Tag: human-centred-design
I tagged along with user researcher Nicola Dobiecka on her quest to understand the postgraduate research (PGR) application experience to discover the points where user research and analytics overlap.
Listening to a podcast by journalist and author Jon Ronson, I was struck by what he had to say about social media echo chambers and feedback loops. It made me think about the parallels between his observations and findings, and how we run user-centred projects. In particular, the importance of working in the open.
We recently completed exploratory user research into the prospective undergraduate experience of applying to the University of Edinburgh. In this post, I share insights of an emerging theme – why prospective students want more information about what they can study.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are not a sensible way to structure web content. They might be easy to produce, but they’re difficult to consume and risky to manage. Here are five solid reasons to ditch your FAQ pages.
Join us on Wednesday 10 March to hear what we have learnt so far on entry requirements for undergraduate prospective students, and then help prioritise the areas we should improve.
We’re using an iterative, human-centred design approach to promote UniBuddy in a way that’s responsive to the needs of prospective students.
We worked to support our Admissions Service colleagues by developing a new web interface to display degree programmes in clearing, following agile principles and a user-centred process.