Webforms: an easy, paper-free way to engage with users
EdWeb’s webforms feature provides an effective and easy-to-use way to gather and organise information from your site’s users, whether they’re registering interest in a programme, submitting applications, completing surveys, requesting information, or providing feedback.
Almost 300 webforms have been created in EdWeb so far, by roughly a hundred users.That’s already 50 more than were created in Polopoly.
Less waste, more convenience
Webforms make data much easier to organise than traditional email queries, and they also reduce the environmental impact of paper submissions. Reducing paper waste is a university-wide goal.
Reviewing webform submissions data is simple: just select the Results button to view individual submitted forms, analyse data, create tables of data, and download it to an Excel spreadsheet.
Create forms that work
Creating forms has never been easier thanks to EdWeb’s intuitive design and provided templates, but it’s always a good idea to keep web best practices in mind when customising forms.
Provide a concise and descriptive summary sentence so the user knows the specific intent of your form. If you need to give more user guidance than a single sentence will allow, use the ‘markup’ field to elaborate.
Keep forms as brief as possible. If a longer form is necessary, split it up into different pages so the user won’t feel overwhelmed.
Avoid spam
Don’t forget to use the provided reCaptcha technology! This will help eliminate spam, making the webform analysis process that much easier.
To help you create the best possible webforms, we’ve created several pages on our support wiki: