Beyond the UX Tipping Point – Lunchtime UX meetup write up
In our latest user focused lunchtime meetup we watched a video of Jared Spool’s ‘Beyond the UX Tipping Point’. In this post I’ll share a link to the video and provide a short summary of the session.
Beyond the UX Tipping Point
In the video Spool explains how organisations become more mature in their approach to serving customer needs. He illustrates his point by introducing what he believes to be “the biggest, most important project that has been done in the field of UX ever.” He’s referring to the creation of Disney’s Magic Band.
The Magic Band is a wearable accessory that enables guests at Disney World to trigger nearby cameras, track family members, purchase merchandise and much more, altogether creating wonderful holiday experiences.
To make this possible Disney had a lot of work to do and Spool describes the transformation of a company that traditionally offered terrible online experiences to one that embedded user focused design as part of their culture.
For Disney this was the journey ‘Beyond the UX Tipping Point’.
If you are interested in the stages of this journey and how other organisations can relate, I highly recommend watching the video.
What did people think?
“It was interesting to think about how customers actually experienced Disney’s innovation and what they actually took away from it. That impression is something that will last for years.”
Sometimes I think it could be about the language. I think some people just think of UX as a box to tick. Why don’t we just talk about experience as the end product and build it in so that it’s intertwined into everything instead of just a box to tick?
The group discussion
We followed the talk with 45 minutes of discussion with a group-organised agenda. We used the Lean Coffee approach to decide what to talk about and for how long.
The topics we chose to discuss

Together the group voted to decide which topics to talk about.
- What should be the minimal viable product if we are becoming more user centered in the way that we run projects?
- How do you measure the value of good user experience?
- How can the University of Edinburgh make embedded UX the norm?
Get in touch
If you’d like to find out more or bring the UX Service on board to help you better understand your users, get in touch.
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