Tag: ux training
Since February 2024, we’ve trained more than 90 publishers in content design and have experimented with the ways we upskill University staff in content design techniques, to support them to produce good-quality, compliant online content that meets web visitors’ needs.
This month we hosted the second of our new Content Improvement Monthly meet-ups at Argyle House – it was great to see everyone who attended and really interesting to hear about different experiences of managing long content pages. For those who haven’t heard about Content Improvement […]
Collaborative sketching workshops are a quick and effective way to get design decisions moving forward as a team. In this post I go through the benefits, provide the materials needed and give a step-by-step guide so that you can run your own session.
We are seeking to better understand your needs to inform how we can enhance web services to ensure they serve you better. These services will complement and sit alongside the current corporate CMS.
In the UX service, we rely on a number of tools to support our day-to-day work. In this new series of posts, I will be showcasing some of these tools for the benefit of the wider user-focused community at the University of Edinburgh. In this first installment, I will be talking about the Post-it Plus […]
Our User Experience training continues to be very popular and well reviewed by the University staff attending. At the recent sessions, I asked a few of the group what they thought and have pulled the comments together into a short video.
It’s just over a year since we trialled our first user experience training package. We’ve run the sessions 4 times now, receiving excellent feedback from attendees and refining the provision each time to better meet staff needs.
I’ve just delivered 3 days’ training in user experience (UX) research and design techniques to staff working in IT Services at the University of Essex. (Forgive the title pun, I couldn’t resist). In this post I’ll cover what the training entailed and how trainees rated it.
Successful digital projects, effective digital products and services and great user experiences need multidisciplinary collaboration. In this post I’ll go through why I value techniques that facilitate this multidisciplinary approach so highly, and how business units across the University are calling on us to help them do the same.
The University provides access for staff and students to a wealth of online learning through Lynda.com. I’ve been working my way through much of the UX provision and can strongly recommend a playlist I compiled of sessions by Chris Nodder.