Enjoy the Edinburgh festivals – using our RSS feeds
The University at the Festivals website showcases the University’s involvement in the Edinburgh festivals, and this year we’re sharing the content using RSS feeds.
Details of the events are published on the University’s Festivals website.
2014 highlights in the University at the Festivals website
The year events are being published in one folder in Polopoly from which other parts of the University can pull out the specific events with which their staff and students are involved.
For example, on this page for the College of Humanities and Social Science:
College participation in Edinburgh’s Festivals
The page is automatically updated by the RSS feed when any festival event tagged with the ‘CHSS’ keyword is published in the Festivals website.
The same process would work for other Colleges and Schools.
The links take users to the Festivals site – it’s a central depository of the content – but, of course, they can always hit the back button to get back, or open a link in a new tab. And we’ve tried to make that clear in the text, so they’re not too discombobulated by the journey.
Why not use ‘includes’? Because that would mean work for someone in the College of Humanities and Social Science to create articles, find the ‘includes’ and publish the pages.
But with RSS, the event is published once, and the link to it appears where-ever we want.
If you’d like to set up a Festivals feed for your School or College, please just get in touch and we’ll help you get it set up: website.support@ed.ac.uk