
👋 I’m a linguist interested in morphology (word structure) across languages and modalities. I’m also interested in critical approaches to pedagogy and assessment. Welcome to my homepage!

📚 Here are my CV and contact info. My pronouns are he/him. Tweets @itamark.

✊ I’m also one of the local contacts for UCU Edinburgh in PPLS and a member of the LAGB subcommittee on racial and social justice.

📮 Please see here if you’re interested in applying for our PhD programme, and here for related advice on how to contact potential supervisors.

💸 If you think you might want to come to Edinburgh for a postdoc, check here for funding opportunities.

🧑‍🎓 Current PhD students: Iona Carslaw, John Hotson, Iris Kamil. Our research group is EdinMorph.