Tag: user experience
The end of 2017 marks the first anniversary of our collaboration with IS Helpline to iteratively improve their IT help provision. A year in, we look back at some of our achievements in the process of improving the user experience around IT support at the University.
The latest UX Showcase session held on 13 October outlined the recent activity surrounding our user experience services. This was our second such event, and it was great to see a wide range of attendees continuing to demonstrate their interest in the UX activities happening at the University.
We’re running another informal briefing and networking event centred around user experience-related services and activities happening at the moment. You can book a place for the session happening at Argyle House, Friday 13 October 14:30.
Last month, I presented a session at the annual UX Scotland conference. It was a great honour to appear on the same programme as people with a world-wide reputation in the field such as Jared Spool and Dana Chisnell. In this post, I’ve included my slides and a transcript of what I said.
Back in September 2016, the University initiated a procurement exercise to replace its current central search engine. As we are nearing on deciding the successful vendor, it’s a great time to provide a project review, revisit the vision and explore the opportunities this new search engine will present.
This week I gave an update on the pilot User Experience Services to the board overseeing all areas involved in the Digital Transformation portfolio. In this post, I’m sharing the slides, plus a transcript of what I talked through.
Our tech team recently did some great work for IS Helpline, creating a bespoke webform that directs users to self-serve before submitting an enquiry. The form itself, though, isn’t what will ultimately help reduce support calls—it’s an iterative process of user testing, editorial improvements and analysis.
In recent months I’ve been investigating the Kano model, which is a way to plan and prioritise features of a product to better meet user expectations. After discussing with the team, we decided to try it out through the planning process for some upcoming EdWeb CMS features.
I recently conducted an on-campus contextual inquiry as a UX research method. My work aimed to help inform the procurement of the new central Search service of the University.
The recently launched Media Hopper service for University staff and students provides an excellent (and free) means to record usability testing sessions. We recommend you try it as a means to easily share your findings with colleagues and stakeholders.