Digimap dataset updates November 2016

As well as releasing the new OS MasterMap Water Network Layer earlier this month, we have also updated a number of datasets available in the Ordnance Survey collection. Most notably this month we have updated OS Open Map – Local, the most detailed OpenData product available from Ordnance Survey. OS Open Map – Local was initially released as a beta product in March 2015. The October 2016 release of Open Map – Local marks the end of the beta period and provides the first main version of the dataset.

The first main release of Open Map – Local has a few changes over the prevous beta version, including:

  • improved road information
  • addition of Car Charging Points sourced from the National Charge Registry
  • enhancements to the features included in the Important Buildings feature class
  • creation of a raster version optimised for display at 1:10,000 scale, this will be the replacement for OS Street View which is no longer updated and will be withdrawn by OS in March 2017
OS Open Map - Local (Raster) Birmingham city centre
OS Open Map – Local (Raster) Birmingham city centre

OS Open Map - Local (Vector) Birmingham city centre
OS Open Map – Local (Vector) Birmingham city centre


The tables below list all the datasets that were updated this month.

OS Data Download:

Product Name OS Publication Date
OS MasterMap Water Network Layer October 2016
OS MasterMap Sites Layer October 2016
OS VectorMap Local October 2016
OS VectorMap Local Raster October 2016
OS Terrain 5 DTM October 2016
OS Terrain 5 Contours October 2016
OS Open Map – Local (Raster) October 2016
OS Open Map – Local (Vector) October 2016
Code-Point November 2016
Code-Point Open November 2016


OS Roam:

Product Name OS Publication Date
OS VectorMap Local October 2016
OS VectorMap Local Raster October 2016


The OS data update page is kept up to date with all dataset updates in the collections.

If you have any questions about the dataset updates or Digimap please contact us:

  • Phone: 0131 650 3302
  • Email: edina@ed.ac.uk

New datasets in the Ordnance Survey Collection: Highways Network and Water Network

We are pleased to announce the addition of two new datasets to the Digimap Ordnance Survey Collection, which are available to download through the Data Download application. Both these datasets are detailed network datasets and form part of the OS MasterMap family of products. The datasets should prove useful for individuals carrying out detailed network analysis using the road and river network of Great Britain.

OS MasterMap Highways Network

OS MasterMap Highways Network is a new dataset from Ordnance Survey which provides the most detailed road network dataset available for Great Britain. The new Highways Network product is a replacement for OS MasterMap Integrated Transport Network (ITN), which will be retired at some point in the future. Highways Network was built using ITN as the base network and then further improved adding information from other authoritative sources including the National Street Gazetteer (NSG) and local authorities in England and Wales.

OS MasterMap Highways Network with OS MasterMap Topography Layer
OS MasterMap Highways Network with OS MasterMap Topography Layer (raster version)

Highways Network is provided in GML format as a single, national dataset covering the whole of Great Britain. This is a large dataset and is available through Digimap as a single download of 1.1GB in size.

Ordnance Survey have produced a number of supporting documents that are available for download directly from their website. We recommend that you consult these before using the data.

Current version: June 2016

OS MasterMap Water Network Layer

OS MasterMap Water Network Layer is a new network dataset from Ordnance Survey that represenets the centrelines of watercourses including flow direction and suplementary information.

OS MasterMap Water Network Layer on top of Aerial Imagery
OS MasterMap Water Network Layer on top of aerial imagery for an area of the Scottish Highlands

OS MasterMap Water Network Layer is provided in GML format in 5 x 5km tiles. Water network features that cross tile boundaries are included in all tiles that they cross, so the data is called ‘hairy data’ due to the presence of these ‘hairs’ around the edge of each tile. This means that some processing is required to de-duplicate the features that cross tile boundaries if your order contains data from more than one 5 x 5km tile.

OS MasterMap Water Network Layer is projected in the ESPG 7405, which is a British National Grid projection that also includes the Z value using Ordnance Datum Newlyn.

Ordnance Survey have produced a Getting Started Guide which describes the process of importing the Water Network Layer in to common GIS packages.

Current version: October 2016

Digimap dataset updates October 2016

A number of datasets were updated last month in both the Ordnance Survey and Geology collections. In the Ordnance Survey Collection we also added the new OS MasterMap Highways Network to the service. The screen grab below shows the detail included in the Highways Network; there will be a separate blog post about this dataset shortly.

OS MasterMap Highways Network with OS MasterMap Topography Layer
OS MasterMap Highways Network with OS MasterMap Topography Layer (raster version)

The tables below list the datasets that were updated.


