Digimap Roam gets Carto features

We have introduced a raft of new print options to Digimap Roam;  some of these were previously only available in Carto, others are new altogether:Select your print scale in Digimap Roam

Select your own scale for the printed map (within sensible limits)
Print OS MasterMap at up to 1:100 scale (Carto’s limit is 1:500)
Print at paper sizes up to A0
Print landscape or portrait orientations (not available in Carto)

The new print options along with the formats already available mean that printing from Roam is now more flexible and powerful than Carto.

We have also added an extra zoom level to Roam’s screen maps called Building View. This shows OS MasterMap at around 1:500,  making it easier to add detailed annotations such as new buildings to your map.

OS MasterMap Views in Digimap Roam
© Crown copyright/database right 2013. Ordnance Survey/EDINA supplied service.
Scales shown are the default print scales, screen map scale varies depending on the pixel size of your monitor / device.

With these enhancements Roam can now perform many of the tasks previously only possible with Carto.

Unfortunately, Carto has become difficult to maintain and needs to be replaced. These changes to Roam, along with some extra features planned for the coming months, will enable it to take the place of Carto. Once all the enhancements to Roam are made we will retire Carto completely; we intend to do this at the end of July 2013.

If you have any concerns about the withdrawal of Carto then please let us know:

  • Email: edina@ed.ac.uk
  • Tel: 0131 650 3302

OS MasterMap and Boundaries now in Digimap Data Download

We have now put the datasets that were in MasterMap Download and Boundary Download into the Data Download facility. The datasets added are:

  • OS MasterMap® Topography Layer
  • OS MasterMap® ITN (Integrated Transport Network™) Layer
  • Boundary-Line™
  • Codepoint®
  • Codepoint® with Polygons
  • National Boundaries
  • National Grids

MasterMap Download and Boundary Download will continue to run until the end of May after which they will be removed from service.

Digimap Data Download My Previous DownloadsYou should find it quicker and easier to get the data you need from Data Download, and we have made it easier for you to come back and get updated versions or different formats too.

This functionality can be found in the My Previous Downloads section where you can also make a Change Only Update (COU) to your OS MasterMap data. See this blog post for more details:

Digimap Data Download: New Datasets

Another big advantage of getting your OS MasterMap data from Data Download is that the interface allows you to select data from previous years, going back to 2009.

COU in Data Download

You can select an area, add MasterMap data from 2009, then use the Add more data button to include more MasterMap data from different dates. This is a great feature if you want to study how an area has changed over time.

Digimap Data Download: New datasets coming in January!

In January 2013 the OS MasterMap®, Boundary-Line™ and Code-Point® data products will be available from the Data Download service. We have tried to keep the changes necessary to accommodate these products to a minimum as the current interface has proved so successful (190,000 map tiles and files downloaded Nov 2012).

Here is a list of the changes and additions you will see in the interface; please note that they may still be subject to some change prior to launch.

Both Boundary-Line and MasterMap have layers so we have had to make changes to the basket:Digimap Data Download Basket

Instead of selecting Version and Format using drop-down menus there is a new pop-up for changing both these and the layers for each of the products in your basket. You can access this pop-up by clicking on the Change link in the Options column:

Digimap Data Download Basket Options

We have also improved the “My Account” section which is now called “My Previous Downloads”:

Opening "My Previous Downloads"Once in the interface you can access any of your past downloads and reopen them at the basket stage:

Digimap Data Download My Previous Downloads

It is now much easier to update your previous downloads to the latest version, get the same data in a different format or simply reorder data you have previously taken. In addition to these functions we have incorporated the ability to make Change-Only-Updates (COUs) to MasterMap Data:

Digimap Data Download Change Only Update

Both Boundary Download and MasterMap Download will be kept in service for a transition period but as there are so many benefits to using Data Download we hope everyone will make the switch quickly. We expect to have switched off these services by the end of April.

Save, Import & Export Annotations from Digimap Roam

Save, Import and Export Annotations tools for Roam
From left to right: “View saved annotations”, “Save annotations”, “Import” and “Export”.

Recent enhancements to all Roam applications in Digimap (OS, Geology, Ancient and Marine) mean you can now save, import and export annotations. The new tools can be found under the ‘My Annotations’ set of tools on Annotations Toolbar.

