacaran metazoan reveals lophotrochozoan affinity and deepens root of Cambrian Explosion. Science Advances

      • Wood, R.A. 2021. Tiering in the late Palaeozoic. Encyclopaedia of the Life Sciences. Wiley.
      • Farrell, U.C. et al. (120 authors), 2021. The Sedimentary Geochemistry and Paleoenvironments Project. Geobiology.

      • Shore, A.J, and Wood, R. 2021. Environmental and diagenetic controls on the morphology and calcification of the Ediacaran metazoan Cloudina. Scientific Reports 11, 12341.


      • Curtis, A., Wood, R., Bowyer, F., Shore, A., Curtis-Walcott, A., and Robertsson, J. 2020. Modelling metazoan-microbial reef growth. Sedimentology
      • Shore, A., Wood, R., Bowyer, F. and Curtis, A. 2020. Multiple branching and attachment structures in cloudinomorphs, Nama Group, Namibia. Geology.
      • Zhuravlev, A.Yu. and Wood, R. 2020. Dynamic and synchronous changes in metazoan body size during the Cambrian Explosion. Scientific Reports.
      • Hosa, A., and Wood, R. 2020. Order of diagenetic events controls evolution of porosity and permeability in carbonates. Sedimentology.

      • Bowyer, F., Shore, A.J., Wood, R.A., Alcott, L.J., Thomas, A.L., Butler, I.B., Curtis, A., Hainanan, S., Curtis-Walcott, S., Penny, A.M., and Poulton, S.W. 2020. Regional nutrient decrease drove redox stabilisation and metazoan diversification in the late Ediacaran Nama Group, Namibia. Scientific Reports, 10, 2240-

      • Hosa, A., Wood, R., Corbett, P. W. M., Souza, R. S. and Roemers, E. 2020. Modelling the impact of depositional and diagenetic processes on reservoir properties of the crystal-shrub limestones in the ‘Pre-Salt’ Barra Velha Formation, Santos Basin, Brazil. Marine and Petroleum Geology 112


      • Hosa, A., Wood, R., Corbett, P.W.M, Schiffer de Souza, R., and Roemers, E. 2019. Modelling the impact of depositional and diagenetic processes on reservoir properties of the crystal-shrub limestones in the ‘Pre-Salt’ Barra Velha Formation, Santos Basin, Brazil. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 112, no. 104100.
      • Tostevin, R., Bradbury, H.J., Shields, G.A, Wood, R.A., Bowyer, F., Penny, A.M., and Turchyn, A.V. 2019. Calcium isotopes as a record of the marine calcium cycle versus carbonate diagenesis during the late Ediacaran. Chemical Geology, 259.
      • Wood, R.A. 2019. The rise of animals. Scientific American. June Issue, pp. 33-39.
      • Roberts, J.J., Bell, A., Wood, R. and Haszeldine, R.S. 2019. Geospatial statistics elucidate competing geological controls on natural CO2 seeps in Italy. Geofluids.
      • Wood, R., Liu, A., Bowyer, F., Wilby, P.R., Dunn, F.S., Kenchington, C.G., Hoyal Cuthill, J.F., Mitchell, E.G., and Penny, A.M. 2019. Integrated records of environmental change and evolution challenge the Cambrian Explosion. Nature Ecology and Evolution.


      • Zhuravlev, A. Yu. and Wood, R.A. 2018. Two phases to the Cambrian Explosion. Scientific Reports.
      • Tostevin, R., Clarkson, M.O., Gang, S., Shields, G.A., Wood, R.A., Bowyer, F., Penny, A.M., and Stirling, C.H. 2018. Uranium isotope evidence for an expansion of anoxia in terminal Ediacaran oceans. Earth Planetary Science Letters.
      • Wood, R.A and Penny, A.M. 2018. Substrate growth dynamics and biomineralisation of an Ediacaran encrusting poriferan. Proceedings Royal Society B.
      • Zang, K., Zhu, K., Wood, R. A., Shi, Y., Gao, Z., and Poulton, S. W. 2018. Oxygenation of the Mesoproterozoic ocean and the evolution of complex eukaryotes. Nature Communications
      • Wood, R. 2018. Exploring the drivers of early biomineralization. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences. Portland Press.
      • Wood, R., Bowyer, F., Penny, A. M., and Poulton, S. W. 2018. Did unstable redox terminate Ediacaran communities? Precambrian Research


