Annual Report 2013/14
The academic year 2013-14 has been one of innovation, discourse and development for UWP. We have made major headway with our planned move to the new Drupal-based CMS, EdWeb, and are proud of its foundation in user-centric principles.
Highlights and key achievements
- Continued positive engagement and improved user experience across key strategic themes – Student Experience Project and Global Academies
- Roll-out of the PURE widget, our tool to raise the profile of the University’s research activity
- New training courses to furnish the web publishing community with additional skills
- Dissemination of our work at conferences including DrupalCamp, UX Scotland and IWMW 2014
- Launch of a suite of cookie-compliant widgets, to build on our work to remove privacy-invasive widgets from the University website
- Improvements to the University’s search engine service
- Developing new easy-to-use content management system for launch in 2015
- Producing responsive design for mobile and new Global Experience Language for all web publishers