Year: 2024
This blog is part of a series on a mini-project the Content Operations team completed in August and September 2024. In this instalment, we talk about channel mapping and drafting for our postgraduate loans content, taking our research and shaping it into workable content we could share and test.
This blog is part of a series on a mini-project the Content Operations team completed in August and September 2024. In this instalment, we will talk about the project background, research, and user needs. For more information on the other stages of this project, see our individual blogs: Improving student understanding of postgraduate funding and […]
The Public Sector Digital Meetup is a community-organised regular event in the Edinburgh area bringing together colleagues from government, councils, universities, museums and other organisations. This November, we’re taking over the agenda to showcase our work and the value of a multi-disciplinary approach.
Last month, Lauren and I attended this year’s Content Ed conference in Liverpool. We were both speakers, but had plenty of opportunity to learn from others and network too. These are our highlights.
We’re fortunate to have Tracy Playle visiting the University for a content strategy talk in November. This is a great opportunity for digital content professionals to learn from a leader in our sector. Book a place to join us in person or online.
I recently ran an open invite session review for our latest round of usability testing. Normally I run these sessions within our team, but we wanted to involve colleagues across the University in our work to improve the editorial experience. It was also an opportunity for school editors to see the new degree programme editorial […]
After a 5 year hiatus, DrupalCamp Scotland returns this week. It’s a great way for Drupal developers to come together and learn from each other. I’m proud to have played a part in its return, with the University hosting the event.
We recently started work on a project to explore the presentation of the Invoiced at Course Level route to study for a postgraduate award. This user research and business analysis piece will help us understand how to best present this route to study in future.
We audited postgraduate study website content this summer and worked with colleagues responsible for it to follow our audit findings around consolidating and improving our web estate.
I had the honour of presenting a keynote at this year’s ContentEd Conference, held in Liverpool. This blog contains a transcript of pretty much what I said, plus links to many of the resources I mentioned.