      • Wood, R. and Erwin, E. H. 2017. Innovation not Recovery: dynamic redox promotes metazoan radiations. Biological Reviews.
      • Jennifer J. Roberts, Mark Wilkinson, Mark Naylor, Zoe K. Shipton, Rachel A. Wood, R. Stuart Haszeldine. 2017. Natural CO2 sites in Italy show importance of overburden geopressure, fractures and faults for CO2 storage performance and risk management. Geomechanics and Geology
      • Wood, R.A, Ivantsov. A., and Zhuravlev, A.Yu. 2017. First macrobiota biomineralisation was environmentally triggered. Proceedings Royal Society B.
      • Hosa, A., and Wood, R. 2017. Quantifying the impact of early calcite cementation on the reservoir quality of carbonate rocks: a comparison of 2D and 3D process-based models. Advances in Water Resources
      • Mangione, A., Lewis, H., Geiger, S., Beavington-Penney, S., Mcquilken, J. and Wood, R. 2017. Combining basin modelling with high-resolution heat-flux simulations to investigate the key drivers for burial dolomitisation in an offshore carbonate reservoir. Petroleum Geoscience
      • Kallel, K., van Dijke, M.I.J., Sorbie, K.S., Wood, R. 2017. Pore-scale Modelling of Wettability Alteration during Primary Drainage. Water Resources Research
      • Zhu, M., Zhuravlev, A.Yu, Wood, R., Zhao, F. Sukhov, S.S. 2017. A deep root for the Cambrian Radiation: implications of 1 new bio- and chemostratigraphy from the Siberian Platform. Geology
      • Bowyer, F., Wood, R., and Poulton, S. 2017. Controls on the evolution of Ediacaran metazoan ecosystems: A redox perspective. Geobiology
      • Wood, R., Curtis, A., Penny, A.M., Zhuravlev, A. Yu., Curtis-Walcott, S., Iinpinge, S., and Bowyer, F. 2017. Flexible and responsive growth strategy of the Ediacaran skeletal Cloudina from the Nama Group, Namibia. Geology
      • Tostevin, R., Hea, T., Turchyn, A.V., Wood, R.A., Penny, A. M., Bowyer, F., Antler, G., Shields, G.A. 2017. Constraints on the late Ediacaran sulfur cycle from carbonate associated sulphate Precambrian Research


      • Wood, R.A., Zhuravlev, A. Yu., Sukhov, S., Zhu, M., and Zhao, F. 2016. Demise of dolomitic seas triggered biomineralisation on the Siberian platform. Geology
      • Clarkson,M.O., R.A. Wood, S.W. Poulton, S. Richoz, R.J. Newton, S.A. Kasemann, F. Bowyer & L. Krystyn, 2016.Dynamic anoxic ferruginous conditions during the end-Permian mass extinction and recovery. Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms12236
      • Penny, A. M., Wood, R. A., Zhuravlev, A. Y., Curtis, A., Bowyer, F., Tostevin, R., 2016. Intraspecific variation in an Ediacaran skeletal metazoan: Namacalathus from the Nama Group, Namibia. Geobiology
      • Tostevin, R., Wood, R.A., Shields, G.A., Poulton, S.W., Guilbaud, R., Bowyer, F., Penny, A.M., He, T., Curtis, A., Hoffmann, K.H. and Clarkson, M.O., 2016. Low-oxygen waters limited habitable space for early animals. Nature Communications, 7
      • Tostevin, R., Shields, G. A., Tarbuck, G. M., He, T., Clarkson, M. O., & Wood, R. A. (2016). Effective use of cerium anomalies as a redox proxy in carbonate-dominated marine settings. Chemical Geology, 438, 146-162.
      • Hosa, O., Curtis. A and Wood, A. 2016. Calibrating Lattice Boltzmann flow simulations and estimating uncertainty in the permeability of complex porous media. Advances in Water Resources


