Laboratory Programme Facilitator Andrew Arnott reflects on the recent Energy Reduction Workshop that aimed to share best practice about energy reduction in laboratories.
Staff in the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability have competed in both the Edinburgh Marathon relay and the Step Count Challenge to promote fitness, encourage active travel and raise money for local charities.
On the 16th of January 2015, the updated Planetary Boundaries framework was published in Science. But what is this Planetary Boundaries framework and why is it important? How could it help the University of Edinburgh in becoming more sustainable? Inske Groenen finds out more.
Last month Eve Livingstone, EUSA Vice President Societies and Activities, took part in the Ethics Forum event ‘Has the University eradicated sexism’. She reflects on the event and shares her thoughts about the subject.
Professor Charlie Jeffery, Senior Vice Principal at the University of Edinburgh delivered an engaging lecture on constitutional change within the United Kingdom in light of the recent Scottish Referendum.
The University is reviewing its Social Responsibility and Sustainability Strategy. Feedback has shown that people would like the strategy to set out more explicit definitions of the terms, and make it clearer how they relate to the University.
Programme Manager, Matthew Lawson reflects on the thought-provoking public lecture from the Our Changing World lecture series on air pollution and heart attacks.
In the most recent Our Changing World lecture, Dr Alice Street, Chancellor’s Fellow and writer of the recently released ‘Biomedicine in an Unstable Place: Infrastructure and Personhood in a Papua New Guinean Hospital (Experimental Futures)’, outlined the value of anthropology in thinking about and planning infrastructure for health.
Our student reporters, Chloe Neal and Rebecka Sondell, attended the Rio Group’s half-day event: ‘Sustainable Development Goals in Scotland: Reframing Sustainable Development’. Read their thoughts on the path of Scotland’s sustainable development and what actions we need to take for a brighter future.
Our student reporter, Franziska Schmidt, reflects on ‘Rewilding the World: with George Monbiot and Alan Watson Featherstone.
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