Tag: Content design
Since February 2024, we’ve trained more than 90 publishers in content design and have experimented with the ways we upskill University staff in content design techniques, to support them to produce good-quality, compliant online content that meets web visitors’ needs.
Last week I attended the Communications and Marketing (CAM) Conference for the first time. It’s a one-day event for University staff interested in communications and marketing, held at the John McIntyre Conference Centre and attended by around 200 people. You can find out more about the conference on the CAM Conference SharePoint (University login required […]
Understanding and Measuring the Environmental Impact of the University of Edinburgh’s Web Estate – Initial Insights and Further Questions from my Summer Internship.
This month we hosted the second of our new Content Improvement Monthly meet-ups at Argyle House – it was great to see everyone who attended and really interesting to hear about different experiences of managing long content pages. For those who haven’t heard about Content Improvement […]
We used prototypes based on two different EdWeb sites to test the usability of a navigation scheme comprising a top menu combined with a left-hand menu.
The latest phase of developing the navigation scheme for EdWeb2 involved testing a menu system comprising a top-level menu and a left-hand menu.
Earlier this year, we worked with the Information Security team to improve their help pages for the rollout of Multifactor Authentication (MFA) across the University. These help pages are important, because potentially thousands of staff will be using them as they enable MFA on their University Office365 accounts.
As we continue to shape the navigation scheme of the Web Publishing Platform, we wanted to learn about the holistic experience of megamenus from the perspective of editors, developers and end-users. We conducted usability tests using the Stanford Graduate School of Business website and collaborated with the team behind it to understand how a megamenu […]
We’ve spent the last year listening to our community of practice to help us to make much needed changes to the Effective Digital Content training.
In June 2022, I attended the UCD Gathering conference, where inclusiveness was an outstanding theme.