Increased capacity for text messaging
We’ve recently increased the capacity of our SMS Text Messaging service to enable improved communications with our students.
Our service allows our staff (and students, where appropriate) to send SMS messages.
We’ve recently seen a large increase in demand for the service, primarily as a result of changed communication needs during the pandemic. Our understanding of Covid-19, and the rules around University activity, are evolving. Our communication of these changes need to be personally directed, and are often urgent.
For that reason, email or social isn’t always an appropriate route for these communications.
Increased capacity for text messaging
To meet this increased demand, we’ve upped the capacity of our service so that it can send around 100,000 messages in a single day (though we have set a warning if 10,000 are sent, to prevent errors). As we have around 8,000 students in our accommodation alone, any messaging directed at our students requires our service to cope with these large numbers. We’re now confident that we can meet these needs.
Further information about the availability and use of the SMS text messaging service
Gaining access to the text messaging service
If you want to use the service, please get in touch with us through the Information Services Helpline.
We currently buy credits for the system to meet expected demand. If you will need to use the system – and particularly, in bulk – it’s important to contact us in advance of needing to send messages. We do understand the sometimes urgent nature of communication, so will try to be as flexible as we can.
Data protection
You have a responsibility to make sure that your use of text messaging is compliant with data protection law.
By the nature of text messaging, using the system involves processing personal data. You need to ensure that you have a legal basis for processing data before you upload it to the system.
Appropriate privacy information, along with opt-out options, are also necessary when you use the service.
Again, if you have any queries about personal data and the use of text messaging, please get in touch before you begin to collect contact data.