Tag: memory
This OER will lead you through the steps to complete your own ode poem. Beginning with tasks of reflection and remembrance you, as the learner, will build a descriptive language that you will then use to assemble into a structure of a poem to a subject personal to you. The Learning Objectives […]
Problem scenario Whenever I visit my grandparents’ home in the countryside, I notice the striking blend of old and new—modern buildings standing alongside ancient stone houses. This coexistence of cultural heritage and contemporary structures is present not only in rural settings but also in the communities we live in, where new and old elements, like […]
Jung observed that dreams are driven by a natural tendency to bring resolution and closure to unfinished emotional and mental problems of the day. Jung, C.G., 2012. Man and his symbols. Bantam. An AI-made dream scene Step into the world of your dreams, where symbols hold the key to unlocking hidden emotions and inspiring creativity. […]
Most of the time, it seems that we are far from death or unwilling to talk about it, yet death is a “required course” in everyone’s life. No one, however, teaches us about this “course.” At some point in the future, we will inevitably encounter it, we cannot avoid it. Perhaps the best way to […]
Introduction of this Open Toolkits (2min) Please watch the following video by playing it or clicking on the link provided.