Peter Higgins, Professor of Outdoor & Environmental Education, Director of the Global Environment & Society Academy and Director of Learning for Sustainability Scotland shares his views on education and the recent school climate strikes.
Recycling points have popped up across the University campuses over recent weeks, with staff and students now able to recycle crisp packets, biscuit wrappers and various stationery items. We hear from Corinna Bremer, School Operations Secretary for the School of Mathematics on why she took to initiative to set up a biscuit wrapper recycling scheme.
A 2015 report by Georgetown University stated: “Climate change is a global challenge that burdens all of humanity, but not equally.” Meg McGrath, a Communications Coordinator for the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability, discusses why climate change is a feminist issue this International Women’s Day.
We hear from Aaron de Verés, a current 3rd year Ecology student and the Joint Coordinator of the activist group People and Planet Edinburgh, about why he believes sustainability should be embedded across the curriculum.
We hear from Imogen Terry, a University of Edinburgh student and one of the founders of Unearthed Edinburgh on why community action and socially responsible living is important to students.
We hear from Morven MacEwen, a Global Environment, Politics and Society MSc student on why she believes the action of school students striking to be so necessary.
We hear from Catharine Horn, Business Manager at Scottish Student Sport on the benefits of active travel on our health and the planet.
School children striking over inaction on climate change originated in Sweden, with 15 year old Greta Thunberg protesting outside her Government’s buildings. Today, similar demonstrations are being held in 60 towns and cities across the UK as students express their concerns over the worsening impacts of climate change. We hear from University of Edinburgh academics […]
Lan Wang reports back from the 24th annual Conference of the Parties (COP), a meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to address climate change globally.
Sarah, Communication Manager; Aisling, Projects Coordinator (Energy); Vanessa, Committees & Projects Officer; and Kerry, Projects Coordinator – Sustainability and Festivals, reflect on their personal sustainability resolutions.
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