Author: aarnott2
Andrew is our Projects Coordinator for the University’s laboratories, working to make them more sustainable by increasing energy efficiency, reducing waste and improving the design of lab buildings. Andrew graduated from University of Aberdeen in 2006 and spent 18 months working in an environmental management role. Moving to Edinburgh at the end of 2007 he took up a role providing energy efficiency and renewable energy advice to businesses on behalf of the Energy Saving Trust. In 2010 he spent 9 months volunteering in Malawi, setting up environmental projects. Returning to the UK in 2011 he took a role in a consultancy firm providing energy efficiency, renewable energy and resource efficiency advice to public and private sector clients.Andrew Arnott, Climate and Sustainability Analyst at the University of Edinburgh, reflects on the simple pleasures a bike to work and back can bring.
Andy Arnott, Projects Coordinator (Labs), summarises how biohazard waste was reduced by 40% in a pioneering study by a lab in the University of Edinburgh Roslin Institute.
Technicians are key players and key contacts for addressing social responsibility and sustainability issues in labs. This article was first published on 13 June 2019.
This Sustainable Campus Fund project will reduce heat and electricity consumption of fume cupboards by over 50%. Funding also came from the Scottish Funding Council.
Neil Johnston, Laboratory Manager at the Centre for Cardiovascular Science, tells us how the centre is saving energy after using the Sustainable Campus Fund to purchase more efficient freezer equipment.
The University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute is carrying out research into making cold storage facilities more efficient.
Technicians and their work are vital to the research and teaching work undertaken within universities, but they have become unsung heroes. Andrew Arnott explains how a dedicated group is now trying to change that at University of Edinburgh.
Andrew Arnott, Lab Sustainability Coordinator, reflects on the recent HEaTED event at Easter Bush. Will this year be a turning point for technical staff?
Andrew Arnott, Lab Sustainability Coordinator, tells us about some of the innovative energy and resource-saving projects happening in the University’s Chemistry laboratories, using the Sustainable Campus Fund.
Andrew Arnott, Lab Sustainability Coordinator, gives an overview of the carbon-neutral chemistry lab at Nottingham University.
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