26 – 1999

Iain Boyd Whyte
The Neo-Classical Revival in Turn of the Century Britain
Clive Fenton
Edinburgh University and the Monumental Tradition
Laura Hourston
Representations of Nation Within the Built Form and Material Culture of the Museum of Scotland
Chia-Chi Hsiao
Towards Sustainable Development: Implementation of the EIA System and Improved Environmental Decision-Making in Taiwan
Hsiao-Wei Lin
A Critical Evaluation of Public Space: Lessons from Exchange Square, Lonlon
Li Liu
The Building of the City of Beijing in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
Sian Loftus
Claude Bragdon in Context
Salin Oftuoglu
Building Product Information on the Web
Nicholas Rossis
Developing New IT/CMC Paradigms in the Architectural Practice Context
Sabina Strachan
Scottish Shielings: Revision and Reinterpretation
Current Postgraduate Research
Completed Postgraduate Research
The Year in EAR