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Open Toolkits

Open Toolkits

OERs composed by MA Contemporary Art Theory Students

Perceiving Lunar Phases”

Perhaps “invisible” is the norm in this world

——In the unseen, create your artistic masterpiece

“In this workshop, we will paint in the darkness, using simple red paint to create spontaneous works of art! This creative process aims to deepen our understanding of the lives of visually impaired individuals, offering them greater care and consideration

1、Prepare Materials

2、Project Content


Prepare Materials

In this project, the materials we need include: a sheet of white paper that can accommodate at least 6 people for painting, and red pigments of different brightness levels. You should prepare painting tools, which can be your hands, mouth, brushes, or any tools you believe can be involved in the creative process.

Project Content

Step One: Take a slightly smaller piece of white paper (Paper A) and write down inconveniences that each person thinks visually impaired individuals might experience in life (5 minutes).

Step Two: Affix the reverse side of this paper onto another larger sheet of white paper (Paper B).

Step Three: After choosing their painting tools and colors, each person must blindfold themselves and paint on Paper A, making sure to avoid applying paint to Paper B (10 minutes).

Step Four: Upon completion, we will observe many accidentally applied paint marks on Paper B; this represents the part we cannot control under visually impaired conditions.

Step Five: Re-read the inconveniences we wrote about understanding the challenges visually impaired individuals face in daily life. We will discover that even though we repeatedly used red as a hint throughout the process, few considered the challenges faced by women within the visually impaired community during menstruation.

Step Six: Cut out Paper B, and you can take it back to your own home to garner more attention to the challenges visually impaired women face during menstruation through your small artwork.


If you have any follow-ups or further contributions related to this project, please email them


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