Learn how to make an emotional Collage

Combining elements of art therapy and contemporary art, this OER allows learners to release emotions and self-reflect in a short period of time through simple collage creation.
Emotional collage is a simple and creative exercise that uses the form of collage art to
express your inner world by combining different materials and elements.
As a means of contemporary art, collage not only breaks through the traditional painting and sculpture,
but also provides a very intuitive artistic expression,
which is very suitable for emotional healing.
This toolkit explores the use of collage to express and release emotions, offering a simple yet powerful way to explore one’s inner world through contemporary art.
In 20 minutes, learners will work through collage creation, incorporating the idea of art therapy, expressing emotions, releasing stress, and understanding how to explore the self through contemporary art.
♠Learn about collage art (6 minutes)
– Step 1: Watch the video “COLLAGE PARTY” (3.5 minutes)
learning about the creative process of collages and the emotional healing they bring.
– Step 2: Appreciate the creations of collage artists (2.5 minutes)
By appreciating the works of collage artists, you can understand the basic forms of collage and what the artists want to express

collage artwork Flyers on a Wall by Heather Green, 2023

Fashion collage attached to wall by Mateusz Dach, 2020
♠ Materials and Preparation (1 minutes)

– Paper or canvas
– Old magazines, newspapers, colored paper, photos, clip art and other materials
– Scissors, glue or tape
– Markers, crayon
♠ Creation steps: Emotional Collage (12 minutes)
– Step 1: Identify the current emotion (1 minutes)
Calm down and quickly think about your current emotional state. It can be any emotion, such as anxiety, calm, joy, confusion, etc.
→[ Identify your current emotion, do not over analyze, be spontaneous.]
– Step 2: Select visual elements (2 minutes)

The collage materials that you cut on books or newspaper
- Cut out images or patterns from the magazines, newspapers, or other images provided that you think express this emotion. These can be abstract shapes, symbols, people or landscapes, any element that relates to your inner emotions.
- Color, shape and texture can be used to direct emotional expression. dark colors can represent melancholy or stress, while bright colors may represent pleasure or relaxation.
– Step 3: Collage and combination (8 minutes)

Collage on paper
- Random or intentional combinations of selected images, shapes, text, and other elements on paper. The process of collage can be completely free, and the key is the expression of feelings and emotions, rather than the perfection of creation.
- Explore the diversity of emotions through different overlaps, cuts, and arrangements. Use glue to attach them to the paper.
- Add some simple hand-drawn elements, such as lines, markers or text, to further express your emotions.

Emotional collage work completed
♠ Reflection and Feeling (1 minutes)
After finishing the collage, stop and look at your work. Take a minute or two to think about how this collage piece of art expresses your emotions:
- Does it help you release certain emotions inside? Do the colors and shapes you use match your emotional state?
- Think about whether any hidden emotions or thoughts surfaced during the creative process. You can save this collage for later reflection, or use it to explore your own inner self.
For learners who do not have access to magazines or newspapers, other options can be employed, such as digital collage tools (such as Canva) or printable materials.
Now that you’ve finished your emotional collage,
do you feel the healing power of art?
Try to create more works~
- https://vimeo.com/33329953© 2012 by River Rea Films is licensed under CC BY 4.0
- Flyers on a Wall © 2023 by Heather Green is licensed under CC BY 4.0
- Fashion collage attached to wall © 2020 by Mateusz Dach is licensed under CC BY 4.0
- Preparation materials for emotional collage © 2024 by Yawen Lu is licensed under CC BY 4.0
- The collage materials that you cut on books or newspaper © 2024 by Yawen Lu is licensed under CC BY 4.0
- Collage on paper © 2024 by Yawen Lu is licensed under CC BY 4.0
- Emotional collage work completed © 2024 by Yawen Lu is licensed under CC BY 4.0
(Work completed)