OS Data Download:

Product Name OS Publication Date
Points of Interest September 2016
OS VectorMap District Raster September 2016
OS VectorMap District September 2016
Boundary-Line October 2016
OS MasterMap Topography Layer – Raster (1:1,000 and 1:2,000) June 2016
OS Open Rivers October 2016
OS Integrated Transport Network Layer Urban Paths Theme July 2016
OS Open Names October 2016
Code-Point with Polygons October 2016
OS MasterMap Highways Network June 2016


OS Roam:

Product Name OS Publication Date
OS VectorMap District Raster September 2016


Geology Download:

Product Name BGS Publication Date
Onshore Borehole Index October 2016


The OS data update and Geology data update pages are kept up to date with all dataset updates in the collections.

If you have any questions about the dataset updates or Digimap please contact us:

  • Phone: 0131 650 3302
  • Email: edina@ed.ac.uk

Aerial Digimap – open for subscriptions

Giraffe shadows at Chester Zoo
Giraffe shadows at Chester Zoo (click to enlarge)

EDINA is pleased to announce the launch of Aerial Digimap, a new Collection offering aerial photography from Getmapping Plc.

Aerial imagery capture dates
Aerial imagery capture dates

The crystal clear imagery from Getmapping is 25cm resolution vertical aerial photography and the most detailed national coverage available. The largest proportion of the imagery dates from post-2011 with updates due every year.

Aerial Digimap offers both a mapping and a data download facility, both familiar to those who already have access to other Digimap Collections.

Aerial Roam offers the ability to view, annotate and print the aerial photographs as well as an overlay function to allow comparison with current Ordnance Survey mapping.

Aerial Roam with Road/Place Name overlay
Aerial Roam with Road/Place name overlay

Aerial Download offers the ability to select specific locations for which to download the aerial photography for use in local desktop software. Data is delivered in jpeg format each with a corresponding world file (.jgw).

You can see a preview of the new service on Digimap’s YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/rAiO4XXRD5Q

[youtube width=”600″ height=”400″]https://youtu.be/rAiO4XXRD5Q[/youtube]


How to Subscribe

In order to access Aerial Digimap, your institution must subscribe.  Please contact your local Digimap Site representative, Learning Resources team or Information Services to express your interest, (you can find your site rep details on this help page: http://bit.ly/DigimapSiteReps).

Subscriptions must be requested by an authorised member of staff. Details about how to subscribe to Aerial Digimap can be found here: http://bit.ly/AerialDigimapSubs

Please contact EDINA directly on edina@ed.ac.uk with any subscription enquiries.

Geoforum 2016 Summary

kim traynor [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Institute of Geography, University of Edinburgh by kim traynor [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
EDINA’s annual Geoforum conference for all its geospatial services and projects was held at the University of Edinburgh’s Institute of Geography this year. It was attended by nearly 50 delegates who came to find out what we have been up to over the past year and to see what we new things they can expect in the coming months.

The morning session started with talks from Tim Urwin, EDINA’s geo-data manager, and Guy McGarva, from the Geosupport team. Tim’s talk informed us all about the design decisions made when updating the OS MasterMap cartographic style. The new styling, originally developed for the Digimap for Schools service, has some great advantages over the old cartography and was put into service just after the conference:

[iframe src=”//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/ksrC1Nvt2Dvidh” width=”595″ height=”485″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;” allowfullscreen]

More Details about the new Cartography

Guy’s talk highlighted the main changes to EDINA’s geospatial offering in the last 12 months. We have mainly been working on things that you can’t “see” in Digimap with huge improvements to the way the service is delivered. We now can make sure that interruptions to the service are rare as it can be delivered from one of two physical locations at the University of Edinburgh.

One obvious change we delivered was the improved Digimap home page. This came about through work to make the service usable on a touch screen or tablet device. To ensure that the service could work on these devices we needed to use new web technologies meaning a redesign had to be carried out. We like the cleaner design but best of all you can now just click on the application you want to use, log in when prompted, and be taken straight to the thing you want to do. No more remembering to log in to the service before clicking the link in your Data Download email!

[iframe src=”//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/qZvUz7dxD0Ibzz” width=”595″ height=”485″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;” allowfullscreen]

The next two talks were all about Aerial Imagery as EDINA will soon be launching the Aerial Digimap service. The new service will contain 25cm resolution aerial photographs for the whole of Great Britain from Getmapping.

Firstly we head from Richard Evans from Getmapping who spoke about the history of aerial imagery and also the modern technology and techniques that go in to it’s creation.

[iframe src=”//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/sGFXeE6YySTGSX” width=”595″ height=”485″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;” allowfullscreen]

Then we heard from Ian Holmes from EDINA, who showed us what the new Digimap Aerial collection would look like. As with the other Digimap collections there will be Roam and Download interfaces to either view the data or to take it away to analyse in the user’s own software.

Ian also highlighted some of the interesting and quirky things captured in the images, such as the shadows of giraffes at Chester Zoo.