The new Save function enables you to work on creating and editing annotations in more than one Digimap session. You can now save your work and come back to it another day. Hit the Save button to store your annotations and retrieve them any time by clicking the ‘View saved annotations’ button. Any annotations that you save in one application (e.g. OS Roam) can be opened in any other Roam client (e.g. Ancient Roam) you have access to. This is a great function that enables you to digitise a set of annotations based on one type of map, and then open them up in another Roam application to view on a different type of map. For example, you could use OS Roam to annotate a detailed map showing a proposed new building. You can then save those annotations and open them up in Geology Roam to view the geology underneath your proposed new building.

If you have a spatial dataset, you can now import it into any Roam application to view those features as annotations. This could be a dataset you have created in a GIS, downloaded from Digimap or another data provider, tracks or points surveyed using a GPS unit or a geocoded table of survey results. You can import Shapefiles, KML, GPX, CSV and GeoJSON datasets. Click the ‘Import’ button under ‘My Annotations’ on the toolbar and navigate to your dataset to import. This feature means you can quickly and easily visualise datasets that you have created or obtained from elsewhere on top of maps in any of the Roam clients.

Proposed Wind Farm locations dataset downloaded from ShareGeo Open (http://hdl.handle.net/10672/294) as a shapefile and imported into Roam as annotations.

In addition to importing, you can also export your annotations  in Shapefile, KML and GeoJSON formats by clicking on the “Export” icon on the My Annotations tools. These formats cover the most popular GIS and Web Mapping software packages, such as ArcGIS, Quantum GIS, Google Earth and OpenLayers.

For more information on using the Annotation Tool have a look at the “How to” help page here: How to use the Annotation Tools in Digimap Roam

NOTE:If you create annotations by tracing features on a Roam map you will need to credit any maps you go on to make using the annotations with the appropriate copyright statement. Any geographic data you generate from a map is called “derived data” and is still copyright to the creators of the original map.

The copyright statement is added automatically if you print the map from Roam, however you will need to add in the statement manually if you export annotations and use them in other software. The statement to include can be found in the Terms of Use for the service you are using, just click the link a the bottom right of the Roam interface.

New Digimap Case Studies

We have been busy over the last few months collating a new set of case studies showing how the different Digimap collections are being used. There are 13 new examples covering subjects as diverse as Archaeology, Religious History, Palaeontology and Geochemistry, as well as more traditional subjects like Landscape Architecture.

Green Infrastructure Study of Cheltenham and Gloucester: David Green Digimap Case Study
Green Infrastructure Study of Cheltenham and Gloucester: David Green

The new case studies can be found in the Digimap Support pages along with the previous examples we have collected over the years:

New Digimap Case Studies

If you would like us to feature your work as a Case Study then please get in touch with us: edina@ed.ac.uk. We are especially keen to hear from those using Marine Digimap.

Digimap Carto: We need your help!

Digimap Carto has been making maps for nearly 13 years now, though it last received a major facelift in 2006. Although it is still well used the underlying technology is no longer a viable platform to develop on. It has simply become too difficult to maintain in today’s environment of almost monthly changes to web browsers and the Java Runtime  Environment.

How Carto has changed since 1998
Carto through the ages. All maps ©Crown Copyright

Thankfully these advances in browser technology, and our underlying GIS and web mapping software, mean that we can now provide a Carto like service without the Java applet. In 2013 we will be launching a replacement for Carto that will run directly in an up-to-date web browser and still include advanced functionality. Until the new interface is launched we will keep Carto running, please go here if you are having trouble getting it to work: Carto Notes

With work starting on the new advanced mapping application we would really like to know which functions you value most in Carto. We’d also like to hear your ideas for any new features you would like to see available. We can’t promise to include everything, but knowing what you want helps us to make informed decisions.

Please send your thoughts to: edina@ed.ac.uk

Maps and Data Updates: Digimap Policy Change

When Digimap was first launched in 2000 we consulted our users to find out how often they wanted the service updated. We found that at the time, the majority of our users wanted consistent maps and data throughout the academic year. Therefore it became Digimap policy to only update the information during the summer break so that new mapping became available for the next academic year.

