19 – 1992

The Editors
Editorial Comment
Terrence M. Russell
Encyclopedie and the Spirit of the Enlightenment with Reference to the Mechanical Arts and Architecture as Prefigured in the Prospectus of Diderot and Preliminary Discourse of D’Alembert
Sally Schafer
The Archaeology and Architectural History of the Villa Del Pigneto Saccheti, Rome
Ross Sweetland
Scotland’s Academic Collegiate Houses
Iain Boyd Whyte
Schinkel and Scotland – Between Ossian and Gasworks
C.B. Wilson
On Modernist Reactions to Traditionalist Interpretations of the Art and Architecture of Traditional Societies – Part II
Min-Fu Hsu
The Symbolism of Making Traditional rural Hakka Houses in Taiwan: Cases of Hsin-P’u community
Izmawi Bin Haji Zen
The Evolution and Morphology of Kuala Lumpur: A Case for the Conservation of a Colonial Urban Form
Roger Talbot
The Ecology of Poverty
M.J. Duriez and Sally Schafer
Architectural Education and the Transference of Technical Knowledge in the Field of Integrated Design
Chengzhi Peng
A Formal Perspective on Teamwork in Design Modelling
Luis A. Pineda
Reference, Synthesis and Constraint Satisfaction
Peter Szalapaj
Working from the Middle Out: A Strategy for the Development and the Use of CAD Systems
Current Postgraduate Research Abstracts
Completed Research Abstracts