Category: Learn
In April 2024, Turnitin released a Paper Lookup tool for Instructors in Learn Ultra course to retrieve, and download, students’ submissions. This is useful for accessing the submissions that had become unavailable after the disabling of the legacy Turnitin integration in Learn course (generally those from AY 2021-2022 and earlier), and will also provide access […]
Turnitin have released a new version of the Similarity Report in Feedback Studio recently. It has been made available to all staff on Tuesday 19 November and, for the time being, you will be able to choose whether to use the new “Beta View” or continue to use the “Classic” Similarity Report. The default option […]
As we move through the implementation of Learn’s Data Retention Policy we thought we would give a little more detail on what happens when a user is deleted from Learn. Why do we delete users from Learn? In order to keep Learn compliant with GDPR we delete users from the system. This also helps to […]
It’s been a little while since we spoke about the data retention policy implementation within Learn. As with many aspects of work the pandemic overtook things and the project timelines were shifted slightly, rightly so. Now after some a little time away we intend to make this live towards the end of the month but […]
Learn has been hosted in the cloud since July last year, one of the main reasons for moving to the cloud hosted solution was to allow us to take more frequent upgrades as the cloud hosted solution allows us to upgrade without any downtime. We have had a few smaller releases fixing bugs over […]
Following on from last week’s post discussing the management of courses in Learn’s data retention policy we wanted to explain a little more about what will happen with user accounts. This part of the policy is based around the existing account expiry policy at the University, the link to this policy is at the foot […]
As part of the project to move Learn to the Cloud last year we looked at implementing a data retention policy on Learn. This has been an interesting piece of work comprising a lot of initial research and understanding of the data held on Learn and our responsibilities with it. Karen Howie drafted a Data […]