Tag: Code Sprint
We have created, and continue to explore, an open system whereby developers from all over the University can write and contribute code adding new functionality to the software that runs the University website benefiting the whole University. With our third EdWeb code sprint completed the process now feels properly established. This is part of a […]
One of the problems often reported by developers using the EdWeb distribution is the time it takes to get up and running, even for early development and testing work. We decided to use Docker to create UoE Docker, which sets up an EdWeb distribution quickly by building an image of it.
To deliver our vision of encouraging and supporting a culture of innovation and creative problem solving we have successfully run two code sprints where developers have come together for a day to work on fixes and enhancements for EdWeb. We brought together our expertise and enthusiasm to work on a list of requirements gathered from […]
The first EdWeb code sprint took place with 14 people coming together to discuss, develop, code and problem solve a set of requirements and changes for EdWeb. This is a collaboration between two teams within Information Services: Applications and UWP and with developers from all around the University.