Tag: user research
Last week our Design Sprint Facilitator Nicola Dobiecka ran a session on experience mapping to share what we’ve learned about the prospective student decision making process. Session recording and access to the map are available to Edinburgh staff.
Our design sprint challenge was to identify how we might make all funding opportunities findable and comprehensible to prospective students. We designed and tested a prototype concept to help us gauge how useful students find a new scholarship search facility and the presentation of the funding information.
Join us on Wednesday 18 August at 10am to watch prospective postgraduates try out a design we’ve prototyped to make it easier to find scholarships and funding available to them to study at Edinburgh.
Our challenge for design sprints 4 and 5 was around the presentation of entry requirements. It’s such a big area we decided to dedicate two sprints. In sprint 4 we looked at provision for UK applicants (specifically widening access students) and in sprint 5 we looked at how we serve international students.
Join us on Thursday 8 July at 10am to watch international prospective undergraduates try out a design we’ve prototyped to make it easier to work out whether they might be qualified to study an undergraduate degree at Edinburgh.
Join us on Thursday 17 June at 10am to watch prospective undergraduates try out a design we’ve prototyped to make it easier to work out whether they might be qualified to study an undergraduate degree at Edinburgh.
Join us on Thursday 27 May at 10am to watch prospective postgraduates try out a design we’ve prototyped to make it easier to work out how much studying a degree might cost.
Our research found clear entry requirements information is crucial to prospective students. But the way the University currently presents this information can be confusing and increases enquiries.
An anecdote about United States (US) military intelligence in the book I’m currently reading – Good Strategy, Bad Strategy – prompted me to draw a parallel with user research and how we make decisions in service and software development.
Join us on Wednesday 10 March to hear what we have learnt so far on entry requirements for undergraduate prospective students, and then help prioritise the areas we should improve.