‘We have great stuff’ colouring book events

Yesterday we invited students to take a break from their exam revision and come along to a relaxing colouring book session at King’s Buildings.
There was the opportunity to colour-in brand new student illustrations inspired by items and images from the University’s collections. There was the choice of individual A4 pictures or larger A1 collaborative pieces.
The event was run in partnership with WellComm at King’s who kindly provided on-site support and advice.
‘We have great stuff’ colouring book
This brand new openly licensed resource was created by University of Edinburgh students and staff for everyone to enjoy. There are 19 high-resolution illustrations contained within the book, but many more images published to our dedicated Flickr album.
You can download a PDF version of the book now or pick a free physical copy at the Main Library very soon.
‘We have great stuff’ colouring book
Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19 May)
For Mental Health Awareness Week we are hosting two more colouring book drop-in sessions at Argyle House. The dates are Tuesday 16th and Thursday 16th May, both events will be held in room EW07 (ground floor).
No booking is required and the event is open to all University of Edinburgh students and staff. Art materials, tea and coffee all provided.
Attendees will be given a free copy of the ‘We have great stuff’ book to continue their colouring-in after the workshop ends.
These sessions are brought to you by the Information Services Group as part of the Healthy Working Lives initiative.