      • Nicolas Christ, Adrian Immenhauser, Rachel A. Wood, Khadija Darwich, Andrea Niedermayr, Petrography and environmental controls on the formation of Phanerozoic marine carbonate hardgrounds. Earth Sciences Reviews
      • ZHURAVELV, A. YU., WOOD, R.A., and PENNY, A.M. 2015. Ediacaran skeletal metazoan interpreted as a lophophorate. Proc. Roy Soc. B, v.282: 20151860.
      • ZHURAVLEV, A.Yu, NAIMARK, E.B., WOOD,R.A. Controls on the diversity and structure of earliest metazoan communities: early Cambrian reefs from Siberia. Earth Science Reviews
      • HARLAND,S.R., WOOD, R.A., CURTIS, A., VAN DIJKE, M.I.J., STRATFORD, K., JIANG, Z., KALLEL, W., and SORBIE, K. Quantifying flow in variably wet microporous carbonates using object-based geological modelling and both lattice-Boltzmann and pore network fluid flow simulations. AAPG Bulletin
      • KALLEL, W., VAN DIJKE, M.I.J., SORBIE, K.S., WOOD, R.A., JIANG, Z., and HARLAND, S. Modelling Wettability Alteration in Microporous Carbonate Rocks. Advances in Water Resources
      • CLARKSON, M.O., KASEMANN, S.A., WOOD, R., LENTON, T.M., DAINES, S.J.,RICHOZ, S., OHNEMUELLER, F., MEIXNER, A., POULTON, S.W. and TIPPER, E.T. 2015. Ocean Acidification and the Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction. Science
      • WOOD, R. A., S. W. Poulton, A. R. Prave, K-H. Hoffmann, M. O. Clarkson, R. Guilbaud, J. W. Lyne, A. Curtis, S. A. Kasemann, 2015. Dynamic redox conditions control late Ediacaran ecosystems in the Nama Group, Namibia. Precambrian Research., 261, pp.252-271. doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2015.02.004.
      • WOOD, R. A., and CURTIS, A., 2015. Extensive metazoan reefs from the Ediacaran Nama Group, Namibia: the rise of benthic suspension feeding. Geobiology, 13(2), pp.112-122. doi:10.1111/gbi.12122.


      • PENNY, A.M., WOOD, R., CURTIS, A., BOWYER, F., TOSTEVIN, R., and HOFFMAN, K. H. 2014. Ediacaran metazoan reefs from the Nama Group, Namibia. Science, 344, pp.1504-1506. doi: 10.1126/science.1253393
      • CLARKSON, M.O., POULTON, S.W., GUILBARD, R., and WOOD, R. 2014. Assessing the utility of Fe/Al and Fe-speciation to record water column redox conditions in carbonate-rich sediments. Chemical Geology 382: 111-122.
      • ROBERTS, J.J., WOOD, R.A., WILKINSON, M., and HASZELDINE, S. Surface controls on the characteristics of natural CO2 seeps: implications for engineered CO2 stores. Geofluids doi: 10.1111/gfl.12121


      • CLARKSON, M.O., RICHOZ, S., WOOD, R.A. MAURER, F., KRYSTYN, L., MCGURTY, D.J. and ASTRATTI, D. 2013. A new high-resolution δ13C record for the Early Triassic: insights from the Arabian Platform.Gondwana Research, v. 24, 233-242.
      • VAN DER LAND, C., WOOD, R., WU, K., VAN DIJKE, M.I.J., JIANG, Z., CORBETT, P.W.M, and COUPLES, G. 2013. Modelling the permeability evolution of carbonate rocks. Marine and Petroelum Geology, v. 48, p. 1-7.