[iframe src=”//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/crQdaDUzSZyHIk” width=”595″ height=”485″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;” allowfullscreen]

Please keep watching the blog and other Digimap information channels for an announcement on when the service will be launching.

After a good lunch spent networking we started on the afternoon session where we heard from two students and two members of teaching staff about their uses of Digimap and data from the services.

Firstly we heard from Trevor Draeseke who told us about his Masters Thesis, Visualising Geographical Information in Augmented Reality.

[iframe src=”//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/InPbLpCrtw5bdC” width=”595″ height=”485″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;” allowfullscreen]

Trevor’s proof of concept mobile app the “Arthur’s Seat Augment Reality Visualiser” allowed the user to view geological data and other layered geographic information on the live video feed coming from the phones camera. He said his work was made possible by the “easy and flexible access to the underlying geographical information layers through EDINA’s Digimap Service.”

Next we heard from Kathy O’Donnell who is now in the first year of a PhD that is building on her MSc thesis on the Quarries of Hadrian’s Wall.

[iframe src=”//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/cjvXmjQaBn6ton” width=”595″ height=”485″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;” allowfullscreen> </iframe]

Kathy has been mixing layers from the various data collections in Digimap: Ordnance Survey, Historic and Geology, to identify where the Romans were quarrying the stone to build Hadrian’s Wall. Kathy’s work is one of the best examples of making use of the various collections we have seen and she is looking forward to hopefully being able to use Aerial Digimap as another important source of data.

After a short break we heard the perspective of teaching staff from the University of Stirling and Lancaster University. Firstly Phil Bartie, University of Stirling, talked about how Digimap Roam was useful for introducing students to digital mapping and and also that it was “very important that students and academics have access to high quality spatial data for teaching and research.”

[iframe src=”//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/Mn7L1m9PxjMuSj” width=”595″ height=”485″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;” allowfullscreen]

The final talk of the day came from Duncan Whyatt and Gemma Davies from Lancaster University. Duncan first reminisced on life before Digimap, and how difficult it was to get hold of maps and spatial data. After subscribing they have concentrated more heavily on the data downloaded from Digimap in the Geography Department. Duncan and Gemma took us through the various exercises the students were given using data downloaded from Digimap at each stage of their degree. Duncan stated that “Digimap has underpinned Undergraduate teaching in GIS at Lancaster for 15 years…”

[iframe src=”//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/x19korif1d1aGZ” width=”595″ height=”485″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” style=”border:1px solid #CCC; border-width:1px; margin-bottom:5px; max-width: 100%;” allowfullscreen]

Despite showing how important Digimap is and has been in studying and teaching all four of the presentations contained mentions of what they’d like to see in the future and a final challenge from Duncan to stay relevant in a world with an increasing amount of alternatives. We have heard this challenge and are working with those who fund the service to make sure our offering stays up-to-date and continues to deliver what academia wants. However we would like to remind all users of Digimap to keep letting us know what you want from the service so we have enough evidence to shape future developments in the right way.

A final thank you to all those who gave a presentation, the Institute of Geography for providing a venue, and to all the attendees; we felt it was a very successful event and look forward to the next one in 2017.

If you have any questions, comments or feedback on this post then let us know:

  • Email: edina@ed.ac.uk

Digimap dataset updates September 2016

A number of datasets available through the Ordnance Survey collection in Digimap have been updated in September.

OS Terrain 50 showing Ben Nevis
OS Terrain 50 showing Ben Nevis

The tables below list the datasets that have been updated recently.

OS Data Download:

Product Name OS Publication Date
OS MasterMap Topography Layer June 2016
OS MasterMap Integrated Transport Layer June 2016
OS Terrain 50 (DTM) July 2016
OS Terrain 50 (Contours) July 2016
OS VectorMap Local July 2016
1:25,000 Scale Colour Raster September 2016
1:50,000 Scale Colour Raster September 2016


OS Roam:

Product Name OS Publication Date
OS VectorMap Local Raster July 2016
OS VectorMap Local July 2016
1:25,000 Scale Colour Raster September 2016
1:50,000 Scale Colour Raster September 2016


The data product updates help page is kept up to date with all dataset updates in the Ordnance Survey collection.

If you have any questions about the dataset updates or Digimap please contact us:

  • Phone: 0131 650 3302
  • Email: edina@ed.ac.uk

New MasterMap style in OS Roam

This summer our cartographic team have been busy working on a new style for OS MasterMap Topography layer. These are the maps displayed at the three most detailed zoom levels in Digimap OS Roam. The original style, created more than ten years ago, followed the official style published by Ordnance Survey and has undergone little change since its creation. Later this year Ordnance Survey are making significant changes to the underlying MasterMap data so we thought it was high time the cartography was refreshed to give it a more modern feel.

