Category: Training, support & events
Reports from our training and events, both UWP-run and external; updates on new training we’re developing, and why.
This month we hosted the second of our new Content Improvement Monthly meet-ups at Argyle House – it was great to see everyone who attended and really interesting to hear about different experiences of managing long content pages. For those who haven’t heard about Content Improvement […]
On Tuesday 17 September 2024 people from educational institutions across the UK will gather in Manchester for a day of talks, workshops and networking on the theme of challenges and opportunities of UX in Education. Tickets are now on sale if you would like to join us.
Space designed to inform how you can use our internal AI to enhance your work experience. For quite some time, LTW’s own AI Knowledge Hub has been available in the Generative AI Resource and Information Hub for LTW on SharePoint. It is aimed at providing general information on available AI tools and the associated ethical […]
Accompanying the move to Edweb 2, the UX Service have been running and piloting some new sessions to train and upskill colleagues in content design practices.
Increase your AI preparedness – new internal resource to learn about AI and how it can aid our work.
Space designed to increase your AI preparedness I joined LTW this summer as a ChatGPT and OpenAI intern. I teamed up with Wietske and set out on intense three months journey to create a report aimed at establishing what part of AI is hype and what part can actually be useful for all of us […]
Acting on our research carried out between 2022 and 2023 and to coincide with the web migration project and training in EdWeb 2, we’re running a series of practical sessions to help University staff implement concepts from the Effective Digital Content course.
In September 2023, two Web Content Design Assistants joined the UX team to support the project to migrate web content to EdWeb2. Since they joined they’ve helped the successful migration of over 30 sites, and helped us streamline our approach. We’re delighted to be recruiting more people into this role, bringing the total to five.
Unlike a conventional conference, the UKEduCamp unconference gives attendees the chance to set the agenda and run the sessions themselves. Members of the UX team helped organise and took part in UKEduCamp at the University on Friday 12 January 2024.
We’ve spent the last year listening to our community of practice to help us to make much needed changes to the Effective Digital Content training.
When I began learning how to test websites and apps for accessibility, it was to lend support to my unit, which needed products to have accessibility reports and statements. I was also intrigued as a user experience practitioner; if I could understand what it’s like to use assistive software to navigate a digital environment, this […]