Author: Haoxing Zhu
Spend 20 minutes reflecting on multiculturalism, through the lens of contemporary art, and becoming a theorist on a multicultural question.
anthropology Art Art Therapy BarCamp BarCamp ι ε§θ₯ BarCamp ι ε§θ₯ε° collage Collage art color Contemporary Art Creative creative experience Creative Expression Creative Learning digital art DIY photography drawing dream Emotion emotional healing gallery handcraft identity interactive learning Internet Interview learners life memory OER Open Toolkit Open Toolkit εΌζΎε·₯ε ·ε paint painting photography poetry Pop Art reflection story Title of Work Visual Art Exploration Visual Reflection WordPress ζ ζ θͺζεζ
Spend 20 minutes reflecting on multiculturalism, through the lens of contemporary art, and becoming a theorist on a multicultural question.
Haoxing Zhu 11 December 2023 0