      • HILL, J, WOOD, R., CURTIS, A. and TETZLAFF, D. 2012. Preservation of forcing signals in shallow water carbonate sediments. Sedimentary Geology, 275-276, 79-92.
      • WOOD, R. and ZHURAVLEV, A.Yu. Escalation and ecological selectively of mineralogy in the Cambrian Radiation of skeletons. Earth-Science Reviews 115, 249-261.


      • WOOD, R. 2011. Paleoecology of early skeletal metazoans: insights into biomineralization.Earth-Science Reviews 106, 184-190.
      • ROBERTS, J.J, WOOD, R.A. and HASZELDINE, R.S. 2011. Assessing health risks in Italy from natural CO2 leaks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, 16545-16548.


      • COX, P.A., WOOD, R., DICKSON, J.A.D, SHEBL,H., BU AL ROUGHA, H. and CORBETT, P. 2010. Dynamics of cementation in response to oil charge: evidence from a Cretaceous carbonate field, U.A.E. Sedimentary Geology, 228: 246–254.
      • WOOD, R.A. The general evolution of carbonate reefs, in Encyclopedia of Modern Coral reefs, Ed. Hopley, D. Springer.
      • WOOD, R.A. The Tethys Ocean, in Encyclopedia of Modern Coral reefs, Ed. Hopley, D. Springer.
      • WOOD, R.A. The Permian Capitan Reef, in Encyclopedia of Modern Coral reefs, Ed. Hopley, D. Springer.
      • Barry D. Webby (Coordinating Author) Francoise Debrenne, Willard D. Hartman, S. Kershaw, Pierre D. Kruse, Heldur Nestor, J. Keith Rigby, Baba Senowbari-Daryan, Colin W. Stearn, Carl W. Stock, J. Vacelet, Ronald R. West, Philippe Willenz, Rachel A. Wood, and A. Yu. Zhuravlev. Part E (Revised) Porifera, vol. 4, Hypercalcified Porifera. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology.
      • JAMES, N.P., and WOOD, R.A. Reefs and Reef Mounds. In Facies Models, James, N.P., and Walker, N. (eds.)
      • WOOD, R. Taphonomy of reefs through time. In Taphonomy; bias and process through time. Allison, P.A, and Bottjer, D. J. (eds.) 2nd Edition. Topics in Geobiology Vol. 32, 375-409.Springer.
      • WOOD, R.A. Tiering in the late Palaeozoic. Encyclopaedia of the Life Sciences. Wiley.


      • ZHURAVLEV, A. Yu and WOOD, R.A. 2009. Controls on carbonate skeletal mineralogy: global CO2 evolution and mass extinctions.Geology, 37: 1123–1126.
      • WOOD, R.A. 2009. Return to the High Table. Book Review, Science, 325: 947-948
      • HILL, J., TETZLAFF, D., CURTIS, A., and WOOD, R. 2009. Modelling Carbonate Supersaturation on carbonate platforms via residence time. Computers and Geology, 35: 1862-1874.
      • WOOD, R. 2009. Reefs and changes in seawater chemistry, in The Biology of Coral Reefs (Ed. C R.C. Sheppard, S. K. Davy, and G. M. Pilling), 352 pp.


