Category: Team experiences
A place for team news, personal learning reflections, book reviews and conference reflections etc.
I’ll be speaking at the UX Glasgow meetup on 2 December, which is themed around content design.
We worked to support our Admissions Service colleagues by developing a new web interface to display degree programmes in clearing, following agile principles and a user-centred process.
We are currently looking for a content designer to join our team. If you’re up to tackling big challenges in a multidisciplinary team focused on user needs, this could be the opportunity for you. Applications close Monday 7 September 2020.
It’s done! Our team has delivered a new website for the Fees Service which will greatly improve student fees experience and make life easier for staff. The effort took 8 sprints, was underpinned by robust evidence, and designed with significant collaboration from the Fees and Student Support team.
It was a pleasure to be able to support the Service Design in Government conference once again; connecting the organisers with University of Edinburgh students keen to network and learn more about the discipline. It’s been a positive experience all round.
We’re looking for a user-centred content designer to join our team. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Monday 23 March.
February has seen us turn our attention to working out how best to present fees information to prospective postgraduates. We also saw the Undergraduate Degree Finder 2021 go live on schedule.
This year for the first time we used a tool called GatherContent to collect Undergraduate Degree Finder programme content. Up until this point, the traditional medium for exchanging content was Word documents with tracked changes. Multiple revisions would fly back and forth between us, becoming increasingly convoluted. It was a lot to manage, and the […]
January has seen a great deal of focus on working towards delivering the refresh of the Undergraduate Degree Finder, but we’ve also been collating and communicating user research to support upcoming work to improve the postgraduate fees experience.
Our first sprint of the New Year (and of the new decade!) has just wrapped up. A key delivery was the rapid and successful refresh of our undergraduate degree finder content. Read on for a quick overview of the sprint activities and achievements.