We recently said farewell to Caro Overy, Engagement Manager for the Department for Social Responsibility & Sustainability. We asked her to share some thoughts on what she’s learnt over the last seven years.
Jaime and Luis share a flavour of what their two month placement with our Department was like.
Creative Carbon Scotland is a charity working to put culture at the heart of a sustainable Scotland. In this blog, student Elly White reflects on her recent placement at the organisation as part of her Fine Art degree.
Institute for Academic Development (IAD) Sustainability Awards team share the successes of their gold project to use technology to support sustainability in 2016. Their actions ranged from reducing business travel by encouraging video conferencing, to putting in place paper-saving measures, resulting in a 30% reduction in paper use.
Shirley Simpson at the Hospital for Small Animals, and Steve McLean at QMRI talk about how they saved money and space by finding a new use for old equipment.
Waste Management Officer Tim Calder explains the benefits to the School of Chemistry of implementing a glove recycling initiative.
The University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute is carrying out research into making cold storage facilities more efficient.
Sonja Peacock reflects on her work placement with the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability over the Summer.
On 30th November, the Department for Social Responsibility and Sustainability, the Procurement Office, and Resource Efficient Scotland co-hosted an event for University construction and catering suppliers and potential suppliers.
Simon Christie, Campus Facilities Manager at Moray House School of Education and the Centre for Open Learning, writes about his recent experience of using an electric bike to commute to work.
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