You know how occasionally you get a message that just makes you feel so special and appreciated? Well I decided to have done that when I got this:
Subject: Testing for new Media Hopper Create subtitle editing functionality
Dear Colleague,I am writing to you as you have either attended training on editing subtitles on Media Hopper Create, or have recently requested captions using the service. We will soon be launching an updated version of the automated subtitle editing interface for media content that has been added to Media Hopper Create, and are looking for people to help us test this new functionality. We have some brief testing scripts that we would be asking for help with, and are looking to have testers completing by the end of Friday the 24th of April. If you would like to help with this process, please reply to this email with ‘UAT Testing for Media Hopper Create Subtitling’ in the subject line, and I will send you further instructions and login credentials for the test instance of Media Hopper Create.
Thank for your assistance.
Best wishes,
The Media Hopper Service Team
How awesome is that? Me, a Colleague? I’ve only been back in a full-time job since September! And I can help them because I went to their training! And I LOVE testing things!
There were three scripts for testing as part of the UAT process. I was to follow the instructions in the following forms, and register my comments and information using the section at the end of each script, so they could gather the responses. Login was required for these.
The videos for testing were in Media Hopper, in My Media (also login required).
The first transcript said this,
This is an example video to be used for user testing. >> It will be used for demonstrating how to access the transcript functionality or media hover. Create how to edit subtitles using the new editor, and how to upload an existing subtitle file to be used with the editor.
These are my notes:
When playback gets to the end of the video, it can only be restarted by reloading the page. It would be nice if the replay option was there instead of links to other videos, or if you could click on the beginning of the text to start it again.
It’s good that the printout includes the date. It would be helpful if both the printout and the downloaded transcript could include the title of the video.
Editing: Might be helpful if the pencil icon actually said Edit next to it or above it
Moving from section to section by selecting the text boxes works very well.
It doesn’t autoplay when you change section – I think I prefer that as a beginner, although maybe faster / more experienced people might find that slows them down. Perhaps that could be a setting that users could change.
The Autoscroll setting doesn’t seem to change anything.
The 5 (back and forwards) options do autoplay and don’t go to the beginning of the section so that is a nice alternative.
Timestamps were confusing, but I figured them out in the end – maybe a help tip or demonstration would be useful for this?
Delete and insert worked fine
Search and replace works well
Speaker works well
I think it worked well once I got the idea of pausing the video to get the times, though still with some trial and error as the timer under the video isn't as accurate as the timestamps next to the subtitles.
All in all, I enjoyed this experience of testing and subtitling. I hope I get to do more of both in future!
Why subtitling makes a difference:
Excellent subtitle error as Michael Gove winds down no confidence debate. #batman #jeremycorbyn #NoConfidenceMotion 🦇
— Nina Massey (@ninamasseyPA) January 16, 2019
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