As the course leaders say, it is no good coming up with creative and inventive assessment ideas if we don’t have, or can’t use, the technology to implement them.
I was interested to see these screenshots of assessment options available in the edX platform, and particular that there was an option for inputting Maths expressions:
To me, these look so much like ‘Things you can do with HTML Forms” 😄
Anyway, this was my comment:
“The Math Expression Input is something that is not always available and would be very useful for science and maths courses.”
Someone else had a good comment,
In terms of the feedback expected in my discipline – is this not the same as in any discipline? Timely, relevant, constructive, actionable? Im sure i can be proven wrong but not sure there is a discipline where this wouldn’t be the ideal. As for platform, i have spent time looking across cousera, future learn and edx and these things all tend to achieve similar things and whilst edx, to me, seems the best its perhaps about choosing a platform (or running with one you have been given) and making the most of the functions it offers.
A Mind Map on the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Educational Assessment
I found this interesting mind map on Wikimedia Commons:

A Mind Map on the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Educational Assessment. Image by Paily, M.U. via Wikimedia Commons. Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
(Header Image: Educational Postcard: "Technology is allowing us to see richer, deeper assessment opportunities from students." Ken Whytock, via Flickr. Licence: CC BY-NC 2.0 The image for this postcard comes from a modified clipart picture)
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