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Open Toolkits

Open Toolkits

OERs composed by MA Contemporary Art Theory Students

Uncovering Dream Secrets: The Stories Inside

This is a word cloud about dreams, with the words arranged in the shape of one dove in flight. Key words include "Shadows," "Labyrinth," "Forest," "Mirror," and other dream-related imagery, as well as abstract concepts like "Emotion" and "Freedom." These words reflect themes of mystery, exploration, and freedom within dreams. The overall color scheme is a soft blue, creating a calm and dreamy atmosphere.


When I began exploring the subconscious through dreams, I realized that these images, filled with symbols and archetypes, serve as windows into our deepest emotions and untold stories. How can we guide people to use these dream images as inspiration, freely interpreting their inner world and transforming the hidden language of dreams into diverse forms of expression?

Jung observed that dreams are driven by a natural tendency to bring resolution and closure to unfinished emotional and mental problems of the day.

Jung, C.G., 2012. Man and his symbols. Bantam.


An AI-made dream scene

Step into the world of your dreams,

where symbols hold the key to unlocking hidden emotions and inspiring creativity.

Let’s take a 20-minute journey to discover the hidden language of your dreams, freely interpreting symbols and stories, reconstructing them in your own unique way, and feeling the endless possibilities of dream-inspired art.

Let’s begin our journey!


A person reaches his hand up through a translucent plastic sheet.

A hand reaches up through a soft, translucent layer, evoking a surreal and ethereal feeling.


Preliminary preparation:
1. Prepare a dream script in advance or recall a dream that has been recurring recently.
2. Prepare materials according to the art form you want to try. If you use words, body movements, or human voices to complete art creation, you can use mobile devices to record.

Part I: Discover Dream Symbols (3 minutes+2 minutes)

Watch this 3-minute video to delve into the meanings behind common dream symbols:
Watch the video here!
Task (2 minutes): After watching, quickly jot down any symbols that resonate with your own dream experiences or that feel significant.

A person holds a colorful abstract mask in front of their face.

Colorful Masked Identity.

Part II: Spontaneous Expression – Expressing Dream Symbols (2 minutes)

Begin by closing your eyes and choosing two symbols at random, letting your subconscious guide you.


A person is engaged in a creative painting session on the floor.

Creative Painting.

Part III: Dream Creation (13 minutes)

Now, it’s time to bring your dream-inspired ideas to life in your final piece!

Step 1: Choose an art form that speaks to you—this could be drawing, writing, sculpture, digital art, or any other medium you feel inspired to use.

Step 2: Using the symbols, shapes, or colors you’ve explored through your dreams, combine them in your own unique way to create a new artwork. Don’t worry about sticking to traditional forms—express the emotions and imagery of your dream however feels right to you.

Step 3: Once you’ve completed your work, feel free to take a photo and share it with others. You can also write a short story or reflection about the piece, giving it more personal meaning and helping others understand the emotions behind your dream expression.

(Communication with peers is optional:considering that some dream symbols contain elements such as psychological trauma and personal privacy,  and learners can choose whether to participate in communication according to their own personal wishes.)


A mysterious, cloaked figure.

A mysterious, cloaked figure with a stitched, jagged mouth and blue accents holds a lantern, surrounded by abstract designs.

How did you feel when you explored your dreams?

Did they bring back memories or stir emotions from deep within?

Could you imagine creating something inspired by them?

“Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious, and it takes a lifetime to learn their language.” Sigmund Freud

Freud, S. (1953–1974). The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (J. Strachey, Ed.). London: Hogarth Press.

And then Take a moment to reflect:

  • Did these activities help you tap into the mysterious, imaginative world of your dreams?
  • Have you discovered new insights or symbols from your subconscious that inspire you?
  • Can you continue to approach your dreams with curiosity, exploring them as a source of creativity and understanding rather than searching for definitive answers?

Embrace the wonder of your dreams!
You hold a world of creativity within you.
If you want, you can keep exploring and creating from your dreams for a lifetime.





Dream scene by is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 

A person reaches his hand up by is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 

Colorful Masked Identity by is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 

Creative Painting by is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 

A painting about dreams by Shiming Wang is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 

Word cloud about dreams by Shiming Wang is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 

Uncovering Dream Secrets: The Stories Inside © 2 by Shiming Wang is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0



1 replies to “Uncovering Dream Secrets: The Stories Inside”

  1. Mengmeng Hu says:

    This is a review of the dream. I selected the colors of the dream in my memory, and my subconscious guided me to draw the patterns one by one, which was a very relaxing process. I shared my pattern with my friend and she said she saw the ocean.

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