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Open Toolkits

Open Toolkits

OERs composed by MA Contemporary Art Theory Students



Join us for our 'Creative Content Sprint' and experience the fun of being a social media maven in an exciting 20-minute BarCamp event that showcases your creative and teamwork talents!

Event profile

This BarCamp is designed to allow students to experience the whole process of social media content creation and improve their creative thinking and teamwork skills. In this fast-paced 20-minute event, students will be divided into teams of two, each responsible for the creation of social media posts on different topics, including copywriting and visual content production. Once finished, you can like and comment on other groups’ creative content, as well as receive comments on your own posts.

Event process


In pairs, I’ll be handing out random items from different fields, including food, beauty, accessories… Of course, you can also choose the items you are interested in.



Take a moment and browse an instructional video on how to create compelling copy and images.

Don’t worry!You may not have professional shooting equipment and props on hand, but you can use it as a bit of inspiration!




Lovely! Now you can go outside and create anything you want with the items you receive, in the form of pictures (no limit) or videos (up to 20 seconds).

Creative content can be, but is not limited to, promoting the product  or describing how the item can be used. Don’t forget, this part is 10 minutes long!

Remember to come back in time ! I’m waiting for you here!



Now! You can write an attractive title and copy for your product and publish it in MIRO.

Please click this link to publish:

I’ve set up different areas for each product!



If you’re having trouble writing a headline

check out these tips I’ve put together!!

Popular headlines on social media often have the following characteristics:
1. Contrast : Contrast is a very effective strategy for generating viral posts on social media. This strategy relies on creating a sharp contrast between expectations and reality.
2. Concise : The title should be short and direct to express the essence of the content, avoid long and complex sentences.
3. Use strong verbs  : Use strong verbs to spark the reader’s interest.
4. Include keywords  : Including relevant keywords can help make content more discoverable on social media.
5.Use numbers and lists  : For example, “5 Easy Steps” or “10 Secrets You Should Never Know” are clear and eye-catching titles.
6.Use emotional appeal  : attract readers’ attention by mobilizing their emotions (such as humor, surprise, anger, etc.).




Don’t rush off! Take a moment to like and comment on your classmates who created other products!

They’re really looking forward to your comments~


Let’s clap for ourselves!

Now you have what it takes to become a professional blogger!

Try it in real life

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