      • ZHURAVLEV, A. Yu and WOOD, R.A. 2008. Eve of biomineralization: controls on carbonate mineralogy. Geology 36: 923-926.
      • HASLER, C. A., ADAMS, E. W., WOOD, R. A., and DICKSON, J. A. D. 2008. Fine scale forward modelling of a Devonian patch reef, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Sedimentary Systems: From Understanding to Prediction. Eds., de Boer et al. Special Publication 40, IAS. Wiley-Blackwell. 328 pp.
      • PRICE, D., CURTIS, A. and WOOD, R. 2008. Statistical correlation between geophysical logs and extracted core. Geophysics 73: E97-E106.
      • DICKSON. J.A.D., WOOD, R.A., SHEBL, H., and BU AL ROUGHA, H. 2008. Sulfate reduction associated with hardgrounds: lithification afterburn! Sedimentary Geology 205: 34-39.
      • DUNNE, J.A., WILLIAMS, R.J., MARTINEZ, N., WOOD, R.A., ERWIN, D.H. 2008. Compilation and Network Analyses of Cambrian Food Webs. PLoS Biology 6: e102-107.


      • WOOD, R.A. 2007. The changing fate of coral reefs: lessons from the deep past. In Aronson, R.B. (ed). Geological Approaches to Coral Reef Ecology. Springer Verlag, New York. pp. 3-27.
      • WOOD, R.A. 2007. Frasnian and Famennian Canning Basin Reefs, Western Australia. In VENNIN, E. et al. (eds). Facies from Paleozoic reefs and bioaccumulations. Publications Scientifique du Museum, Paris.


      • KERSHAW, S., WOOD, R. & GUO, L. 2006. Stromatoporoid response to muddy substrates in Silurian limestones.GFF 128: 131-138.


      • HILL, J., CURTIS, A., WOOD, R. and TETZLAFF, D. 2005. Modelling complexity in carbonates. Proceedings of Mathematical Geology


      • WOOD, R. 2004. Palaeoecology of a post-extinction reef: the Famennian of the Canning Basin, Western Australia.Palaeontology, 47: 415-44
      • KAYSER, A., GRAS, R., CURTIS, A. & WOOD, R. 2004: New Way to Visualize Internal Rock Structures.Offshore Magazine, August Issue, pp. 129-131.
      • BADDELEY, M., CURTIS, A. and WOOD, R. 2004. Herding in an uncertain world: the role of prior information, pp. 15-27. In, Curtis, A. and Wood, R. (eds.), Geological Prior Information , Geolological Society of London, Special Publication, v. 239.
      • CURTIS, A. and WOOD, R. 2004. Optimal elicitation of prior information from experts. pp. 127-145. In, Curtis, A. and Wood, R. (eds.), Geological Prior Information , Geolological Society of London, Special Publication, v. 239.
      • WOOD, R. and CURTIS, A. 2004. Solving Geoscientific Problems Using Geological Prior Information. pp. 1-13. In, Curtis, A. and Wood, R. (eds.), Geological Prior Information, Geolological Society of London, Special Publication, v. 239.


      • WOOD, R. A. 2002. Sponges. In SMITH, A.B. (ed.): Fossils of the Chalk, p. 25-41 Palaeontological Association Field Guide no. 2, 374pp.
      • FORSYTHE, G.T.W, WOOD, R.A., and DICKSON, J.A.D. 2002. Mass spawning in ancient reef communities: evidence from Late Paleozoic phylloid algae. Palaios 17: 615-621.
      • WOOD, R.A., GROTZINGER, J.P. and DICKSON, J.A.D. 2002. Proterozoic modular biomineralized metazoan from the Nama Group. Science 296: 2383-2386.
      • WOOD, R.A. 2002. Predation in ancient reef-builders. In Kelley, P. H, Kowalewski, M., and Hansen, T.A. (eds.),pp. 33-53. Predator-Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record, Topics in Geobiology, volume 20. Klewer Press, New York, 464 pp.


      • WOOD, R.A., and GROTZINGER, J.P. 2001. The rise of clonality in early skeletal metazoans. American Zoologist, 41: 1629.
      • WOOD, R.A. 2001. Tiering in the late Palaeozoic. Macmillan Encyclopaedia (Electronic publication).
      • WOOD, R.A. 2001. Archaeocyatha. MacGaw Encyclopaedia (Electronic publication).
      • WOOD, R.A. 2001. Evolution of reefs. p. 57-62. In Briggs, D.E.G., and Crowther, P.R. Palaeobiology II. 583 pp.
      • WOOD, R.A. 2001. Are reefs and mud-mounds really so different? Sedimentary Geology 145: 161-171.
      • WOOD, R.A. 2001. Biodiversity and the history of reefs. Geological Journal 36: 251-263.


