Author: Duncan MacGruer
When it comes to deciding on your site’s analytics installation, you should consider the main objectives of your site, and the reporting capacity you have.
Separating internal and external audience data is essential to our understanding of usage in our web estate.
How can we gain a collective understanding of how our services are serving our users?
We know from previous research that our users value personalisation in our digital services. What might that mean for the future of MyEd?
The marketing technology landscape is changing, and we need to think about our analytics and tag management solutions.
Shared needs bring together our Web Community of Practice. How can this help us when considering similar groups?
If there was an issue with the analytics on your site, how would you learn about it? Would it be when you went to create a report, and found out you’d lost a few weeks/months/years worth of data? I’m glad to say, there’s a better way.
What is the benefit of an enterprise portal in an organisation like The University of Edinburgh? While working to update the product roadmap for Portal Services, it led me to thinking about why we provide a service like the portal (MyEd).
We’ve recently increased the capacity of our SMS Text Messaging service to enable improved communications with our students.
This week, Google announced that new analytics properties would by default use “Google Analytics 4” (formerly, App + Web). What does that mean for The University of Edinburgh?