In our next blog in a series on mental health and climate change for #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek, we hear from Esther Duncan who has just finished her undergraduate degree in Sustainable Development with Social Anthropology. Esther recently took part in the course in “Eco-Spirituality” at the University’s Chaplaincy and discusses how a community of like-minded people can […]
In our first blog for #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek, we hear from Neeki Armani who is currently a Science Teacher in London and soon-to-be MSc Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education student at the University of Edinburgh. She discusses the realities of being responsible for educating children about climate change and the toll that takes on both her and their […]
We hear from Erika Lau, a third-year Biological Sciences student who is passionate about reusing materials, or “upcycling” for our final blog post for #FashionRevolutionWeek.
Anton Puzorjov is a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, the Founder of the University of Edinburgh Entrepreneurs Society and someone who’s on a mission to fight fast fashion. He founded One Cherry just 1 and a half years ago with the aim of making it easier for charity shops to sell their clothing […]
After reports were released naming the fast fashion industry is the world’s second largest polluter, calls have been made for a huge transformation in the sector. In this blog for #FashionRevolutionWeek, Medical student Mikaela Loach discusses her top tips for ensuring your clothing purchases are both ethically made and sustainable.
For their 2019 gold project, the Centre for Dementia Prevention Awards office team worked to create ‘EcoBricks’ to raise awareness of single-use plastic consumption and reduce the volume of waste reaching landfill.
For their 2018 gold project, the Sport & Exercise Sustainability Awards office team addressed their cleaning products, to reduce plastic waste, release less harmful chemicals and improve staff wellbeing.
The Easter Bush team chose to explore ways to be more resource efficient in their 2018 Sustainability Awards Gold project. This included avoiding the use of 5,224 cardboard boxes.
Through their Office Sustainability Awards Gold project, the IGMM team brought together staff from different areas, united by their enthusiasm for gardening. Read about their experience.
Meg McGrath, Communications Coordinator, reflects on attending her first Sustainability Awards Celebration at the University of Edinburgh. The celebration took place on the afternoon of Thursday 28 March 2019, at St. Cecilia’s Hall.
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