      • ZHURAVLEV, A. Yu., WOOD, R.A., PRATT, B.R. and SPINCER, B. 2000. Lower Cambrian reef ecology. In ZHURAVLEV, A. Yu. and RIDING, R. (eds.): Advances in Cambrian Ecology. Columbia University Press.
      • WOOD, R.A. 2000. Paleoecology of the Capitan reef. In SALLER, A.H., HARRIS, P.M., KIRKLAND, B.L., and MAZZULLO, S. (eds.): Geological Framework of the Capitan Reef. SEPM Special Publication, 65: 129-137.
      • WOOD, R.A. and OPPENHEIMER, C. 2000. Spur-and-groove morphology from a Late Devonian reef. Sedimentary Geology 133: 185-193.
      • de WET, C.B., DICKSON, J.A.D., WOOD, R.A., and GASWIRTH, S.B. 2000. A new type of shelf margin deposit: rigid microbial sheets and unconsolidated grainstones with meter-scale cavities. Sedimentary Geology 128: 13-21.
      • WOOD, R.A. 2000. Novel paleoecology of a post-extinction reef: the Famennian (Late Devonian) of the Canning Basin, Northwestern Australia. Geology 28: 987-990.
      • WOOD, R.A. 2000. Palaeoecology of a Late Devonian back reef: Windjana Gorge, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Palaeontology 43: 671-703.


      • WOOD, R.A. 1998. The ecology of Lower Cambrian reefs. In KNOWLTON, N. and McINTYRE, I.N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama. 2: 1631-1636.
      • WOOD, R.A. 1998. The importance of the cryptos in ancient reefs. In KNOWLTON, N. and McINTYRE, I.N. (eds.): Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama 2: 1687-1692.
      • WOOD, R.A. 1998.The ecological evolution of reefs. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 29: 179-206.
      • WOOD, R.A. 1998. Novel reef fabrics from the Devonian Canning Basin, Western Australia. Sedimentary Geology 121: 149-156.
      • KIRKLAND, B., DICKSON, J.A.D., WOOD, R.A., and LAND, L.S. 1998. Microbialite and microstratigraphy: The origin of encrustations in the Capitan Formation, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas and New Mexico. Journal of Sedimentary Petrography 68: 956-969.


      • DICKSON, J.A.D., WOOD, R.A. and KIRKLAND-GEORGE, B. 1997.Exceptional preservation of the calcified spongeFissispongia tortacloaca from the Pennsylvanian Holder Formation, New Mexico. Palaios 11: 559-570.


      • LINDSAY, J., BRASIER, M.D., DORJNAMJAA, R., GOLDRING, R., KRUSE, P. and WOOD, R. 1996. Facies and sequence controls on the appearance of the Cambrian biota in southwestern Mongolia: implications for the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary. Geological Magazine 133: 417-428.
      • KRUSE, P.D., GANDIN, A., DEBRENNE, F. and WOOD, R. 1996. Early Cambrian bioconstructions from the Zavkhan Basin, western Mongolia. Geological Magazine 133: 429-444.
      • WOOD, R.A., DICKSON, J.A.D., and KIRKLAND, B. 1996. New observations on the ecology of the Permian Capitan Reef, Texas and New Mexico. Palaeontology 39: 733-762.


      • ZHURAVLEV, A.Yu. and WOOD, R.A. 1995. Lower Cambrian reefal cryptic communities. Palaeontology 38: 443-470.
      • WOOD, R.A. 1995. The changing biology of reef-building. Palaios 10: 517-529.
      • ZHURAVLEV, A. Yu. and WOOD, R.A. 1995. Anoxia as the cause of the late Early Cambrian extinction. Geology 24: 311-314.


