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Open Toolkits

Open Toolkits

OERs composed by MA Contemporary Art Theory Students

🌸 Unveiling Libido:How should contemporary women face their sexual libido?🌸

Face up to women's sexual libido, understand your own body and become more confident.


This toolkit is designed to help you explore and understand women’s sexual desire and self-awareness in a safe, reflective way. Through a series of simple exercises, you’ll: Think about how society and your own experiences shape your views on women’s sexual desire. Practice Self-Awareness: Use guided exercises to connect with your feelings and desires, without judgment. Release Negative Thoughts: Symbolically let go of shame or stereotypes through a meaningful activity like burning or burying written reflections. Build Confidence: Recognize and celebrate sexual desire as a natural and empowering part of life.
The goal is to help learner embrace self-care, feel more connected to your identity, and break free from limiting beliefs, all in a supportive and inclusive way.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-exploration and empowerment?  This toolkit is for everyone, whether you’re curious about understanding

your  identity, breaking free from societal expectations, or simply exploring a new aspect of yourself. It’s inclusive, accessible, and designed to meet you

wherever you are in your journey.  We will protect your privacy throughout the toolkit process.

 👉 Start your discovery today


In this prejudiced society, women’s sexual libido is often labeled as “taboo”. We are told that women should be demure and reserved, as if it is difficult for women to talk about “sex”.

♥️Part 1:Sexual libido is an aspect of self-identity(2 minutes)

Have you ever had libido quietly surge in your heart in the dead of night, but chose to suppress them because of shame and fear?
How do negative stereotypes about female sexuality, such as slut shaming, affect women’s ability to express their sexuality?
It is important to face your desires and acknowledge your animal nature!
Don’t treat sexual libido as something shameful.
Just like swallowing your saliva when you see something delicious, or yawning when you are sleepy, this is human nature!
The biological approach views sexual drives as similar to other physical drives, such as hunger. An individual will seek out food—or, in the case of desire, pleasure—in order to reduce or avoid pain.
Face up to women's sexual libido, understand your own body and become more confident.
It is important to face your desires and acknowledge your animal nature!
Don’t treat sexual desire as something shameful.
Just like swallowing your saliva when you see something delicious, or yawning when you are sleepy, this is human nature!


♥️Part 2:”Mapping the Inner Self: A Journey of Reflection”(5 minutes)

In this part, the reflection questions for male and female learners are separate. Learners need to choose three questions that most appeal to you from the ten questions corresponding to their gender, think about it for themselves and answer it honestly, and then write it down on any paper that can be recorded.


🚺 Female learners


1️⃣ Would you admit to having sexual libido? Why or why not?
2️⃣  When you feel sexual desires, do you feel ashamed, confused, or natural? Why?
3️⃣  Do you think sexual desires are a topic that can be discussed openly? If not, what makes it difficult for you to talk  about them?
4️⃣  How do you usually deal with or express your sexual desires?
5️⃣  Do you think your sexual desires have an impact on your self-identity or self-esteem?If so, is it positive or negative?
6️⃣  When you were growing up, were you told that women should not express their sexual desires? How did this affect you?
7️⃣   If you could express your sexual desires freely, how would you like to express or discuss  them?
8️⃣   Are you afraid of others knowing that you have sexual desires? Where does this fear come from?
9️⃣   Do you think that women’s sexual desires are different from men’s sexual desires? How did you develop this idea?
🔟   If your friends around you talked about their sexual desires, would you feel comfortable or embarrassed? Why?


(Please save your written answers for use in the fourth stage.)


🚹 Male learners


1️⃣  What is your first reaction when you hear women express their sexual desire? Why?
2️⃣  Do you believe women’s sexual desire is as valid and complex as men’s? Why or why not?
3️⃣ How ​​much of your understanding of women’s sexual desire comes from pornography or media,
and how do you think that has shaped your expectations?
4️⃣ Do you feel threatened by women who openly embrace their sexual agency?
5️⃣ Have you ever objectified a woman’s body or reduced her to her sexual appeal? How did that influence the way you treated her?
6️⃣  Have you ever used negative language or attitudes to describe women’s sexual desire? Have you ever reflected on this?
7️⃣  If you hear female friends talk about sexual desire, do you feel comfortable or uncomfortable? Why?
8️⃣  Do you feel that women’s sexual desire should be controlled? What is the basis for this idea?
9️⃣ What have you done to educate yourself about women’s sexual health, autonomy, and pleasure?
Why do you think this is important (or not)?
🔟  Are you aware that your own biases may affect women’s expression of their sexual desire? Are you willing to change these biases?

(Please save your written answers for use in the fourth stage.)


♥️Part 3:Self-Awareness: Meditation on the Mind-Body Connection(5 minutes)

Please find a position and adjust your posture to be comfortable. If conditions permit, please put on headphones and follow the video to awaken your self-awareness.

Click here to get started




Through this meditation, have you become more present?
Have you found that the connection between your body, emotions, and sexuality has become clearer?
As you pay attention to your heart and body, do you feel more understanding and acceptance of your sexuality?
Have you discovered that sexuality is not just a physical feeling, but an energy that is closely connected to your emotions, creativity, and life force?
Are you more able to face your sexuality and realize that it is a part of self-care and power, rather than something to hide or feel ashamed of?


🎉I think most people would answer“ Yes”.🎉

“As we learn to accept every part of ourselves, sexuality becomes an important expression of our own strength and beauty.”


♥️Part 4:Release and Overcome(2-5 minutes)

Please choose a method that you find convenient and safe to say goodbye to your fears and prejudices. Please ensure your privacy throughout the process.

You can choose to “burn your secrets”. Or, “bury your note somewhere in the ECA campus”. Or, if it is soluble paper, you can“ flush it down the drain”. It’s up to you!


Outcome:After completing the exercises in this toolkit, I hope you will feel a deeper sense of self-awareness and inner strength. Whether facing sexual libido , emotions or social prejudice, you have the ability to redefine these concepts. Sexual libido is part of human vitality, a natural and healthy energy that does not need to be hidden or ashamed.

Through the toolkit, you may have begun to break the inherent prejudice against female sexual desire, or re-understand its meaning in your life. Remember, self-care and acceptance are not achieved overnight, but a continuous process of growth.



“Accepting sexual libido is accepting yourself; respecting sexual libido is respecting vitality.”



(All the pictures and videos in the toolkit are created by me, and the video content elements are also created and produced by me.)

(Face up to women's sexual libido © 2024 by Jiamin Zhu is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0 )

(Women find it difficult to talk about their sexuality © 2024 by Jiamin Zhu is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0 )

(Face up to women's sexual libido © 2024 by Jiamin Zhu is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0 )

(The cover of my meditation vedio © 2024 by Jiamin Zhu is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0 )

(Burn your fear © 2024 by Jiamin Zhu is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0 )

(Confident women and men who respect women © 2024 by Jiamin Zhu is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 )

1 replies to “🌸 Unveiling Libido:How should contemporary women face their sexual libido?🌸”

  1. s2659968 says:

    It is a topic worth testing and thinking about repeatedly, and the final burning method is very interesting.

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