Tag: video
Our User Experience training continues to be very popular and well reviewed by the University staff attending. At the recent sessions, I asked a few of the group what they thought and have pulled the comments together into a short video.
I’m in the middle of reading the new book by Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden: Sense and Respond. I’ve finding it pretty inspirational and yesterday at our Web Publishers Community session a short webinar on the topic prompted some interesting conversation.
A colleague recently asked me for some quick tips on creating effective instructional videos for a new piece of software they are creating. I’ve gathered my thoughts together, and hope they will be of wider use.
This year’s UX Scotland happened 8-10 June. It was my 4th time attending, and this year I focused mainly on sessions around facilitation and management. As ever there were some real highlights for me, including a full day training session with Kim Goodwin.
On January 28, I went along to the first of a monthly showcase series on how learning technology is being used around the University. Hosted by Learning Technology and eLearning@Ed, this inaugural session focused on interactive teaching and learning, particularly using media to enhance the student experience.
I recently had a Support Clinic session in which I was asked this question. What we need to do to answer this question depends on how your video is hosted.