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Open Toolkits are free, open resources created by artists and arts organisations for the purpose of sharing their practices 2024’s cohort of MA Contemporary Art Theory students will each create an Open Toolkit to share with you. Each Toolkit enables an open way of inhabiting a practice by taking part in it. An archive […]
Flame icon created by Freepik – Flaticon Open Toolkits ’24 BarCamp 10:30-12:30 19th November 2024 West Court, Edinburgh College of Art, The University of Edinburgh A BarCamp is a stucture for presenting and playtesting a UX; in this case, an Open Toolkit. Open Toolkits ’24 runs prior to the open publication of this […]
To Puxian Wang: The museum’s decolonized curatorial strategy reminds me of another possibility of decentralized curation: If its curatorial strategy is to break the Western-dominated framework of art history, does it mean that it is building another kind of new center? Is the inclusion of art from the Global South in the curatorial framework a […]
A “peep show” is a specific viewing device that limits the line of sight within a frame while creating a visual experience that transcends reality. This way of seeing is not only an optical mechanism but also a metaphor; it involves the relationship between peep, desire, control and immersion. In contemporary society, the logic of […]
Step 1: Recall Your Everyday Spaces (2 Minutes) Watch a video:
1. 选择您的概念 “想象力是一切的关键” 如果你无法想象某件事,那就意味着你做不到,也意味着你不理解它。所以。。。 选择一个你想深入理解的概念,例如:童年、记忆、欺骗、爱情……(之后,您将需要分享与仪表相关的经验和感知,因此请仔细选择您的抽象内容) 2. 告诉我们您的体验 个人有不同的经历,这些经历塑造了完全不同的理解。因此,请告知您的同行您与此概念相关的经验,以便他们更好地理解您的描述。 回想一下你能想象到的每一个细节(你有权拒绝回答个人问题或不舒服的问题。 3. 想想一个时刻或一个物体 根据你的直觉,将体验框定在某个时刻或特定对象中,并让该时刻或对象代表整个体验。 描述一下你构图的这一刻,是什么时候?天气怎么样?背景是什么颜色的?一个人或其他东西的动作或手势?……描述一下你看到的这个项目,它是什么颜色的?它是什么形状的?触感如何?它的气味和味道如何?…… 4. 名词替换 现在,用你回忆起的这个时刻或物体回到你的概念上,并尝试用你用来描述这些事物的词语来重新描述抽象的概念。你可能会发现有很多词语和语言可以直接用来概括你对这个概念的理解,但请尽可能尝试用其他意象来代替这些词语吧! 打开工具包
Introduction Have you ever imagined transforming your ideas into lifelike visual images or even 3D models? You may think it’s difficult, but this kit will help you create a one-of-a-kind virtual character in less than 20 minutes using AI tools.This kit takes you behind the scenes of creation, from conception to realization. Let’s stand at […]
Introduction & Aim Appreciating a painting as a layman can be an enriching experience that fosters a deeper connection with art. This guide provides simple, step-by-step instructions to help you observe and engage with paintings thoughtfully, even without formal art training. By focusing on accessible techniques, it aims to make art appreciation enjoyable and […]
Narrative Persona Toolkit “Fiction is not a lie, but another form of loyalty to reality.” — Hitomi Kiriyama Do you need to create a believable and realistic character for your novel? Want to establish a convincing social media account and become another persona on the internet? Or perhaps you simply enjoy creating […]
“Rembrandt lighting is a timeless technique that combines strong directional light with subtle shadows to evoke emotion and drama in photographic compositions.” (1) What is Rembrandt lighting? How is this artistic interplay of light and shadow applied in film? Rembrandt: “Do you know about ‘lighting’? I invented it.” The name “Rembrandt lighting” comes from the […]
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-exploration and empowerment? This toolkit is for everyone, whether you’re curious about understanding your identity, breaking free from societal expectations, or simply exploring a new aspect of yourself. It’s inclusive, accessible, and designed to meet you wherever you are in your journey. We will protect your privacy […]
Black box theater is a kind of open theater mainly used in small and medium-sized plays, which can easily change the stage and audience and adapt to the needs of different activities. The biggest difference from the framed theater that controls the audience’s visual range is that the entire theater is a performance space, […]
Out of limitations comes creativity. — Debbie Allen Inspired by Merce Cunningham’s “Chance Choreography” we will create unique movement sequences by randomly combining movements and using imposed restrictions. By integrating these elements, we’ll explore new ways of expressing ourselves and rethink the potential of boundaries in artistic practice. Additionally, through the use of […]
Course Objectives Understand the core role of associations in advertising. Learn how to use associations to build creative connections and solve problems. Stimulate creative thinking and explore the endless possibilities of advertising through interactive games.
Format: 20-Minute Instructional Toolkit License: CC BY 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International) Target Audience: Beginners and intermediate learners interested in digital art, 3D modeling, and AI-assisted creativity. Learning Objectives By the end of this toolkit, learners will: Understand how to access and navigate the Meshy platform. Learn how to input text prompts to generate […]
Everyone is an artist, some people just haven’t found their brush yet. Step 1: Introduction to color theory (3 minutes) First, let’s take a look at this video to get a brief understanding of color theory. If you find it difficult to follow, the following picture will also help you understand. You can see color […]
In this open toolkit, we will learn three principles from André Breton’s Manifesto of Surrealism as a foundation for our creative expression:The open toolkit is inspired by surrealism, particularly the works of Salvador Dalí and Joan Miró. This is why I chose Joan Miró’s Ciphers and Constellations, in Love with a Woman (1941) as the featured […]
Emotional collage is a simple and creative exercise that uses the form of collage art to express your inner world by combining different materials and elements. As a means of contemporary art, collage not only breaks through the traditional painting and sculpture, but also provides a very intuitive artistic expression, which is very suitable for emotional healing. […]
This is an accessible, modular toolkit for individuals or pairs to engage in the creation of mandala paintings, integrating elements of art therapy and psychotherapy. The core of this course is to promote emotional connection, self-expression, and stress relief through collaborative or individual creation. Simultaneously, it provides multimedia support, such as texts, images, video examples, and audio files to ensure that learners of different backgrounds and ability levels can easily understand the test. After completing the course, there are self-assessment questions and a sharing platform provided.
Please take a close look at these two images What details or features do you observe? Have any additional elements been incorporated into them? Let’s continue exploring further! Part I: What is synthetic Cubism? (1 minute) In the artistic revolution of the 20th century, synthetic cubism became an important turning […]
“Be Your Own Light” This toolkit will guide you in visually exploring and healing your inner emotional world through open-ended creation. Art-based healing through painting is a significant form of art therapy, offering the inner child a free and non-verbal means of expression, fostering profound self-integration and personal growth. Step 1: Thematic Reflection Guidance […]
Creativity is the heart of art, but its value lies in how you connect it with the world. —Andy Warhol 📖 Introduction Have you ever wondered how to turn an artwork into a dazzling star in the market? This isn’t just a game of creation—it’s an adventurous journey into market strategies and role-playing! […]