30 – 2006

The Editors
Editorial [pdf]
Jukka Jokilehto
Considerations on Authenticity and Integrity in the World Heritage Context [pdf]
G.L. Ashworth
Pluralizing the Past: Heritage Policies in Plural Societies [pdf]
Terence M. Russel
Domique-Vivant Denon: The Eyes of Napoleon Bonaparte [pdf]
Mark Dorrian
The King and the City: On the Iconology of Georg IV in Edinburgh [pdf]
Hennie Reynders
Appropriation of an Architecture for Truth and Reconciliation: Constitution Hill, Johannesburg, South Africa [pdf]
Maria A.T.G. da Camara & H. Mureira
Public and Private Space in Eighteenth Century Europe: The Example of Lisbon [pdf]
Seyed Yahya Islami
Surficial Architecture: Gottfried Semper & Contemporary Surface-play [pdf]
Leonidas Koutsoumpos
Ethics and the Architectural Design Studio: 1+3 Ahistorical Metaphors [pdf]
Rosa Maria Mendoza Robles
What Do Grafted Surveillance Technologies Do To Architecture? [pdf]
Victoria Aladzic
Turn of the Century Buildings and Architects in Subotica [pdf]
Aghlab Al-Attili and Yuka Kadoi
Digitising Heritage: The Case of Qusayr ‘Amra [pdf]
Prokalo 2005-06: Postgraduate Architecture Seminar Series [pdf]