      • WOOD, R.A., DICKSON, J.A.D., and KIRKLAND-GEORGE, B. 1994. Turning the Capitan Reef upside down: a new appraisal of the ecology of the Permian Capitan Reef, Guadalupe Mountains, Texas and New Mexico. Palaios 9: 422-427.


      • WOOD, R.A., ZHURAVLEV, A. Yu. and TSEREN, C. 1993. The ecology of early Cambrian buildups from Zuune Arts, Mongolia: implications for early metazoan reef evolution. Sedimentology 40: 829-858.
      • WOOD, R.A. 1993. Nutrients, predation and the history of reef-building. Palaios 8: 526-543.
      • RIGBY, J.K., BUDD, G., WOOD, R.A. and DEBRENNE, F. 1993. Porifera. In BENTON, M. (ed.): The Fossil Record, p. 71-99.Chapman and Hall, London, 845pp.


      • WOOD, R., ZHURAVLEV, F. and DEBRENNE, F. 1992. Functional biology and ecology of the Archaeocyatha.Palaios 7: 131-156.
      • WOOD, R.A., EVANS, K.R. and ZHURAVLEV, A. Yu. 1992. A new post-early Cambrian archaeocyath from Antarctica. Geological Magazine 129: 491-495.


      • WOOD, R.A. 1991. Non-spicular biomineralization in calcified demosponges. In REITNER, J. and KEUPP, H. (eds.): Fossil and Recent sponges, p. 322-340. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 595pp.
      • WOOD, R.A. 1991. Problematic reef-building sponges. In SIMONETTA, A. and CONWAY MORRIS, S. (eds.): The early Evolution of Metazoa and the significance of problematic taxa, p. 113-124. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 296pp.


      • ZHURAVLEV, A.Yu., DEBRENNE, F. and WOOD, R. 1990. A synonymised nomenclature for calcified sponges. Geological Magazine 127: 543-545.
      • DEBRENNE, F. and WOOD, R. 1990. A new Cambrian sphinctozoan from North America and the nature of early sphinctozoans.Geological Magazine 127: 445-451.
      • WOOD, R., COPPER, P. and REITNER, J. 1990. “Spicules” in halysitids: a reply. Lethaia 23: 113-114.
      • WOOD, R. 1990. Reef-building sponges. American Scientist 78: 224-235.
      • WOOD, R.A. 1990. The placing of Mesozoic stromatoporoids within the Porifera. In RUETZLER, K. (ed.):New perspectives in Sponge Biology, p. 25-31. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 533pp.


      • WOOD, R., REITNER, J. and WEST, R. 1989. Systematics and phylogenetic implications of the haplosclerid stromatoporoid Newellia mira nov. gen. Lethaia 22: 85-93.


      • WOOD, R.A. and REITNER, J. 1988. The Upper Cretaceous “chaetetid” demosponge Stromatoaxinella irregularis nov. gen.(MICHELIN) and its systematic implications. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Palaontologie, Abhandlungen 177: 213-224.


      • WOOD, R.A. 1987. Sponges. In SMITH, A.B. (ed.): Fossils of the Chalk, p. 15-29. Palaeontological Association Field Guide no. 2, 306pp.
      • WOOD, R.A. 1987. Biology and revised systematics of some late Mesozoic stromatoporoids. Special Papers in Palaeontology 37: 1-89.


      • WOOD, R.A. and REITNER, J. 1986. Poriferan affinities of Mesozoic stromatoporoids. Palaeontology 29: 469-473.



    • WOOD, R., CURTIS, A. and KAYSER, A. 2004. A classification method for sedimentary rocks. [For carbonates, uses x-ray micro-tomography and SEM data]. Granted July 2006.
    • WOOD, R. 2006. Method for extraction of depositional and diagenetic data from wireline logs.
    • WOOD, R. 2009. Method of interpreting well data.

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