The design brief had three broad requirements:

  • make it look ‘nicer’!
  • tone down the colours to allow annotations to stand out more
  • use the same colours as OS VectorMap Local, the second most detailed data product

The images below show the original and new styling for a number of areas which highlight the improvements that have been made in both urban and rural areas.

Changes to styling in urban areas:

MasterMap urban original stylingMasterMap urban new styling

The colours in urban areas have been muted, removing the large areas of yellow and making ‘unclassified’ land appear with hatching rather than as blank areas on the map.

Improvements in text styling:

MasterMap original text stylingMasterMap updated text styling

Text labels have been updated to emphasise building names and reduce the size of the labels for named urban areas.

Updated rural styling:

MasterMap original rural stylingMasterMap updated rural styling

Styling in rural areas with mixed land use is a challenge as there are multiple types which need to be conveyed to the user. We have increased the number of shades of green and improved the symbol spacing and placement in order to improve the appearance of these areas. Additionally we have changed the fill colour for tracks allowing them to be more easily distinguished from paved roads.

Updated foreshore styling:

MasterMap original foreshore stylingMasterMap updated foreshore styling

Foreshore areas now display using the yellow ‘sand’ colour, making them far easier to visualise.

We hope you like the new style, however the original style can still be accessed from the Basemap menu in OS Roam:

OS Roam MasterMap basemap options



If you have any questions about the updates or Digimap please contact us:

  • Phone: 0131 650 3302
  • Email: edina@ed.ac.uk

Dataset updates Summer 2016

A number of datasets available through the Ordnance Survey collection in Digimap have been updated over the summer as show in the tables below.

OS Data Download:

Product Name OS Publication Date
OS MasterMap Topography Layer June 2016
OS VectorMap Local Raster July 2016
OS Terrain 5 (DTM) July 2016
OS Terrain 5 (Contours) July 2016
OS Open Names July 2016
Points of Interest June 2016
Code-Point with Polygons July 2016
Code-Point August2016
Code-Point Open August2016


OS Roam:

Product Name OS Publication Date
OS MasterMap Topography Layer June 2016


The data product updates help page is kept up to date with all dataset updates in the Ordnance Survey collection.

If you have any questions about the dataset updates or Digimap please contact us:

  • Phone: 0131 650 3302
  • Email: edina@ed.ac.uk

GeoForum 2016: Booking Now Open

We are now taking bookings for EDINA’s GeoForum 2016 with this year’s event being held a the University of Edinburgh on the 7th of September.

kim traynor [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
kim traynor [CC BY-SA 2.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Reserve your place now:

GeoForum 2016 Booking

GeoForum is a free all day event aimed at lecturers, researchers and support staff who promote and support the use of geospatial data and services at their institution. Throughout the day we there will be talks and demonstrations to inform you of current geospatial developments at EDINA and the wider community. It is also an opportunity to give EDINA feedback on the services we provide and discuss geospatial issues with the team.

Full details of this years event will and the programme will appear on the website when available:

GeoForum 2016

This year we will be introducing some changes to the geospatial data services offered by EDINA to the academic community. These include new Ordnance Survey data products and updated licence agreements for most of the Digimap Collections.  We also hope to present some case studies from staff and students who have been using data from Digimap and the other geospatial services from EDINA.

The conference will be located in the University of Edinburgh’s geography department on Drummond Street.  We will also be highlighting what we have done over the summer to improve Digimap.

The conference is free to attend and runs from 10:00 till 16:15, for all the details and to book your place please visit the conference website: GeoForum 2016

Please contact us if you have any questions:

  • Email: edina@ed.ac.uk

Find out what happened at last year’s event: GeoForum 2015

New Digimap Licence Agreements

We are now at the start of a new academic year and Digimap has new licence agreements in place for the Ordnance Survey, Geology and Historic Map and Data Collections. You may have noticed already that you have been asked to agree to the licence again when you logged in.  This is because some of the terms are different and you are required to agree to these new terms prior to accessing the data within the service.

When you login you will notice the Licence Agreements button at the top right of the home page.

Licence Agreement Button

Clicking on this will allow to you to view the licences you have agreed to and to agree to those you have not yet agreed to.

New Licence Agreements 2016

If a Collection has a new licence, the applications (e.g. Roam and Data Download) in that Collection will also appear grey. By trying to access an application which has a new licence, you will automatically be taken through the process of agreeing to it if you have not yet done so.

All you need to do is accept the licence and restate your purpose for using the service (which may or may not have changed since you agreed to the previous licence) and you will have access to the service once more.

If you have any questions or need any help or guidance have a look at the Agreeing to Licences for Digimap Collections section half way down the following help page:

Or send us an email:

  • Email: edina@ed.ac.uk