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Category: Uncategorised

An introduction from David Bruce on his new role as Forest and Peatland Manager for the University of Edinburgh’s programme to sequester carbon through forest and peatland restoration in Scotland.

Georgia (author) holds arms full of tote bags

Sustainability Champion Georgia Dodsworth shares insights on the environmental impact of tote bags, highlighting their often overlooked carbon footprint despite their popularity as eco-friendly alternatives.

Habitats in the sky: can green roofs help our urban pollinators? - Lydia Miller

Edinburgh Napier University graduate and climate change intern with East Lothian Council, Lydia Miller, undertook her research project around Edinburgh; including the University of Edinburgh. The study looked at green roofs and their potential to support our dwindling pollinator populations and how green roofs could be successful components in urban conservation.

Fourth year Zoology student Nathan Oenardi stands on beach. Title reads 'Climate crisis from the lens of a zoologist'

Fourth year Zoology student Nathan Oenardi explains why budding zoologists should take a keen interest in the effects of the climate crisis.

My summer internship at Edinburgh Zoo, photo of penguins (Nigel Swales) and student, Nathan Oenardi

Fourth-year Zoology student Nathan Oenardi spent Summer 2021 volunteering at RZSS Edinburgh Zoo. Watch this video to hear what skills he developed while delivering a “Science Summer School” for primary school children, and his future career plans.

Our Voices of the Planet series highlights the real-life impacts of the climate crisis on our University community, focusing on those from the Global South. In this entry, we hear from Irvin Romero, an MSc Language Education student from El Salvador on the recent extreme weather events that are devastating his home country.

Newspaper clipping, with the title "Settlement Celebrates", with archive photographs

The University’s vision to make the world a better place is rooted in its unique history as a civic university.


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