The Institute for Academic Development go all out for sustainability and wellbeing

The Institute for Academic Development’s gold project focused on promoting sustainability, mental wellbeing and fostering a sense of community in the department through a variety of activities.

One of the team’s wellbeing walks
The team at the Institute of Academic Development (IAD) endeavoured to offer activities that would offer a long-term impact on the sustainability of their practice, whilst also having numerous options for inclusion to suit all of their diverse colleagues.
Long-term impact
Following a vote on possible projects, a focus on mental wellbeing and sustainability for the project was a clear winner. The team attempted to bring together all staff in the Institute, to enhance a sense of community in order to collectively cope with the challenges to mental wellbeing created by climate change and biodiversity loss.
A huge range of projects
The IAD team worked on a huge variety of activities for their gold award, including:
The IAD team holding a craft session.
A pedometer challenge, where staff competed to see who could walk the most steps in the month of June
- A mindful walk, which 10 staff took part in on a beautiful summer day
- Sustainable crafting, where participants learnt upcycling techniquires
- Fundraising for Feedback Madagascar, a charity that works with and employs local people to meet their primary needs and enable them to develop sustainable livelihoods and protect the rainforest
- A workshop on teaching about wicked problems, such as climate change, and how to best approach difficult topics.
- A sustainable pot-luck lunch
- Plants bought for both in the office and its surroundings
- An all staff discussion on sustainability with a viewing of a Greta Thunberg speech and the continuation of previous activities from past awards.
What a great programme of events!
Find out more about the Sustainability Awards
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