Category: Team experiences
A place for team news, personal learning reflections, book reviews and conference reflections etc.
My experience as a summer intern at the Prospective Student Web Content Team and why I think you should be/get an intern.
From 7 to 9 June 2023 five members of our team attended the annual UX Scotland conference at Dynamic Earth. In this blog post we share our highlights and takeaways.
Last month I attended a one-day UK EduCamp unconference at the University of Sheffield. The relaxed format provided lots of opportunity to discuss and learn about burning topics for digital teams in the sector, and to connect with colleagues old and new.
Usability testing is a core activity in our team that all content designers are expected to help with. I only started a year ago, but I’ve already been involved in four rounds of pop-up testing, and each time I’ve learned a bit more and grown more confident with the technique. I want to share a […]
Listening to a podcast by journalist and author Jon Ronson, I was struck by what he had to say about social media echo chambers and feedback loops. It made me think about the parallels between his observations and findings, and how we run user-centred projects. In particular, the importance of working in the open.
Our team went on campus during the recent Undergraduate Open Day to do some pop-up research and check some design concepts and live services with prospective students and their parents.
As part of the future degree finder project, our team has been exploring navigation options. We wanted to learn how students would interact with our degree finder content without left hand navigation. We found removing this navigation had no impact on their ability to use the site and they used alternative means to get to […]
I attended (and spoke at) Utterly Content earlier this year, an online conference for content professionals around the world. In this post, I recap my top takeaways from some of the talks I watched.
We have a fixed-term opportunity to join our team and develop your skills in content design. This position would suit someone with a couple of years’ relevant experience. Applications deadline: 22 May 2023.
My name is Jennifer Doyle, I’m Senior Content Designer (Content Operations) with the Prospective Student Web Content Team as of January 2023. Here I’m going to share a little bit about my background, my first few weeks in my new role, and how you can get in touch to discuss all things degree finders.