Tag: agile ux
Since February 2024, we’ve trained more than 90 publishers in content design and have experimented with the ways we upskill University staff in content design techniques, to support them to produce good-quality, compliant online content that meets web visitors’ needs.
We’re running another of our showcase events to highlight how the pilot User Experience (UX) Service is helping a wide range of projects get closer to their target audiences and make better decisions. Booking for Tuesday 23 July is now open.
In our latest lunchtime meetup, UX Service Manager Neil Allison gave a preview of the talk he presented at UX Scotland. He shared a tried and tested method of bringing teams together to prioritise usability issues effectively.
Once again we’re contributing to the annual UK Higher Education web managers conference, IWMW. It’s a great opportunity to learn from and network with colleagues in our sector, and we’re encouraging staff here in Edinburgh to join us at Liverpool John Moores University, 21-23 June.