As the new Data Download allows access to previous datasets during each academic year there will always be a dataset that remains constant throughout the year for those who require it. Therefore we have decided to update the maps as soon as possible after we receive the new data.

We still get most of our data updates in late spring/early summer so it is likely that you may not notice any difference to when the updates arrive, however the default setting will be to offer the most up-to-date data we have. If an update has come in since the start of the academic year you will need to change the version from the default to get the previous data.

Select Version, Data Download

We will use the blog notify you of any maps and data changes we make; you can see the dates of all the Ordnance Survey data we have available here:

Digimap Data Update Dates

If you have any concerns about the maps in Roam or Carto changing midway through an academic year then please let us know: edina@ed.ac.uk

Digimap gets a facelift

You may have noticed some changes to the Digimap interface over the past month. Yes, Digimap has a brand new and shiny new home page. The old home page had been around for a number of years and was starting to look it’s age. In this post we will take a look at the new interface to help you find your way around.

New Digimap Homepage

The new design splits the home page into 3 sections:

Maps and Data Collections panel – This panel provides top-level navigation allowing users to switch between different collections and account administration without having to leave the Digimap home page.  When you select an option from this list, the information is displayed in the central panel.

Eagle-eyed users may have spotted that the left hand Maps and Data Collection panel has some room for expansion.  We hope to add more data in the future and have been pulling together a number of environmental datasets which could form an Environment Collection.  Do you have any suggestions for other collections you would like to see in Digimap?  If you do, then add them as a comment.

Central Panel – the central panel provides links and information related to the collection selected from the left panel.  The information is split into sections which can be expanded or hidden by clicking on the section headings.  If you want to make a simple map, click the “view annotate and print” section to see what is available.  Services, such as Roam and Data Download are accessed by clicking on the service names.  If you want help or further information about a collection, look under the “Help Resources” section.

Digimap Ordnance Survey Panel

News panel – On the right hand side of the home page you will find links to the Digimap blog and twitter account.  We intend to post interesting Digimap news here as well so it is well worth having a quick glance at this panel as you pass through the home page.

One really good aspect of the new home page is that it allows users to see collections their institution do not currently subscribe to.  Why is this good?  Well, if a collection looks interesting and of use in teaching and learning you may be able to show colleagues who may then be able to convince institutions to subscribe.  Think of it as a shop window!

However, it has not all been plain sailing.  The cosmetic changes are just the tip of the iceberg. Significant work has taken place on the connections, authentication and the databases.  This work was tricky and threw up some unforeseen issues. If you spot something that isn’t working or just looks wrong, please contact us (edina@ed.ac.uk).  It helps if you can tell us which web browser you are using too (and which version!). We would also like to hear what you think of the new interface; just add a comment to this post or send comments to the help desk (edina@ed.ac.uk).


Welcome to the new Digimap home page

On Tuesday 10th July we launched the new Digimap homepage. This makes it easier and quicker to find the services and resources you are looking for. The new interface allows you to browse the services available before logging in and you can even access all the training, help and support resources. There is a dynamic feed from the blog, a showcase of other services we offer, and links to our social media sites.

To see the new interface go to: http://digimap.edina.ac.uk/

More Data Download Improvements

The new Data Download has been updated with a few more enhancements that will make it even easier to use; it is now no longer in BETA.

Data Download Improvements May 2012A selection of the improvements made include:

  • Changes to where you change between panning the map and drawing a rectangle to select to make it more obvious what you are doing.
  • A general improvement of the lay out and buttons used.
  • My Account has been moved to the top right of the screen.
  • Better product information by clicking on the info icon.
  • You can clear the selection you have just made using the Data Download Clear Selection button.
  • A greatly improved preview of the each dataset in basket, showing what the product is like, what it can be used for, and the extent of the area you are taking:

Data Preview Improvements May 2012These changes have been made in response to recommendations from a usability project run in conjunction with the redevelopment of the Data Download service. You can read more about this project, called USeD, on its blog here:

USeD Project Blog

The enhancements also include a fix to a bug that some users experienced when using the latest version of the Google Chrome web browser; the interface no longer offsets the area you select when displaying it on the map.