Write for us!

Our blog, The Seed, is for discussing, debating, understanding and promoting social responsibility and sustainability issues of local and global significance to the University community.
We welcome blog posts from students, staff, alumni, and anyone with a link to the University of Edinburgh.
How to submit a blogpost
- Contact us so we know what you’re planning to write (SRS.Department@ed.ac.uk)
- Submit a draft as a word document of around 500 – 800 words (this can vary depending on the topic)
- Think about the kind of images you’d like to include, and send high-quality versions along with your draft, along with any captions
Our preference for the cover photo is a landscape image of you in a natural place, or of you doing something related to the topic you’re writing on. If there’s anyone else in the photo, please get their permission for us to use it. You can also use free-to-use stock images.
Your blog post should be written in the first person. When referring to ideas, other people’s work or online resources make sure to add web links. Use subheadings to break up your blog post.
Note we may edit the content of your blog post before publishing.
Contact us
Email: SRS.Department@ed.ac.uk
Social media: @edsust on Twitter | @edinburghsustainability on Facebook | @uoe_sustainability on Instagram
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