Tag: user experience
I joined the team as Usability Testing Service Assistant in late May and have had a busy first month getting to grips with the equipment we use, helping run promotional events and supporting a range of projects.
We are running extra sessions of our showcase of the Usability Testing Service so even more colleagues to learn about the value of direct user engagement by taking part in a real session. Upcoming dates look at the current student experience of IT help self service (14 June) and the prospective student experience using the […]
I’m introducing a new usability testing service for the University, for an initial trial period up to the end of July 2016. It will be an easy and convenient way to embed user insight into your development projects, and provide learning opportunities for anyone interested in trying the techniques out for themselves.
Digital transformation is a popular term cropping up in many organisational strategies, including our own. But what’s it all about? I attended an excellent seminar last week that prompted me to reflect on my views on the subject.
I read an interesting article recently by content specialist and top tasks evangelist, Gerry McGovern. It was a commentary on a blog post recently written by a member of the UK Digital Govenrment Service (GDS) in which they outlined why they were moving away from an audience based approach to navigation and towards a single, […]
Yesterday at our monthly Web Publishers Community meeting, a gave a presentation titled “How to get a grip of your website (and then keep hold)”. It’s good do-it-yourself advice, and I also outline where the University Website Programme can step in and help. This post is a transcript of (roughly) what I said…
Last week, I spent three days on an intensive course to consolidate my knowledge on creating an effective user experience, and now hold the certificate of ‘Certified Professional in User Experience (Foundation level)’, or CPUX-F.
In early June, the UX Scotland conference was held for the third time in Edinburgh. I was there once again, this time joined by a newer member of the LTW team – Jonah McLachlan. In this post we highlight what for us were the best sessions, and link to some of the resources now available.
We’ll be introducing a few refinements to the new website design on the smallest screen sizes in the near future. This week we’ve been parallel testing three versions with staff and students around the campus.
For a little over 6 months now the EdWeb development team has been getting together to watch staff try out EdWeb in a regular, systematic fashion and sharing our findings via the project wiki. This post is a quick reflection on how far we’ve come.